fore short jr high

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The caravan was off to fore short jr high. Everyone was excited especially Mark. "I can't believe we are going to see one more notebook of grandpa" mark cheered
"Yeah." The whole team joined in.
"I don't even know why I m cheering but yeah baby!" Sue shouted from beside Eric.

"Why are u still with us?" Silvia asked.
"I am not going anywhere without my darling" sue clinged to Eric's hand.
"There's no problem in having more people with us." Mark grinned.
"U r right captain." Sue shouted again.
"Why don't we invite the full inazuma with us?" Jennifer whispered.

The caravan arrived at fore short jr high and met the schools principal.
"How are u uncle?" Nelly asked.
"I m good Nelly . How's sonny doing?"
"He is fine."

"U guys know eachother?" Mark looked back and forth at the principal and Nelly.
"I know her dad. U must be the great David Evans's grandson. Mark Evans."

"What's your name young lady?" He asked Jennifer.

"Jennifer argent,sir"

"Argent eh? For a second I thought u were Derek Rosewood's granddaughter. U remind me of him and his wife. "
"U know my grandfather? My title is different because I was adopted by argent family."

"I thought I was right and of course I know your grandfather. Me, David and Derek were best friends."
"Really??" Both mark and Jennifer asked.
"Yeah. U see the school right there. We used to go there." He pointed to a building.

All moved to principal office. Nelly, mark, Jennifer and Lina were on the sofa.

"There were four of us." The principal started. "Me, David , Derek and lalaya. Derek and David were so passionate about soccer. I haven't seen the likes of them ever. Derek was an amazing forward while David the best goalkeeper. Lalaya was like our manager. Bandaging us and scolding us was her job. Do u know the name of your grandmother Jennifer?"

"It was lalaya rosewood."
"Grandfather and grandmother were childhood friends?"
"Wow that's sweet."
" U look alot like her. She was a really graceful girl and u have got the soccer skills of your grandfather. I have seen your matches. One thing I will surely like to point out though. U have Ur mother's eyes Jenny" (wait Harry potter?)

" u know my mom too? Do u know where my real mom is?"

A saddened look took over the principal's face. "I attended her wedding.No one knows where she is. After Ur grandmother died both Ur parents disappeared. I don't even know if they are alive."

"Oh" Jennifer's face dropped.
Lina saw her sad look and interrupted."can we see the notebook sir?"

"Yeah sure and there is not just a notebook. There are notebooks. Two of them".

He kept two notebooks on the desk in front of them. "One is written by David and the other by Derek. They said they wrote things down that shouldn't be written. Before Davids accident he came to me with these notebooks asking me to destroy them but I couldn't."

Mark started reading Davids notebook while Jennifer picked up Derek's.
"Hey mark see. They have similar writing." Jennifer showed mark her notebook.

"Yeah. I guess they really were close."
Mark started explaining Nelly about the move he saw in the notebook. "Grandpa called it the ultimate secret. Its the fist of justice but I guess its still incomplete."
Jennifer was engrossed in reading the notebook in her hand.

What? Devils apocalypse is in here. 'U collect the power in the ball  by stomping on it. Then u tighten your core to jump high with the ball. To preserve energy and cut through air u keep ur legs pointed down and ur hands close to ur body.'
Hey so thats what I was doing wrong. Thats why it exhausted me.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now