i thought i lost u

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Warning for this chap : contains a kissing scene with a brief discription.
It was the match day against the american team the unicorn. Eric was not picking up Jennifer's calls so before the match started Jennifer went inside the stadium building to find Eric. She spotted him around the corner but hid behind the wall when she heard the word surgery. After a moment Silvia also arrived there. "Hey!"
"Shh" Jennifer shushed her. Silvia gave a confused look and nodded. They both together heard Eric's and Bobby's conversation.
"Promise me u will have that surgery after today. U can't push yourself too much." Bobby was insisting Eric.
"Yes I will but today I want to play with all I have got." Eric replied. Jennifer came out of hiding and ran to Eric and Bobby along with Silvia. "What are u guys  talking about?" Silvia asked.
"What surgery Eric? Tell me."
"Its uh."
"Eric found out a few days ago that his body has still not healed completely after the accident he had. The doctors are insisting on having a second surgery but there's a 50-50 chance that it will be successful. Even if it turns out to be successful there is a slim chance that he will be able to play soccer." Bobby explained the girls. Both the girls gasped .
"U wanted to say that to me yesterday? Thats why u called me. But u Lied. U said u were being called for pro youth league."
"It wasn't a total lie. He did get an invitation from pro youth soccer league organization."bobby replied for Eric.
"Yes jenny and I am so sorry I snapped at u." he took a step forward and held her hand. "u know I can't be selfish with u. All I want is to see u happy so will u forgive me?"
"U don't need to apologize idiot." Jennifer hugged him tight. " don't play this match. I can't risk loosing u."
Eric immediately pulled back from the embrace. A ditermined look hovering on his face. "If its my last match I want to play it with all I have got. So promise me u won't tell mark and others about my condition."
Jennifer didnt reply as she saw him walking away with Bobby.

The match between unicorn and inazuma Japan started. Eric scored the first goal within seconds using his pegasus shot. He had this aggressive look on his face that Jennifer hated.If u have decided to do this. I will follow u to the end.
The match was going neck to neck. Eric passed the ball between mark and Dylan who were running side by side ."Don't think u are the only one who has leveled up." Jennifer intercepted the ball with a jump.
Mark grinned looking at her. "U have gotten better Jen."
"I know right?" Jennifer shouted back running towards the goal. She dodged all the players. "Hellfire Rain."(new hissatsu 😀) She shouted twisting the ball with her legs and then kicking it up and doing a volley. Five meteors on fire clashed with the ball as it speeded towards the goal and it went in.
Jennifer smirked.
"Fuck u aregent." Dylan shouted playfully as she blew a flying kiss towards him. Then again Dylan and mark used a combo shoot unicorn boost and scored. Then Shawn and Nathan used their new hissatsu 'the hurricane' and evened the score again. Eric was taking it hard. He was pushing and pushing himself. Jennifer always kept and eyes on him just in case his injury plays it bad. He was with no doubt a magician in the field. His moves were spontaneous and controlled. Next mark , Dylan and Eric used a new tri combo hissatsu. (and I forgot its name again.😑)
Making the score 3-2. Jennifer pressed her lips in a hard line. Coach made a substitution. He put in Caleb and Scotty. Caleb told them a way to defeat their Tri combo shoot and succeeded. The match again kept on going. Eric fell down while tackling the ball from Shawn. Jennifer's first instinct was to run to him but she stopped herself. On the field he is my rival.
The match went on and on. Inzuma Japan got back the score with axel's explosive screw. After sometime the coach of the unicorn told Eric to get off the field while he put in a substitution.
"No coach. This is a special match for me. Please let me play till the end." Eric pleaded.
"U r exhausted."
"No I am not I can still go on. Please let me stay. I can still..."
"Its my job to protect my players." His coach deadpanned.
"So u knew about my operation."
Eric looked back at mark(Evans) and then at Jennifer. She gave him a sad smile. Eric looked back at the ground and stepped out of the field. The match ended when Kyle shot the last shoot."thunder night." And scored. After the end of match. Eric stood up from the bench. Mark ran up to him. "I wish I could play till the end." Eric said
"No. Even when u were on bench ur intensity was still with us on the field so I felt like I was playing with u all along." Mark put a hand on his shoulder.
"I watched u guys play and thats when I knew. I want to play soccer. I am not giving up. I will work hard and come back." Eric smiled. ".let's meet again on the field someday mark." Eric extended his hand. Mark grinned and shook it.
"Yeah sure."
Looking at the boys something inside Jennifer clicked. She knew this was the moment. Its been enough. She dosent care for any stupid nightmare. A smirk appeared on her beautiful face. Dylan walked to her. "I was coming to say congrats but that look on ur face. What are u planning to do?"
"Oh nothing. Just thinking of surprising the shit out of everyone. "
She started walking towards Eric. When she was close enough. She dragged Eric to the exact middle of the field holding his wrist. "What are u doing jenny?" Eric asked her confused. The whole stadium watched them with curiosity. She stepped forward so they were standing close.
"Yesterday when u left I thought I lost u and it didnt scare me. It terrified me and I realized that I was a fool to pretend my heart doesn't belong to. So getting straight to the point." she bent on her knee holding his hand.( masculine much😛) " will u be my boyfriend?"
Litteraly the whole stadium gasped.
(Just pretend that they heard it which is practically impossible.) Eric's mouth fell wide open. Never in his life he could have seen this coming. When he didn't reply for two three second Jennifer whispered. "The whole world is watching us and most probably my parents will be watching too. So don't u dare reject me. It will be humiliating and... "
"I love u." Eric spoke loud and clear. Jennifer stood up with a grinn and hugged Eric" i love u too."
Axel slipped his hands in his pocket holding on to a box of bracelet. Yes he was planning to give it to her today but he was too late. He knew he lost the girl. Caleb and shawn looked away as well.
"is this really happening?" Eric asked in a shaky voice. Jennifer tried to pull back but he didn't let her go. "Two more minutes. Please. Just let me soak in the moment."
Jennifer laughed as the whole stadium cheered for them. They could hear distinct chattering of some people shouting stuff like they are so cute and I want a girl like that.

