challenging the world.

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The next day inazuma Japan was going to head towards what was known as football island. The team players were on airport ready to go on the jet.Shawn and Jordan were not going with them as tgey were hurt and were replaced by Kevin and David. Jennifer entered the airport talking on her phone. "Yes Rebecca I will call u when I am there. Yes. Oh God u r more annoying than mom."

"U r gonna fall sissy. Stop walking backwards." Kyle told her but she ignored his comment. While near the benches her leg hit someone else's and she landed on their lap.

Her arms flew around their neck.
"Finally u r where u belong." The said person smirked . Jennifer looked up at him. "Caleb?" She abruptly got up. "Ugh!"
"I told u." Kyle rolled his eyes and walked to Nathan. Jennifer walked to Shawn and Jordan.

She looked at Shawn's leg sadly. "I really wish u could have come. I wanted u to come with us." Jennifer sighed.
"Don't worry Jennifer I'll be there as soon as this gets healed." Shawn smiled at her. "Till then show the world whose the queen here."

"U bet I will. Get well soon. U too Jordan." she hugged the green hair male and then the grey hair one. Soon the inazumas private jet took off. Jennifer sat beside Axel.

"other seats were empty but u sat beside Axel and yesterday Axel got all protective over u. Is there something u guys are not telling us?" Jude turned around in his seat and asked.
"What do u mean Jude?" Mark asked from beside him.
"exactly, what do u mean jude?" Jennifer mimicked marks innocent tone and face. Jude smiled at her and turned back. Axel looked at the female as she grinned at him winking.

when they finally reached the island they were awestruck. "This place has all soccer vibes about it."
"Yes. We are challenging the world afterall.But where do we have to go??"
Jennifer heard a women instructing the players to get thier respective area map."wait here." Jennifer walked to the woman.
"hello we are the Japanese team. Can u give us our map please?"
"Sure ma'am here's you go."
The woman handed her a map and four pamphlets.
"U can speak English?" Mark asked Jennifer.
"Mark. They don't speak japenese in California."
"Oh yeah I forgot u r from California." Mark said sheepishly.
The team sat in their caravan and headed to their lodge. On their way they observed that different areas were given the look of different countries in order to make the players feel comfortable. Mark noticed the Italian team practice and stopped Mr veteran. The inazuma players looked at the italian captain. He was giving orders to everyone. His speed and techniques were ridiculously accurate.
"He is darn cute." Jennifer complimented admiring him. Axel pulled the back of her jacket making her sit down. "U can admire him later."
Jennifer smirked and poked his cheek. "Is Axel blaze jealous?".
He swatted her arm away. "No."
They reached their lodge and relaxed for a bit. Mark had gone out. He returned late at dinner. After eating Jennifer wanted some ice cream so she headed out. After roaming around for a bit she couldn't find an ice cream shop but she did find mark with the Italian captain. They were standing together talking and an old man was also there. She walked up to them. "Hey Marko."
All three of the males turned towards her. The old grandpa frowned a little.
"hey jenny."
'Jenny? So she is their daughter?' The old man thought.
The Italian captain looked at her up and down. She was taller than both the players. "U r the Italian captain right?"
"Yes I am. Nice to meet you. My name is Fidio Aldena." The captain extended his hand.
Jennifer shook it. "Jennifer Argent."
"so u r the famous Jennifer argent?."
"You know me?"
"Yes u r the only girl playing in this tournament afterall. Everyone knows about u."
"Really? I m that famous? Wow."
"I guess I will go now kids." The old grandpa said.
"Hey wait I want to borrow this tier." Mark stopped him.
"Borrow this for what?"
"He trains with it sir." Jennifer informed the old man.
"U can call me grandpa daughter. I don't mind. I will take the tier to ur place. Hop on the truck." The old man told mark.
"C'mon jenny let's go."
"No. U go.I m searching for an ice cream parlor. I can't find one."
"I know a place. I can take u if u want." Fidio told Jennifer.
"Yeah sure. Why not?" Jennifer grinned.
"Okay then take care of our ace fidio."mark said and went in the truck.
The two players from different countries headed to the ice cream parlor in silence. When they reached there Jennifer bought her favorite belgium choco chip ice cream. "U want one?" She asked Fidio.
"No thanks I don't have money on me right now."
"I will pay. Come on take ur pick."
"No no its okay. Really."
"I.said.take.ur.pick" she smiled.
"Gosh u r scary.".
"I preffer the word persuasive."
Fidio laughed."I will take a mixed sundae."
He bought the ice cream and Jennifer paid.
"Its late. Come on I will walk u back to ur lodge."
"U don't have to do that."
"U bought me an ice cream its the least I can do."
"u r talking like I bought u this whole island but if u insist then c'mon or we will be late." The duo started walking back to the Japan lodge.
They reached its entrance.
"Will u like to come in?" Jennifer asked him.
"No Ill be late if I don't return now and I'll not be able to make it back in time. We also have the inogration today."
"Oh right. Then u better run."
Fidio bid her goodbye and she went inside. Silvia was waiting for her at the door.
"U r going to be late. Go up and get ready fast. We will be leaving for the inogration. " Silvia scolded her.
"U scold me a lot." Jennifer pouted and headed upstairs. She took a long bath and wore her jersey. She tied her hair in a side braid that lina taught her. On reaching the stadium coach told her to hold the flag.
"Why me??"
"U have got a habit of asking that question.u are the only girl on this team and this year in FFI inazuma Japan is being known for their female ace as the only team with a girl on it so it feels appropriate."
Mark kept a hand on her shoulder. "Go on jenny." Jennifer nodded and took the flag standing in the front with mark and Axel being behind her. Followed by Jude and Caleb. When it was Japans turn she proudly walked to the field.
The commentator shouted. "And here comes inazuma Japan. The only team with a female player on it, popularly known as the flaming empress. Japan's captain Mark Evans , famous for his incredible goal keeping skills and never give up attitude. This team is fairly low in terms of experience but have evolved drastically through out the prelims thats what makes people curious to see their plays."
Jennifer stood at the assigned place and slightly smiled looking at Fidio who returned the gesture.
After sometimes the american team unicorn came in. Jennifer's eyes lit as soon as she saw mark kregur, Dylan and Eric. Mark didn't look at her. He was looking straight ahead but Eric's eyes met with hers and he  smirked giving her a thumbs up.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now