fight for me!

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The next day after practice Jennifer was heading to her room when Axel stopped her.
"Hey Argent"
"What is it Axel?"
"U called me Axel? U r sick or something?"
"Huh! This will end In a fight I can see that and I m tired so say what is it."
"Okay okay. Well I was heading home. Julia came back from the hospital a month ago. She will be happy if u come along."
"Yeah sure. I will love meeting her."
"I m going there for just five minutes though .u don't have to come if u r tired."
Jennifer rolled her eyes and held axels wrist tagging him along"I .said .I .am. coming."
As they reached his apartment and Axel opened the door Julia immediately ran coming to them. "Axel." She chirped.
"I have someone else for u with me little sister." Axel patted her head.
Jennifer came inside. "Allison?? Yay!I missed u." Julia jumped and hugged her around her thighs as she wasn't tall enough. "Hey Jules. I missed u too." Jennifer ruffled her hair. "And I have changed my name its not Allison anymore. Call me Jennifer."
"Jennifer? I like that name." Julia beamed  at the elder female.
Then aunty came asking Axel to give her the laundry clothes. Julia told Axel and Jennifer about what all she did in school. Axel packed some new clothes. "I should go now."  He said.
Julia immediately became sad. "But u just came. Stay for a while please." She clinged in to his jacket.
"Now don't be like that Julia. Your brother has to do some hard practice." Aunty told her softly.
"But I wanna talk to Jennifer. She has met me after so many years "
"I will come some other day Julia. okay? And I will stay for longer."
"Promise me u will come with axel everytime he comes home." Julia held out her pinky finger. Jennifer bent down
"Okay promise." She said wrapping her long pinky finger around her small ones.
On their way out Axel and Jennifer encountered axels father. Jennifer looked at the man. He looked very strict. "father?" Axel asked. "where u might be going at this hour?" His father asked him.
"back to the training camp father." His dad gave him a disappointed look.
"And who is this young lady?"
"Good evening sir. I m jennifer argent. Axels teammate."
His father nodded at her.Axel and Jennifer headed out. "U looking a bit worried." Jennifer told him.
"I m fine." axel replied coldly.
Next day at practice the forwards were practicing shooting. Austin went first. He used tiger drive but mark stopped it. "Thats all u got for me? Kick harder."
"I was just warming up." Austin lied.
"don't hold back its a serious practice going on here." Mark scolded him.
Next it was axels turn.
"Tighten ur gloves it is gonna hurt." Axel used his new hissatsu explosive screw." But mark stopped it too. "What was this Axel. I expect better from u. It was a girly shot."
"What did u just say." Jennifer shouted as a tick appeared on her forehead. "I will show u what a girly shot actually is." She used flaming phoenix and it broke through fist of justice." How about that?" She stuck out her tongue at mark.
"I didn't mean it in that way jenny." Mark sighed."well it was an amazing shot though.
After practice Jennifer was in her room when someone knocked on her door .
"Come in."
the person slides the door open. It was Axel.
"Oh hey there Mr. Arrogant."
"I was going home. Wanna come along?"
"Oh yeah right. Let's go." Jennifer nodded and got up. They both again headed to axel's house. Julia was waiting for them at the gate.
"U were waiting for us Julia?" Axel asked her
"Yes. I knew u will come at this hour."
"how was school?"
"it was fun. Me and miles played a lot and I had a maths test today. I got a hundred"
"My Jules is so smart." Jennifer Smiled.
"Wait I will show u the test paper." Julia skipped back Inside. Aunty appeared at the doorstep.
"Why did u call me urgently aunty?"
"Ur dad is inside. He wants to talk to u."
Axel became worried and a bit scared. Julia came running and showed the two teenagers her answersheet with a big 100 on the top.
Axel was distracted he didn't pay much attention to her.
"what happened are u not happy? U can smile at least" Julia said sadly.
"I will smile later sis." Axel patted her head and went inside.
"Ur brother is a bit busy. Why don't u show me ur room and tell me about school Julia?" Jennifer smiled and held Julia's hand.
"Yes yes yes come in." Julia dragged her inside.
jennifer was a bit concerned about Axel. Julia took jenny to her room and told her all about her school and friends. Slowly she got tiered and slept. Jennifer headed out of her room and saw Axel's door slightly open. But the room was dark. She walked and opened the door a little wider. Axel was sitting inside on his chair looking lost and sad.
