will nathan quit?

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The next day Axel and Nathan were practicing fire rooster again and again making it stronger. "That shoot is so cool."Jennifer sighed stupid injury. I could have been the one doing it if i wasn't injured.

"Are u jealous???" Axel asked her with his usual smirk.
"Me? Jealous of u? Bless ur delusional heart."

Just then Mr. Raimon arrived at the field. The team gathered together and he stood in front "congratulations on making it to the nationals kids." He spoke."thanku sir"
"Jennifer I see u joined the team finally."
"Yes sir."

"I told u basketball is not that different from soccer now is it?" Mr. Raimon laughed.

Jennifer sweat dropped."not at all sir." She replied with hidden sarcasm which Mr. Raimon definitely didn't catch.
"U guys know each other?" Mark asked.
"Oh her dad is my Best friend. I know her since she was 6. Do u both remember u guys have met once?" He asked Nelly and Jennifer. Both the girls shook their head.

"U guys stayed together the whole day and became really good friends. In the end of the day u both came to me and Chris ,I mean Mr. Argent and said we will together conquer the world. That was so cute and stupid" mr. Raimon started laughing.

Both the girls went red while the whole team laughed. "Mr. Chairman we have to start practice now." Nelly said attempting to send him away. "Oh Nelly I have one more work . " saying this he started walking towards the club house."oh my God what is this?" He asked .

"U mean our quirky club house?"
"Its there since I first started playing." Coach seamore said.
"Really its that old?"

Coach went inside and started removing some chairs and racks to reveal small messages written on the walls. "Wow thats so nice." Mr. Raimon took a ball out and started balancing it on his foot. "Wow u r good" mark complimented him.

"I might have just made it into the Team." Mr. Raimon said looking happy but his balance got disturbed and the ball ended up on marks face. Jenny bit her inner cheeks to hold in a laugh.

"anyway I have decided to make a new soccer room for u guys." He said
"There's no need chairman." Mark denied.

"Don't be so modest. This place is so small. Think of it as a reward for making it into nationals."

jack, Tod, Sam and Timmy became happy and started cheering for Mr. Raimon.
Jennifer however didn't want a new one. Indeed this was a small place but it had memories of her first becoming the player of raimon. 

Just then mark started speaking."Thank u sir but we don't need it. This is the place where the old inazuma used to be and being the new members of soccer we raimon eleven will stay true to their memories."

"he made a good point"
"Yeah u r right."
"U r great captain".
The team rushed out for practice and were greeted with cheering of the whole school.

The track club was jogging around the school. "Hey Nathan." a blonde girl stopped him.

"Oh hey miles" he replied and stopped. Jennifer ran back to him when she noticed that Nathan was not on the field. "Nathan c'mon we have to make fire rooster stronger."

She received a glare from the blonde. "Uh orrr u catch up with ur Friend." she replied totally not ready for a cat fight."Ill be back in 5 min." he said. She nodded and ran back to the field. Nathan was looking at her when the girl interrupted him "so when are u coming back to the track club?" She asked.


"Don't huh me. U were just going to help the soccer club to come back right?"
"Yeah u r right."
"C'mon let's have a race."
They walked to the track field. On the soccer field Jennifer walked up to Axel. "arrogant ass"
"Yeah" Axel was used to that name now
"I was wondering do u want to create a shoot combining both our fire tornado??"
"Nice idea but right now let's focus on fire rooster. We will work on it some other time."

By now Nathan came running in the field. "What did those guys track tell u?" Axel asked him
"Nothing much."
"Blaze , swift let's try fire rooster again"the coach shouted
"Yes sir"

But now Evey time they tried fire rooster it missed the goal. "U r not being completely honest swift." Jennifer told him

"What do u mean?"
"Those track kids told u something didn't they?"
Nathan gave a sad smile to her and didn't reply.

