royal is here

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Kyle texted his dad saying that he and jenny will come home late while Jennifer quietly sat on the grass near the football ground. She was observing raimon's football team. None of the players looked like athletes. Fear was clearly visible on their faces. Suddenly the floor started shaking.

"Looks like royal is here" she heard one of the students whisper. After some seconds a big tank like thing stopped in front of raimons gate.A Bunch of bodyguard looking like people came out . each with a football with them. A red carpet rolled out of the tank's entrance. "Why are they coming like fucking celebrities??" Jennifer frowned."this is so dramatic"kyle sighed."no kidding".

A guy with dreadlocks and weird goggles came out of the tank first followed by 10 other boys who seemed to be royal's soccer team. "Ooye let's play a game."kyle nudged her sister.
"Yeah what game??"
"Its called spot the cute one"

Jennifer just raised her eyebrows at him.
"C'mon don't tell me u don't think any of the royals player are cute"kyle nudged her again.

"Thats exactly what I think. None of them are cute."
"U r lyinggggg" kyle nudged her again and again. "Stop that" Jennifer replied with annoyance. "Sooo?? Who's it??"kyle raised his eyebrows. Jennifer took a good look at the royals team who were now warming up."The goalkeeper looks kinda cute." She shrugged." Nice choice" kyle said sounding satisfied.

suddenly one of the royal's player kicked the ball at mark. it hit him in the stomach. Though mark managed to catch the ball but it kept on rolling between his palms forcing him to drop it. "That must have hurt" kyle looked at the brown haired goalie." Um hm".jennifer

Soon the match started. Out of all the raimons player only mark was looking really hyped up. Jennifer stared at mark. There was something about that guy that made her curious. The refree blew the whistle. A guy on raimons team who was wearing glasses passed the ball to a pink haired guy who advanced on the field quite easily. Dodging a slide by two players of royal. "Thats the best in this country?? Don't make me laugh" Jennifer stated blankly. "to me it looks like they are making fun of raimon. I mean they were pretty good during warm up."kyle told her.

Suddenly the pink hair guy made a shoot. It looked like it was definitely going in but the goalie of royal jumped and saved the goal."did I say he is cute??scratch that he is totally hot." Jennifer smirked looking at kyle who just snorted and concentrated back on the game.

(From now on the words written in italic will be Jennifer's thoughts)." guys get ready for royal" the dreadlock-googles guy shouted as royal started advancing on the field.They made perfect passes and suddenly seemed to become professionals. Raimon was getting worked up. Royal was good. After the first half the score was 10-0.

"They are so gonna loose this one. What's the point of watching let's go back" kyle started getting up but was dragged down by his shirt's sleeves by Jennifer. she was concentrating on mark who looked like he was motivating his team. Kyle followed her gaze." U r staring at our captain" he smirked at her.

"I can't decide if that guy is stubborn or just borderline stupid." She replied frowning."Maybe both." Kyle shrugged. The second half started And royal's plays got worse ....instead of aiming for the goal they started aiming for the players.

Every single one of them were badly hurt. What's up with those guys. after a while every raimon player was left lying on the field. Totally injured. Thats when the players started aiming for mark. They were using hissatsu techniques. Mark was being continuously hit. He was lying on the ground when one of the raimon student said."that's it?? We weren't able to score even one goal against them. Maybe we really are loosers.

Jennifer clenched her fist. "No we are not" shouted the goalkeeper who was now getting up. The chain of shoots aimed at his face started again. Suddenly the boy with blue hair and a ponytail jumped in front of the goal. Jenny gasped holding on tight to her brothers sleeves. Kyle looked at her and smiled "she really loves soccer."

He chuckled and thought to himself. Jennifer was too busy to hear him. Again a shot came marks way. But this time he caught it. Jennifer felt something appear around his hand but it vanished in a sec and mark was thrown inside the goal along with the ball. "thats enough" jennifer got up but kyle grasped her arm. "What are u doing??"

" Those guys deserve a slap." Jennifer growled at her brother. "We are new here jen ,u shouldn't get involved in this stuff plus we don't know how soccer works here."

"What do u mean how soccer works here.its a fucking sport. It is same in every part of the world. I can't see these shit heads using soccer to hurt anyone."she whisper shouted but stopped when she heard others whispering

"who is he?" "isn't he the new transfer student?" She turned around to see a guy with platinum hair entering the field. apparently the guy with glasses ran out of the field scared and this new guy was replacing him. at first he was stopped by the refree and raimons coach but then was allowed to play as royal accepted his substitution.mark fell into that guys arms."u took ur time Axel."he faintly smiled. As soon as the game started royal went again for deathzone. The new guy started running towards the ball but left everybody confused when he simply ran by its side.

While everyone thought that maybe the new kid is running away like that glasses one, Jennifer knew what he was doing."he thinks mark will save this goal and pass the ball to him. Is he insane? Mark is already beaten up." She whispered to kyle. "that mark guy is a stubborn one. I think he will save it." As the ball speeded towards mark a yellow hand like thing came out of his palm and he caught the ball surprising the whole school. kyle smiled "told ya". Jennifer just stared at mark with wide eyes.

"Go axel." mark made a long pass.Axel received the ball and jumped in air rolled around and shouted "FIRE TORNADO." Jennifer and kyle both abruptly stood up gasping. "Was that.."kyle mumbled

"Fire tornado???"Jennifer completed his sentence with the same amount of shock
"But that's your shoot.u r the one who invented it. How come this guy is using it??" kyle asked Jennifer.

"If u haven't noticed I am as shocked as u. Which means I don't know" Jennifer snapped at him. she turned towards Axel eyeing him. Who are u ??she thought.
after the fire tornado went inside the goal royal decided to forfit the game.

"What are they doing? This is so complicated" kyle touched his forehead in confusion. Raimons team gathered around Axel thanking him but Axel just took off his jersey and threw it in marks extended hand offering a hand shake. "This is as far as I go" he said and walked away from the field."Whao that guy has style." Kyle complimented. " more like arrogance." Jennifer stated still looking at him. "U don't have to be cold all the time u know. Plus stop staring at him. I understand he is shirtless but thats creepy." Kyle teased her.

"Shut up"
"Let's go home"
"No wait I'll be back"
"But...." before kyle could complete his sentence his sister started walking towards the team. "Hey mark" she shouted from afar.

"Jenny!!" He replied grinning.
"Who's that?" Nathan the guy with blue hair asked."thats my bench partner Jenny. She is new here"mark explained while the whole team was busy admiring her. "She's is cute" Steve a brunette guy thought and everybody turned towards him. "Did I say that aloud??" Steve asked embarrassed. Though every single player of raimon 11 were thinking the same thing.

" mark" jenny reached them "congrats" she extended her arm. Mark was about to shake it but noticed that his gloves were dirty. "I don't mind" Jennifer told him with a blank face, understanding his hesitation. Mark firmly gripped her hand unaware that this handshake was the starting of something big.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now