Axel abruptly looked up. "Jennifer? Where is Julia?"
"She slept. She was tiered but are u okay? U look sad."
"No I m fine."
Jennifer pressed her lips in a hardline. She stepped in his room and closed the door. She took a chair and sat In front of him. "Don't give me that I am fine bullshit. Tell me what happened." She asked sternly.
Axel looked in her eyes. He sighed. "Dad is a doctor. He wants me to quit soccer permanently and go to Germany to become a doctor. He hasn't given me a choice. Looks like I will have to quit." He clenched his fist and teeth.
The thought of Axel leaving again terrified Jennifer. "But...but u cant Axel . U can't leave now."
"I said I don't have an option."
"U love this sport. U love ur team. U r not leaving I won't let u leave. Not this time."
"Do u think its easy for me?" Axel shouted punching the desk. "if there would have been a way I would have stayed."
"I will talk to ur father." Jennifer got up.
"No." Axel held her wrist.
"Why not ? Let me go Axel."
"I said no. Why do even care?"
"Why do I care?BECAUSE I LIKE YOU."  she gulped. "now u have another reason to stay. If u don't find this reason worth fighting for then when u walk out on us Axel don't look back cause I won't be waiting." whispering this Jennifer got up from the chair and headed out without even giving him one last glance.
Jennifer ran to the training camp. Tears filled her eyes on the way. As she entered her room. She leaned against the door and then slided down holding her hair.The whole night she couldnt sleep.The next day her eyes were red and puffed. She didnt feel so well.
"U okay Jennifer?" Celia asked her. Jennifer simply nodded. During breakfast she sat as far away from Axel as she could. During practice too she practiced near the opposite net as him. Austin and Axel were trying a new move by combining tiger drive and fireball storm. Axel was very irritated and snappy today and so was Jennifer. She was angry with him for not even trying to fight for the game he loves so much. She was also hurt thinking that he didnt even want to fight to stay with her. what was I thinking. I shouldn't have confessed to him. Why did I do that?
Conscience'- umm...
conscience-I m ur inner voice okay? at that time all of u wanted to do it. The inner u the outer u.
Jennifer grunted loudly and kicked the ball. Darren tried to stop it but got thrown away. After practice she returned to her room. Late at night Axel came in her room.
Jennifer was sitting on her bed leaning against the wall and trowing a soccer ball up and down. She looked at him.
"What are u doing here?" She asked coldly.
"Father has asked the coach to remove me from the team. Mr raimon says he can't deny a parents request."
Jennifer stopped throwing the ball and closed her eyes. Then she slowly opened them.
"So u r going. Again. And this time for good?" Jennifer said staring at the soccer ball in her hand.
"why are u here then?"
"I have made my decision. I will ask father to let me play the finals. After that I will quit soccer and go to Germany. But if I m going I want to leave on good terms with u."
Jennifer got up and stood in front of him."I can't do it . I just can't let u go again. One time was enough pain for me. Don't go Axel."
"But u hated me. What changed?"
"I never hated u and Nothing changed. I just stopped denying my feelings for u. U intrigued me Axel from the start. I don't think u feel the same for me but it is what it is. I want to play soccer with u. I want to defeat the world with u because I..."
Axel covered her mouth with his hand. "Don't. Don't say it or I won't be able to walk away. It will make it even harder for me because I feel the same for u argent."
Jennifer became still. Axel just told her that he returned her feelings. There was this muscle in her abdomen which did a twist and turn. They were looking straight at each others eyes. Axel removed his hand. Jennifer took a sharp breath.
"I can't make u my reason to stay but I can make u my reason to return. Thats why I need to know that u will be here for me when I return."
"I don't want u to stay for me Axel. I want u to stay for something that u love more than anyone or anything. I want u to stay for soccer. That sports that makes u happy."
"Answer my question jenny. Will u wait for me?"
Jennifer nodded ." Always and forever."
Axel smiled. "Always and forever."
He walked out of the room Jennifer went back to her bed. I cant just think about how I will feel after he leaves. If he is leaving then we will have one less ace striker.I need to improve more.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now