showdown at the river bank

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The whole team was full of enthusiasm and practicing by the riverbank. "Lots of people come to see us practice these days."Tod said looking up at the bridge."yeah u right. Maybe we have Got a few of them."Nathan agreed with Tod.
"A few of what?" Mark asked curious.


"Whaaattt!! Really?"marks eyes became watery and shiny.

"Do u think some of them will try to interview us?"
"I see a camera"
"This is making me uncomfortable can i go to the washroom captain."

"Noo c'Mon we have to practice our new killer moves."mark hyped them up.
"I don't think they are fans". Jennifer told them.

"Then what do u think?" Just then Nelly's car came rushing down. "Practice for any killer moves are prohibited from Now on. " Nelly said coming out of her car."what kind of crazy talk is that?we won't be able to win if we don't create new moves nelly?" Mark protested.
"Haven't u noticed them up there?"
"Oh mean our fans?"
"Those are not fans mark."Jennifer interrupted them."they are spies from rival schools."

"Well we are an unknown team which defeated the great royal academy. Something like this was bound to happen."Nelly informed him
"we can't keep practicing in open and show them our moves".Axel said putting his finger below his chin.
"But if we don't practice them how are we going to win?"

"C'Mon mark. Big showy moves are not everything . We can practice our passes , off side traps, there are all sort of things "
"I know we just have to find another place where they can't see us."
"Where will we find that kind of place??"
"I don't know but we better move fast."

Next day at practice

Everybody was back at the riverbank. The no. Of spies were double today. Suddenly two trucks got parked near the bank. The back of truck opened and a big radar appeared on the top.
"What are they doing?"
"Who are they?"

"They are our next opponents. They are from brainwashing junior high" Celia informed the team.

"I swear to god if I see one more over dramatic school here I m gonna pack my bag and go back to California." A tick appeared on jenny's forehead.
"C'Mon guys we dont have time for this. Time for shot practice". Axel shouted.
After 5 minutes of practice the captain of brainwashing junior high started walking towards the field. "hey guys take a break" mark said to the team and walked towards the captain. "Hey u r trespassing our practice leave." He shouted.

"We are just wondering why u r not practicing your hissatsu shoots."the captain asked."there is no point not practicing them you know. We alreday know what's there to know about u guys."the guy who looked like the captains sidekick continued"we have graded your team as a D- and there is a 100% chance of u guys loosing from us.."
"U won't know that until u play us" mark told them.

"we won't play u . we will crush u like the insects u are."
Something clicked inside Jennifer. "Hey listen here u porcupine head." She shouted."u should really change your school and go to mouthwashing junior high because that mouth of yours clearly needs to be washed with soap."
"I was only telling the truth." The captain shrugged.

"Take back what u said." Mark growled at him with a low voice.
"How can we take back the truth.?"the captain turned towards his side kick.
"Thats unforgivable" mark was first time loosing his temper."u wanna see our killer moves then let's play right now. Each one of us gets to shoot one shot and the one who scores wins."
"I don't see the point of this silly competition."

"I dont care what u think but I m not letting this go."
"Letting what go?"
"The insult you just threw at all of us."
"I don't understand stand it. U r not making yourself any clearer."
"WHAT DO U UNDERSTAND. I m not letting u go after insulting us without letting us show u how good we are."
"U wanna verify ur skills quantifiably."
"Yes thats exactly what it is."
"Now I understand"

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now