best friends re unite

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"Jenny u r late for practice." Jenny's mom shouted. Jenny shot up and looked at the Clock. "Whaat? I m an hour late. Fuck fuck fuck." She got out of bed and dashed in her washroom. Brushing her teeth and taking a quick shower she ran downstairs. "I don't have time for breakfast." And she was off to school.

While running she checked her bag. "Towel done, water bottle done where's my shorts and Jersey oh nooooo. Wait I m wearing it . Stupid me. .......Sorry guys I m a little late." She shouted reaching the school gate. Then suddenly she saw a mysterious figure in casual clothes with their back facing her. That back looks familiar. Hearing her voice that mysterious figure turned around and Jennifer came to an halt and gasped with wide eyes as he did the same. "ERIC EAGLE!!!/JENNIFER ARGENT!!" both the players shouted in chorus. Jennifer dropped her bag and ran towards him as Eric imitated her. She jumped in his hands being twirled around by the brunette male. The whole team looked at them confused "Oh my god what are u doing here??"
"I should asked u the same thing."
"U guys know each other too?" Mark asked tilting his head.

"Of course we do he is my boyfriend." Jennifer chirped with excitement with a wide smile on her face.
"Ehhhh!!!" The whole team was shocked. Axel clenched his fist.
"what are u saying Idiot.  I m her best friend". Eric corrected her.
"Wait did I say something else."Jennifer asked confused.
"U said boyfriend."
"Whaatt?? No no not boyfriend. Best friend yuck just best friends."
"That yuck was not necessary. It hurts." Eric squinted his eyes at her. "hehe sry."
Axel relaxed a bit.

"But what are u doing here?" She asked Eric.
"I came to meet my friends here."
"Silvia and bobby."
"U know them."
"Yeah they were my childhood best friend."
"Why didn't u call me?"
"I didn't know u were shifted to inazuma. Japan is a big country. U never specified the town."

"Oh god I missed u".
"I missed u too ."
"C'mon Eric let's play together." Mark shouted. Eric gave Jennifer a quick hug and turned around. Mark, Jenny and axel were on the side line watching Eric dribble and dodge the raimon mid fielders. "He is so Good." Mark was jumping like a baby.

"He has always been that perfect soccer guy. I know him since past 6 years. At that time he was injured due to some accident and was recovering. The doctor had said he wouldn't be able to play soccer ever. But that guy worked with all his heart to get soccer back. He is the reason I continued soccer for some years in California."

"U guys seem pretty close." Axel said a bit envious of the new guy.
" u have no idea how important he is to me."

Hearing this even mark felt jealous of Eric. After all Eric had the girl who usually shows she doesn't care about anyone saying he is important to her.
"Its my chance to play with him." mark ran towards the goal. Eric's almost every shot was making it in. They went shooting and stopping for hours.

Jennifer just looked at them and the smile never left her face. No one had ever seen her smiling like that. "That Eric guy really changed her mood." Jude looked at her and told Axel. "He surely did." Axel agreed still jealous. After few minutes eric suggested mark to try tri Pegasus with him.

They went on and on practicing it but they didn't succeed by the end of that day. "Hey guys. Come over to my house for dinner okay?" Mark invited them and they all agreed. Jennifer changed into an one shoulder off white top with a black strap and black jeans with her hair in usual high ponytail. As she reached marks house half of the team was already there. A women who looked like marks mother came to the gate.

"Hello u must be jenny." His mom said kindly. "Yes aunty." Jennifer bowed. " u r indeed a very beautiful girl. " his mom smiled. "A..arigato."

"Go on mark and his friends are upstairs." Jennifer thanked her again and headed to marks room. "Gee this rooms full. Any place for me?" She asked. Eric shifted a little and patted beside him. "Here here." She Carefully crossed the guys and sat beside him. The whole team talked for a while. When they all were busy jenny leaned in Eric's ears." How's mark?" She whispered. "Is he still mad at me?"

"Nah! He misses u like hell. He was really guilty that he didnt come to see u off at the airport. He was a mess for few days."
"Hey Eric I was telling u  a story. U r not listening." Mark whined.

"Oh I m sry jennifer was asking me about Mark. " Eric apologized
"Me?? But I m right here."
"Oh no not u . Her boyfriend mark."
Jennifer face palmed internally."there was a reason I whispered that question to u" she whispered through gritted teeth.
"U have a boyfriend??" Everyone said in chorus.

"I HAD a boyfriend. Back in California. His name was also mark. Mark kregur." Jennifer said rubbing the back of her neck. "He broke up with me when I came here."

"I didnt know about that!." Eric told her.
"Let's not talk about him please."
"Aww Jennifer is missing her baby hun?" Eric snickered receiving a smack at the back of his head. Everyone laughed except for Axel who's jealousy was roaring in the sky.

They all were a bit sad that she has someone in her life but it didnt bother them as much as it bothered Axel who was still denying his feelings. The rest of the night went on with everyone laughing and enjoying. The next day eric mark and bobby were practicing tri Pegasus again. But they were failing like usual. Silvia started walking towards them ."what are u doing ?"

"I just remembered that for a Pegasus to fly it has to be blesses by a female."She winked. She decided to stand at their intersection point. After a little argument everyone agreed and tri Pegasus worked.
The whole team was standing at their practice ground during dusk. A plane crossed from above them. "Eric must be in that plane." Mark whispered while both Silvia and Jennifer nodded. Mark cupped his hand on his mouth. "See u later Eric let's play soccer again some time."

"Sounds good to me." Came a voice from behind them. All three of them turned to find Eric standing there. "What are u doing here."

"Well I m way too pumped up to go home right now plus Jennifer is here too so I cancelled my flight." And with that he teared his ticket off. Jennifer smiled and jumped in his arms"u r the best."
"So that means u will join raimon?"
"Yes I will."

"Thats great." mark extended his hand and Eric took it with his free hand while his other hand was around Jennifer as she had her elbow on his shoulder.
"those two show a bit too much affection." Nathan said.
"Why u jealous Nathan?" Jude smirked
Nathan blushed a bit and shook his head
"No way. why would I ever be."

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now