It was sunset time. The teams left the newly committed couple alone and went back to their lodging area. The stadium was empty. Eric was leaning on a railing while Jennifer was standing beside her.
"u didnt do it because of yesterday right?"
"Of course not Eric. Let me tell u a secret."
"But promise u won't judge me."
"I won't."
"That day when I kissed u at that party when I was with mark saying that I thought u were mark. U remember it?"
"Oh the best day of my life. I remember it ofcorse."
Jennifer chuckled. "I knew it was u."
"What??" Eric asked again hanging his jaw.
Jennifer playfully stuck her tounge out winking. Eric smiled. "Maybe we can re live that moment."
He stood up straight and put one hand on her cheek tucking one strand on hair behind her ear. He did the most obvious thing and leaned in slowly closing the distance. His movement felt too slow to Jennifer. Her stomach was fluttery. He breathing went fast.The sun was setting behind them. As their lips brushed past echother Jennifer's world cracked open. She didn't know how much she was craving for this moment until now. Eric pressed his lips on hers and kissed her. Jennifer kissed back sharing the passion. As cliché as it may sound but the butterflies in her stomach were doing summersault by now. Somewhere deep in her abdomen a muscle churned in a sweet way. She had the same effect on her boyfriend. Eric's hands made its way to her waist while Jennifer wrapped hers around his neck to his hair. Grabbing on it she deepened the kiss. Eric pushed his tounge on her lower lips. Jennifer playfully denied him entrance. Eric groaned and pushed harder. Jennifer smirked. Eric then slowly slipped his hands under her shirt and moved his hand down her spine. Jennifer shivered and gasped. Eric pushed his tounge inside her mouth as their tounge connected and swirled around each other. After sometime they broke the kiss as their forehead rested against each other.
"Finally!" Jennifer whispered.
"Finally indeed." Eric grinned his eyes still closed and so were Jennifer's .
"I love u little devil." He smiled.
"I love u too magician."

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