shawn frost

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The team was inside caravan while coach acqlina was outside talking to Mr. Veteran.
"So what's so special with this Shawn guy?" The whole team gathered around Celia.

"Found him." She exclaimed.
"Shawn frost is known as bear hunter as he kills bears and once he scored 10 goals against a team Alone". A picture of a body builder type guy formed in Jennifer's head.
"Does he really kill bears though?" Eric asked.
Celia just shrugged.

"I wonder why his team didnt participate in football frontier." Jude thought.
"Any other details Celia?" Nelly asked.
"No. Just these rumours." Celia replied. The team went to their respective seats. Jennifer went to sit between Eric and bobby as she didnt want to sit at her previous place because that would remind her of Axel. She leaned on her seat trying her best to fall asleep but axel's last moment won't leave her eyes.
"U okay?" Eric asked and she nodded slightly.

Eric sighed. "Come here." He extended his arm. Jennifer kept her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his hands around her.
"is it about Axel?" Eric asked her.
"Sort of but...huh its nothing u should sleep."

everyone in the caravan was sleeping except for Jennifer. Suddenly tori's phone started ringing. "Shut that god dam phone tori." Jennifer groaned
"shut up argent." Tori replied annoyed.
"Don't ever talk back to me pinky hair or u will pay for it." Jennifer growled.

Tori picked up the call. "U found my father?" She shouted on the phone.
Everyone got up. Celia checked the news and found that president was back and safe. "I m not going back to inazuma. I will defeat the aliens with u guys." Tori said with determination in her eyes.
Jennifer felt guilty for talking to that girl so rudely. After everyone slept again she walked to lina.

"Coach. Can we go to the presidents house?" Jennifer asked her not making eye contact.
"Sure." Lina replied and the next day the caravan was in front of the presidents house.

"Time to wake up." Silvia woke tori up.
"Why are we here." Tori asked looking out with happiness and confusion.
Jennifer wanted u to meet ur father first so she requested the coach." Silvia smiled. Tori stood up looking at Jennifer with a smile who was snuggled in Eric.
"She is not as bad as she tries to be." Tori whispered but then frowned. "are they both a thing?" Tori asked Silvia, pointing to Jennifer and Eric.

"No no. They are just really close." Silvia replied.
After Tori met her dad the caravan was again off to Hokkaido.

Coach ordered Mr veteran to stop after 2 hours. She stood up. "All this sitting is not good for u. Let's go practice."
"Here is the training menu." Celia showed them a notebook but no player seemed interested other than mark so coach took the menu and threw it away."

Go practice free style in your own way today." Coach said and everyone hopped out with excitement. Kevin , Jude and Jennifer went to a waterfall and started shooting making the ball climb against the flow of water.

"U r really quite since the start of the caravan jenny. Any problem?" Jude asked.
"Nah. I m giving my mouth some rest. I have a feeling I m going to need to use my mouth alot in next few days." She shrugged.

After practice the team devoured the rice cakes made by the managers. Food made Jennifer feel instantly better. After sometimes lina came telling the team that they can clean themselves at a nearby pool.

Jennifer changed into her black swim suit and tied her hair in a messy bun. She walked slowly towards the pool being conscious of herself. Others were already in the pool. As she came in view everyone's eyes got stuck on her. Her long legs and stomach curves were exposed. "Stop staring." She scolded wrapping her hands around her stomach.

The guys blushed as she slowly walked in water and quickly  walked beside Nelly.
"Axel should have been here." Nelly whispered and snickered.
Jennifer glared at her playfully. After bathing Jennifer changed into some casual clothes.

The team sat around a bonfire telling funny stories and laughing together. For a moment Jennifer forgot all about this alien shit. She laughed along with the team.

Acqlina looked at her from afar and smiled. 'its good to see u laughing again allison.' she thought to herself.

During sleeping time Nelly took out a pink tent for girls while the boys went to sleep in the caravan. Inside the tent Jennifer was between Tori and Nelly.
"Can I ask u something Tori?" Nelly asked.

"Yeah sure."
"Do u like mark??"
"I sure like him . He is such a nice guy and he is so passionate for soccer."
"She meant if u have a crush on mark?" Celia asked her.

"Well that doesn't matter. He is my teammate and I want to become great friends with him."
Nelly and Silvia smiled.
"Yeah he is a great person." Jennifer agreed.

"Tell me Jennifer u seem really close with all the players on the team. Do u have a crush on anyone?" Tori asked Jennifer.
" I have never thought about it. I was the only girl on the team thus automatically I became close to them."

"Oh she does have a crush." Nelly told Tori.
"Who?" Both Jennifer and Tori asked together.
"C'mon argent don't act dumb. What about axel?"

"Hey I don't like Axel. Infact he was the only person on the team I fought with so much." Jennifer protested.
"Yeah sure." Nelly smirked . Slowly all the girls went to sleep.

The next day coach woke them up early in morning. The caravan was off to hokkaido again. After two hours they entered a region full of snow. Jennifer went to sit with Jude as they wanted to discuss about some strategies.

The mood in caravan had dropped again. Kevin was hostile and sore because of axel not being there. Mark tried to keep them cheered up but was failing as he himself was not exactly happy. Jennifer loves snow but was feeling cold. She held her black casual jacket closer to herself.

Mr. Veteran stopped the caravan in between. "Is there something wrong Mr. Veteran?" Coach Lina asked the driver.
"There is a kid over there." Mr veteran pointed to a kid about the same age as the team shivering outside. Mark went out and invited him in. The guy came inside and Jennifer took out a blanket from her bag and handed it to him. "Are u on a suicide mission?What were u doing out?" Jennifer asked him as he sat beside her.

"That is my training spot. I always train there. Like a kicked soccer ball I was heading straight north." The guy replied sweetly.

"That's an amazing line." Mark popped his head beside him.
"We are heading north too. We can drop u there." Mr. Veteran informed and started the caravan.
"Do u play soccer too? Mark asked him.
"Yeah I do."
"That's amazing." Mark shouted.
"For god's sake mark. Stop shouting in my ear." Jenny pushed his head making him sit back on his seat. They were silent for a moment.

Suddenly the caravan came to halt again. It's tire was probably stuck in the snow. "I will check it." Mr veteran got up from his seat but the new guy stopped him. "U shouldn't get out.".

On the cue a bear attacked the caravan shaking it. Jennifer got pushed on Jude. When she looked to her side the new guy was missing.
"Where did he go?"
The caravan stopped shaking and the tier was also out of the snow. The guy came in smiling gently.

Jennifer frowned ."what did u do?"
"I just saved a pretty girl from any harm." He flashed a charming smile. Jude held in a laugh.
"Geez u r cheesy." Jennifer made a weired face.
The caravan dropped the guy and headed to alpine jr high.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now