jude's decision

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Next day the raimon 11 were practicing like usual in the lightning training center. Jennifer mark And Axel were standing side by side when Celia came running. "Results of royal vs Zeus are out."she said.

"Oh yeah. By how much did royal won?" Mark asked punching axels palm.
"The score was 10-0" Celia's bangs were hiding her eyes."

"Zeus was that bad?" Jenny raised her eyebrows.
"No jenny royal was that good."mark opposed.
"Royal lost." Celia whispered.
"Hun? U r kidding right Celia?" Mark asked.

"Someone poisoned them or something? How did they loose their first game?" Kevin joined them.
"Celia what the heck is going on?' Mark shouted.

"They are saying Zeus had some amazing move. Royal didn't even get a single chance to fight back ".

" what was Jude doing? Didn't he play?' " Jennifer asked again.

"He was injured from the last weeks game he had with us. By the time he got in game it was too late. All players were finished.The team is in the hospital right now. They were seriously injured."
"What? I need to go." Jennifer said dashing off.

"Where??" Mark called from back.
"Hospital" her voice trailed off. Jennifer was running non stop. Finally she'd started to understand Jude and Joe had become kind of a frenemy. She didn't want them to be in pain. She didn't know herself why seeing Jude was important to her at that moment. Maybe because he was so much like her. Broken, alone and deprived of friendship.

she wanted to save him. when she reached the hospital she was panting really hard. "Where's the royal's soccer team?" She asked at the reception.
"Room E01,2,3 first floor." She got the information and ran up. She saw Jude standing near joe's and David's bed. "Jude" she whispered. Jude ,joe and david all turned towards her. "Argent, are u here to mock me?" He said not able to look in her eyes.

"I may act like a bitch but I m not heartless. What happened?"
"They crushed us." Jennifer noticed Jude's hands clenched in a tight fist."and I couldn't do anything. I failed my team, I promised mark I will play with him in the finals. I failed him too.

I m a loser. He shut his eyes tightly. He is going too hard on himself. It was as if jenny's body started working on its own. Jude felt a warm body against his. Jennifer's arms were around his neck. "Wh....what are u doing?" Jude stammered. "It looked like u needed one." Jude could hear the smile in her voice." Don't think too much. Sometimes its okay to be vulnerable."

Jude never knew this girl could be so sweet and kind. He couldn't believe it was the same fierce girl he played with but the hug felt good. He felt his cold heart warming up a bit though his hands remained at his sides. Jennifer pulled back and a sad smile was evident on her face. Joe was sensing the seriousness of the surrounding and decided to lighten up the mood a bit.

"That's not fair. I m the one who saved ur life, I m the one who is injured and Jude gets a hug?"
Jennifer smirked at him and moved towards his bed. She sat facing him. "Give me ur hand" she asked."I m too young to get married. You will have to wait for some years babe." Joe winked at her. Jennifer rolled her eyes.

"Shut up and do as I say." He chuckled "yeah take it." With that he caught her extended palm. Jennifer closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A pink lining again formed around her fingers and she gritted her teeth. Joe felt his body and muscles relaxing. "What was that?" Joe asked surprised when she stopped. "That was my thanku ." Jennifer winked and did the same thing with David.

"C'mon Jude let's go to ur school for a bit." She got up "but..."
"No...no ifs and buts." She started dragging him with her. "Take care joe, David."
On her way mark called her . "where are u?"
"Heading to royal with Jude."
"I'll be there in a minute wait for me."

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now