Next day on her way to school Jennifer met mark. "Morning" she greeted her. "Good morning jenny." . when they reached the riverbank they saw that blonde girl and Nathan sitting together.
Looked like they were fighting about Nathan joining the track club back.
"I care about soccer too much." Nathan was telling her. "Is it because of her?" The blonde shouted." Jenny? No way u r getting it all wrong. she is just a really good friend." (Oops jenny just got Friend Zoned)

"Then why Nathan?. I m not the type to beg but please come back." Mark and jenny started walking towards them. The girl got up and crosses jenny bumping her shoulder. Jennifer clenched her teeth. No jenny she is Nathans friend don't snap don't snap don't snap. She calmed herself and sat beside Nathan. "We heard most of that." Mark told Nathan.

"Its okay she is just eager to have me back."Nathan sighed "she is nice and a very amazing sprinter u should see her run someday."
"I feel responsible for this somehow." Mark looked at the sky
" u feel responsible? Have u seen the way she glares at me? She hates me." Jenny sighed from the other side of Nathan.
"Don't blame yourselves. I m the one to blame." Nathan told them
"We kind of stole u didn't we? At Least that's how she sees it." Mark whispered.
"Heck! I didn't even know u were in track . how come I m in the middle of this situation?"Jennifer lied on the ground and was about to cross her legs when she realised she is wearing a skirt.

She internally groaned  and sat back up.
Nathan smiled at her and said. "Ur passion and determination is what got me hooked." Nathan explained.
"Yep that's me" mark rubbed the back of his head.
"U r practically a soccer nut". Jennifer smiled.
Nathan continued speaking.
"I just wanna play soccer 24 hours a day . 7 days a week. I love playing soccer so much.There are also some great people in track club but u guys are my best friends."

"Just think about it and do what's best for u. Mark reassured him." Just then his soccer ball fell in water. "U gotta be kidding me." Mark groaned and got up to pick the ball out. "U know Nathan when I first came here and joined the soccer club u were the guy I somehow got comfortable with the most so u r my best friend (oops nathan got friend zoned too.)and it doesn't matter if u stay in soccer or not. It will stay the same between us." Jenny gave a Squeeze to Nathans shoulder and got up. "Mark we are going to be late hurry up"


When the duo reached the club house they heard everybody shouting about how uncool it is of Nathan to quit the club at this moment. "Calm down everybody" mark shouted entering.
"Is it true captain? Is it true that Nathan is quitting the team?"

"I don't know. He has got a big decision to make."
The practice started normal. Nathan and Axel were performing well. Nelly received a call. Her eyes widened. Mark ,Silvia ,Jennifer and Nelly all rushed to the hospital. "It was a car accident. His love for the game got him in this position. He was going to check the stadium when it happened" Nelly's driver explained.

Nelly was sitting on the bench with tears in eyes. Mr raimon was in ICU." It is gonna be okay." Silvia comforted her. "U think so? I hope u r right."
"Hey Nelly " Jennifer kneeled in front of her . she lifted her head. "Ur father is a strong man okay? He will be fine. I promise." Jennifer took out her index and middle finger. Nelly suddenly remembered something. "U remember" she whispered. "Of course I do." Jennifer flashed her gorgeous smile. Nelly wrapped her index and middle finger around hers."conquer the world?"
"Conquer the world."
Both of them started giggling."this sounds so stupid."
"It surely does."
"It didnt sound this stupid when we were  6"

Mark and Silvia were just witnessing this seen with a smile. "Don't worry about us Nelly we will be fine." Mark jumped in. "Stay beside ur dad . in that way when he wakes up u will be the first person he sees."

"I was about to say the same thing Silvia. U got a silver tongue".

Opening ceremony of the nationals started. Raimon and royal walked in side by side. Zeus academy was missing but no one bothered about it much.
finally here! Its tiring man. Sry for the lack of romantic scenes it will come up soon. I just don't want Jennifer to be too much romantically involved with anyone till aliea academy arrives.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now