the last match.

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Days have gone by.Though inazuma Japan won from Brazil , Italy had lost from the Catrol team little Gigant. Just two days ago Mark and the team found out that Little Gigant's coach was none other than David Evans. Garfield was now arrested and the only thing going in mind of every player of Japan was winning finals. Nelly came back as a manager of Inazuma Japan and Jennifer was more than greatful for that. Right now the Japan team had ended their practice with the Orpheus who were there to help inazuma Japan to train for the finals.
Japan was returning to their lodge when a voice stopped them. "Missed me?"
The voice made mark and Jennifer turn around quick as a lightning. "Eric!!" Jennifer shouted and ran into his arms as he snaked his hands around her waist.
When they let go of each other the team took their turn to welcome back Eric. "How did your surgery go?" Axel asked him.
"Better than expected. It was successful and I can still play soccer." Eric grinned.
"That's some good news." Axel nodded.
"Your match is tomorrow right?" Eric asked them.
"Yes." Jennifer chirped.
"So do you have a free room for me?"
"Yes we do have a spare room. C'mon on in." Jennifer pecked his lips and took his bag from his hand.
"You don't need to lift my bag."
"No. U just had a surgery. You need rest." She walked inside as the team followed.
At night the team was all gathered in Jennifer's room talking about the match tomorrow. Out of the corner of her eyes Jennifer noticed Eric staring at her.
"stop staring. You creep." she smacked his shoulder.
"Hey I am not staring I was just thinking something."
"Yeah what?"
"That you were worth the wait." Eric told her in a loving tone.
A blush creeped up Jennifer's cheeks.
"And what in me was worth waiting for?"
Her smile danced across the room.
Eric started thinking of some poetic and beautiful thing to say but the only answer that came in his head was."what wasn't?"
For Jennifer nothing could have been more poetic. Her cheeks became hot as she turned her head to the side.
"You are cute when you blush." Eric laughed.
"Oi love birds. Stop talking among yourselves." Caleb scoffed. He was jealous of Eric. Eric had the perfect girl on his side after all.

The next day everyone woke up early in the morning to do some warm up practice before the match.
Its the finals. We will finally get to defeat the world. We are playing against your best friends team grandpa. Bless us.Jennifer looked at the sky. When it was found that David Evans was alive she hoped that maybe her Grandfather was also alive but sadly that was not the case. When Jennifer went to the bench to drink some water Nelly walked to her.
"Listen Jennifer."
"Tody is going to be an important day for you."
"Yeah its important for all of us."
"No. I am not talking about the match. There is something that I hid from you. You are going to find it out today. Be prepared."
Jennifer frowned. "What do you mean?"
Nelly didn't reply and walked away as Axel called Jennifer back to practice.

The team reached the stadium. They were in their locker room getting ready. After changing Jennifer walked to the boys locker room.
"Its the finals guys. We are going against the world. Let's play our soccer and give everything we have got. Let's win this shit."

"Axel, mark, Austin let's goooo." Jennifer screamed as the four players started running around the ball creating a tornado.
"Jet steam!" They chorused.
"Spirit hand.!" Rococo the captain of little gigant used his hissatsu but the ball went in and just then the referee blew the whistle. The stadium went silent. Jennifer fell on her knees and looked up at the score board. Inazuma Japan-3 little Gigant-2.
"We won.!" She whispered.
Mark jumped high in air along with Jennifer. "We won against the world" she cried out loud. Shawn came and jumped on her followed by Axel and mark and Xavier and kyle and slowly everyone.
"My bones are fragile idiots." Jennifer shouted making all of them laugh. The stadium was cheering for them. It was a feeling one can not describe. A small knot in stomach and a large flow of adrenaline. The team ran to the coach.
"You guys still have many flaws that you need to conquer but for now we can say you guys are the most decent players in the world."

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now