we wont make it

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"But the match was supposed to be tmrw." Mark shouted.
"What did u do Ray Dark?" Jennifer growled.
"The match is preponed. U don't have any chance." Ray dark smirked.
"Tch.So we were in for it from start. I would have never helped them if I knew this would happen." Caleb nonchalantly said putting his hand behind his head.
"Caleb!" David whispered to him as he was hurting the Italians feelings.
"There's no point bickering." Mark looked at the clock. "Its still 2:16 we can make it if we move now." Mark suggested as Fidio offered to help by lending his teams caravan. The players started running out.
"I'll be back. U guys go ahead."Jennifer shouted running towards the building. The payers looked at eachother but continued running. They sat in the Italian caravan as Jennifer arrived just after a minute with a file in her hand and sat beside Fidio. "What's that file?" Jude asked her.
"I'll tell u later"
"Its the same file isn't it?" Fidio whispered to her. She nodded in reply. After sometime the driver informed them that they will be able to take the ferri that leaves at 2:30 but if they miss it the next leaves at 4:30. The players relaxed a bit as they still had time but it didnt last much Longer as further on the road an accident had happened so there was a traffic jam. The six of them ran out and darted towards the sea shore. While running Jennifer was on the road's side. Caleb held her arm pulled her to the other side, himself running on the roads side so Jennifer was safe from the speeding cars on the road. This small gesture made Jennifer smile to herself.
Conscience- aww what a gentle man. Why are u even crushing on Axel? He is better than the guy who is keeping u hanging and just playing around with ur feelings.
Jennifer- he is not doing that. Shut up. I have a bigger problem with me right now.
Jennifer shook her head clearing her thoughts.
when they finally reached the port the Ferri was standing there. "We will make it." Mark grinned just on cue the ferri started leaving. "Hey wait!!" Jennifer shouted but it was of no use. They could see this game slipping away from their hands and couldn't do anything about it.
"Dammit!" Jennifer stomped on the ground.
"let's go we can watch the match from the port organization building's television." Fidio said and they all went in the building. They were sitting on chairs in front of the television. "They are lacking an ace striker, an ace goalkeeper their all three play makers and the ace midfielders. How's your team going to hold up?" Fidio asked the five distressed players. After a pause Jennifer spoke up. "I know its hard but I trust them. They can do it." Jennifer whispered leaning forward putting her elbows on her knees and intertwining her hands.
"I wish there was a way could we tell them that they can do it." Mark sighed.
Jennifer sat up straight and slapped her forehead. "I can do that."
"How exactly? None of us have our mobile on us." Caleb rolled his eyes.
"I Don't need a mobile I am an anodite baka." she smirked and closed her eyes concentrating. Slowly her body started to glow and when she opened her eyes they were glowing pink , not just her eyes ball. Her whole eyes were glowing pink. Fidio's jaw dropped on the ground. The rest four players looked at the Television .Axel fell on ground clutching his head. Jennifer started speaking. "Listen Axel. We are sorry but we won't be able to make it to the game but don't worry. I trust in u guys, we trust in u guys. I know u guys will do well. U guys are as much part of inazuma eleven as we are so show em whose the boss."
She stopped speaking and closed her eyes again. Axel heard this all and stood up looking around in confusion. Nathan ran to him and asked if he was okay. Axel told him that he heard Jennifer's voice in his head and narrated the whole message to the team as they got ready for the match. On the port Jennifer opened her now normally brown eyes.
"Now before I go insane u need to tell me what was that." Fidio asked her.
Jennifer explained him the whole story about what she is.
"Cant u teleport us there?" Fidio asked her.
"I am still not expert at my power control , I might end u guys up in Antarctica. I did teleportation once but it was a total coincidence that it worked. Plus teleportation needs lots of energy . I don't think I will be able to teleport these many people."

The match went on. Argentina scored two goals using hellfire but Darren stopped it on the third go. Nathan got hurt and had to drop out and go to the bench. The forwards tried to score but were blocked by so called invincible defense of Argentina. Inazuma Japan looked like they had lost all their hoped. They were looking very down. Suddenly Cami got up and started saying something but it was not audible from the television. Jennifer was fiddling with her bracelet that Acqlina had given her. I know u can do it guys c'mon. After cami stopped shouting the inazuma Japan looked better than before. Scotty, Tod and Jack dribbled through the field and broke through their tactic passing the ball to Axel. Axel, Xavier,Austin and Kyle used a new hissatsu GrandFire and scored a goal.

Jennifer and others shot up from their seat. "They did it"she grinned along with Mark. Just then the whistle blew declaring the end of the match. For the first time Inazuma Japan had lost, the players on the field were a bit upset but the ones on port were not. Afterall their teammates had lost with dignity. And this loss wasn't a loss for them.

When the five players finally reached the lodge they complimented the players and apologized for not being there. Tod told them that Cami was the one who supported them , made them remember inazuma Japan's soccer and she was the star of the match. She became flustered when both mark and Jennifer complimented her. Finally when they went in the lodge Axel walked beside Jennifer "u scared me today. Next time u go somewhere just inform someone."
"Like u care." Jennifer snapped at him and walked ahead to Caleb leaving him dumbfounded. Axel had been trying to keep his feeling down so as to not get distracted from the tournament but staying away from her was harder than he imagined and now when she snapped at him even though they hadn't seen each other in days it pricked his heart whereas Jennifer has been feeling distant from him lately. Her attraction for the blonde guy was fading away. Maybe after all it was just a stupid little crush.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now