training camp

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Jennifer skipped home. "Moooommm, I have a t.."
"Training camp tmrw at school and u will be staying at school for the whole night. I know." Her mom smiled.
"Wait wha.. how?" Jennifer frowned.
"Your coach called Kyle. He invited him too."

"Kyle??? He knows Kyle?"
"Yeah. Kyle has been spending most of his evening at your coach's shop."
"But I never see him there."
"Don't ask me. Ask your brother."
Jennifer ran upstairs and barged in Kyle's room. "Kyyllee".
Kyle was startled for a second then rolled his eyes.

"You know someone once told me there is a thing called knocking and it's kinda considered a good habbit."
"U r invited to the training camp?"
"Why yes."
"How do u know coach?"
"Oh one day I was getting bored. U were at Ur practice so I took your soccer ball and went outside. Coach seamore saw me dribbling and shooting and he said I have potential. He has been training me from that day and in return I help him with....uh something" Kyle explained.

"But when I used to tell u to play soccer. U used to say u r not interested."
"I don't have much to do around here. Track people are good but too slow for me. Swimming is not much of a sport around here. I m already good at studies.I get lots of free time." Kyle shrugged. "Plus soccer is actually good." He grinned.

"Yeah buddy happy realization." Jennifer returned to her room and as her body hit the bed she fell asleep. Her mom came in to give her dinner but smiled when she saw her sleeping. She covered her with a blanket and whispered." Brent and Eva would have been so proud of u my  princess."

"U know she hates it when someone calls her that." Jennifer's dad was leaning on her gate. "She is not a Princess. She is a warrior." Her dad smiled looking at her sleeping so peacefully. "But for once she deserves to be a Princess. Ever since we got her all I have seen her do is fight. Fight to get the best grades, fight to become the best at sports, fight to be the perfect child like she owes us. For once she deserves to get a C in a test and to come last in a race ,to go on a girls night. She is just a 13 year old girl Chris." Her mom said with a sad smile. Her dad nodded. "C'mon let her sleep. She can eat later."

Next day Jennifer took a long shower and and changed into her football jacket and trousers. She stepped downstairs and found Kyle waiting for her in his casual attire. They both headed to school. When she reached there everyone was already present except for mark. "Right on time jenny." Silvia smiled.

Then noticed Kyle beside her. "Hey u r her brother kyle right? I saw u when we were practicing inazuma drop."
"So u remember me Silvia. It's a pleasure to meet u" he shook her hand and gave her one of his charming smile. Silvia blushed a little. Jennifer elbowed Kyle. "Don't u dare flirt with anyone over here."

"U r my younger sister. For once in your life act like it." Kyle rolled his eyes and they entered the hall. Everyone turned towards her. "Hey Jennifer" Jude came to her with axel and Eric. "Kyle!" Eric exclaimed with excitement. "Eagle" kyle smiled.

"Who's he?" Jude asked Jennifer. "Wait a minute I don't Want to repeat this sentence 1000 times today so. Guys!! Come here." everyone turned their attention to jenny. "This is Kyle. He is my elder brother and was apparently invited to this camp by coach"

Jude shook hands with him. They all introduced themselves and went back to their business. Jude, kyle, Eric, Axel and jenny sat together. "So do u play soccer? Jude asked kyle. "Not really. I just started playing two weeks ago." Kyle re explained them the situation he explained to jenny.

"so? U r joining our team or something?" Eric asked.
"Not really. Its just sort of a fun thing."
They were talking when mark entered the hall. "Marko over here." Mark came and sat beside jenny.
"Hey captain." Kyle greeted him.
"Kyle! We meet again."mark grinned.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now