u r Shawn frost?

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The raimon eleven were welcomed in alpine with pleasure.
"I can't believe the raimon eleven is here."
"Can I get an autograph?"
"Yeah me too."
"U guys have heard of us?" Mark asked the alpine kids.
"Yes of course we have."
"Mark we are not here to play celebrity. U r forgetting something."Jennifer smacked the back of his head.
"Oh ya sorry."
"Do u guys know where we might find Shawn frost?" Coach Lina asked.

"He must be skating outside." One of the alpine kid said.
"No he must be skeeing." Other one said.
"No guys I think he went board sliding."
"That guy does skeeing, skating and board sliding along with bear hunting?" Nathan asked.

"Am I the only one who thinks he is some sort of superhero?" Jennifer whispered.
"I agree with u." Nathan whispered back.
They soon heard footsteps. "He is here." The tiny girl of alpine ran to the corridor.

"Hey Shawn come fast we have guests waiting for u." The girl spoke with excitement. The raimon team focused their gaze on the gate. But as he entered everyone went in shock. "Cheesy guy?" Jennifer tilted her head.

"U guys again?" Shawn said.
"U r the legendary striker?" Kevin asked him.

"Did my size disappointed u?" Shawn asked innocently. " That happens alot but well what u see is what u get. So hi there big fella I m Shawn frost." Shawn extended is hand but Kevin tch-ed and went out. "I will talk to him." Jennifer ran out to Kevin. He was standing beside a tree looking at the horizon. Jennifer went and stood beside him. "This is so beautiful. Axel would have loved it." Jennifer smiled.
"But him not being here is not Shawn's fault Kevin."

"I know." Kevin punched the tree beside him and closed his eyes shut.
"I know it's wrong for me to hate that guy for no reason but accepting him would mean that he is taking the place of axel. Raimon has only one ace striker other than u and it's axel. It will be unfair to Axel. U know he worked so hard to come this far with us."

"I know. I miss him too."
"Then how are u not mad at the coach or Shawn. How are u so calm. U were close to Axel too."

"Because being mad would mean accepting the fact that Axel's not coming back and I don't want to do that. I know he will come back. It's not the end. As for coach u don't have any idea how furious I m on her and Shawn is not replacing Axel. No one can. Just think of him as an addition to our team and when Axel comes back we will be stronger."
With that Jennifer headed back to the building of alpine jr high.

The team was walking downstairs. Willy was shivering. "It's so cold."
"Actually today the weather is a bit better." The alpine kid explained. "Usually it's colder."

Jennifer slipped on one of the stairs but Shawn caught her. "Careful there princess." Jennifer got up. "Don't call me that."she rolled her eyes.

Suddenly some snow started falling of the roof and shawn scooted down
Shivering with fear. "Are u okay? " Celia asked him but he didn't reply. The little alpine girl hopped on to Shawn. "Its okay Shawn it was just some snow coming of the roof."

Shawn got up slowly.
"U r such a scaredy cat. Princess word suits u more than it suits me."

The team went into the snow field. Jennifer made a snowball and threw it at Eric. "its been long since we had a snowball fight eagle." She shouted as Eric also made a ball and threw it at her starting a snowball fight among all the players. Meanwhile Shawn mark and coach lina sat inside an igloo discussing about the aliens.

Coach lina ordered the players to have a match against alpine so every player took their position. Seeing shawn standing far behind near the goal Kevin asked. "Isn't he supposed to be a forward?"

" he is a forward. Its just our starting formation."

Jennifer and Jude looked at each other and shrugged. The kick off started. Kevin started dribbling towards alpine's goal with aggression but shawn used an amazing ice defense technique and stopped Kevin stealing the ball. So he is an amazing defender.

He passed to his teammate but Nathan snatched the ball and passed back to Kevin who used dragon crash but to everyone's surprise Shawn stopped that shoot with one leg. "Holy mother of Jesus." Jennifer shouted.

Suddenly Shawn's clam grey eyes turned bright orange, his hair became spiky. He looked like a total different person. "Is that all u guys have got?u bunch of snails I'll show u what soccer is." He shouted in a raspy voice and started dribbling.

Jennifer ran beside him and they both went shoulder to shoulder , pushing each other. "I didnt expect u to be this good gorgeous. But u r not good enough." Shawn smirked and hit her hard making her stagger back. Bastard. "tch".

Shawn got past Nathan and Jude who together tried to stop him . He even dodged bobby's killer slide. Then it came. He shot the eternal blizzard which broke through marks god hand. "u r so good."

Mark cheered. "Thats it. stop the match. I needed to check Shawn's skills and I did it." coach interrupted them but Kevin got aggressive. He refused to stop and kicked the ball at Shawn who stopped it again. "Thats right. I want to have more fun. Stop my shoot" Shawn gave an evil laugh and shot eternal blizzard again which broke through tori's the tower then jack's the wall and headed towards mark. Mark used majin the hand and barely saved it by deflecting the ball.

"What the. Two defense along with majin the hand barely saved that shot?" Jennifer frowned.
"U look impressed." Jude stated.
"Impressed? Maybe. Jealous? Definitely."
"Don't worry all u have to do is ask him sweetly and he will tell u his secret."
"What makes u say that?" Jennifer rose her eyebrows.

"Careful there 'princess'. Didnt expect u to be this good 'gorgeous' . I doubt he even knows your real name" Jude snickered making double quotes in air at the words princess and gorgeous receiving a playful shove from Jennifer.
"Use your observing skills in the match genius." She rolled her eyes at him.

Lina ended the match and asked Shawn to officially join the inazuma caravan. Shawn's eyes turned back to grey and his hair became normal and he agreed to join the caravan.

The team was inside alpine's building when Celia came to them showing them a footage of the Gemini storm challenging alpine Jr high.
"They are coming guys. Better be ready."

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now