i love u

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Next day the team was training hard like usual."I ll be back from the washroom in a minute." Jennifer informed Silvia and ran inside. When she came back after sometime her eyes fell on familiar grey locks "SHAWWWNNNN!!" she jumped excited and ran towards him jumping on his back and ruffling his hair. Shawn giggled
" hey there princess...oh sorry queen". 
"How are u? Hows your leg?" She inquired getting down on the ground.
"Oh I am fine. I am here to play again." Shawn smiled.
"Yay!" Jennifer grinned.
"Tch" came a sound from behind them."I don't think this is a time to celebrate. Shawn being here means some one has to go home." Caleb stated folding his arms . Just then coach came to the field telling that Tod will go home. All the players protested as Tod had played marvelously in the previous match but later they found out that Tod was hurt during that match so they gave him an emotional goodbye. That evening after they saw the italian match with ray dark as their coach and when they saw Italy winning just because of ray darks strategy they became more aggressive during next day practice. As they never trusted ray dark. Jennifer was dribbling against kyle. She pushed him hard and went through."easy there sis." Kyle grunted and stole the ball back. Coach Travis came there and stopped the practice and told them to cool down. Jennifer went back to her room and rested for a while. The next day everyone was in normal mood practicing like usual as they realized there's no point fessing over ray dark as long as they play their own soccer. After practice Jennifer got a call. It was Eric. She picked it up. "U IDIOT. U HAVE CALLED ME AFTER SO LOOOONNGGG."
"I know." Came a feeble voice from the otherside.
"Are u okay Eric?" Jennifer asked frowning. She was happy to listen to her best friends voice. His voice always made her feel warm. But today listening to his voice she felt something was wrong.
"Yeah I am fine. Can u meet me?"
"Yeah sure. Mark and others will be so happy to meet u too." She chirped .
"No u, just u. Meet me near the american area park at one tomorrow." *Beep* *Beep* *Beep.* he disconnected the call. Jennifer looked at her phone. Whats wrong? What happened Eric?
Next day she wore a normal white top and jeans.
After 5 minutes of her heading out it started raining. Jennifer always enjoyed getting wet in rain so she smiled and continued walking while untieing her hair and letting it fall on her waist. On reaching the said destination she saw no one was there.  "That idiot is late." She pouted and stood there folding her arms around her body and rubbing her sides to keep herself warm. As she stared in oblivion a smile appeared on her face. She was going to meet Eric after so long. Eric was the guy who had always loved her unconditionally and she would never tell anyone but secretly deep down she loved him too but the feeling was so supressed that she stopped feeling it since the day she saw that nightmare.Jennifer had fallen for the brown hair boy a long time ago but one night she had a bad dream. An unknown women appeared in her dream saying that whoever she falls in love with. She will bring immense suffering on him Jennifer will walk in his life as destruction and when she woke up that night her room was a mess. The mirrors broken, the cupboards fallen. The night scared her. It scared her to the extent where she stopped loving Eric. But history is an evidence. U can never unlove someone. Move on just means that u find someone else whom u love more. Jennifer never loved mark. She liked mark. She liked shawn, she liked Axel but she loved Eric and that was her deepest darkest secret. Her love for her bestfriend.(stop gagging! I couldn't find a better plot to change her love interest so fast. I know its a bit blah! But please go on.😅😅)

After a moment Eric arrived there too. He didnt have his usual smile. His eyes were rather dull and his face serious. As he neared Jennifer he frowned. "Why don't u have a umbrella with u? U will get sick before the match." He scolded her and shared the umbrella. Jennifer grinned and took the umbrella from his hand and threw it away.
"Wha...." Eric covered his head with his hand."we will get wet!!"
"Who cares." Jennifer shouted over the pitter patter of the rain. Eric smiled faintly but something was odd about his smile. It was like a sad smile"u have always loved the rain. Haven't u?."
Jennifer looked at him with concern. "Are u okay?"
"Yeah ,yeah why wouldn't I be?" Eric chuckled nervously but then went silent. The teenagers looked at the park standing side by side. Jennifer occasionally glanced at Eric. His hair was now wet and hanged down . Little droplets falling down from its end on his face. He looked sad. He called her but wasn't saying a word. After a second she saw him clenching his fist. "I wanted to say that...that"
Jennifer raised her eyebrows.
" uh I am selected for the pro youth soccer league." Eric sighed. Jennifer felt he wanted to say smthng else and said something different.
"Thats great. Oh my god." She smiled. "You can become a professional now."
"Jennifer. Come back to america with me."
Jennifer stopped at once. "Wha.... What do u mean?"
"I need u there. So please. Come back." Eric pleaded
"U know I can't do that Eric. I...I can't leave mark and Axel and others. Not now. "
"Oh right Axel. How can u leave him." Eric scoffed. Jennifer looked at him confused and hurt.
"Yeah thats right I got ur voicemails. All of them."
"and u never called me back. How rude of u." Jennifer said in pretended anger.
"Rude of me? How ignorant can u be? I can't take it anymore Jennifer." He shouted with determination and pain filled in his eyes. His fist never loosening its grip. Jennifer was scared. She flinched back a little.
"I know how u have been chasing after Axel but don't u understand u r so special. U r a girl who deserves to be chased , to be loved and u know there are some who can give u what u deserve but u choose to ingnore their feelings. It always hurt me, seeing u with him but I never let it show on my face because I know u can't see me sad but I can't do it anymore because I love u" his voice stayed high for the whole time. By now pools of tears were streaming down from  the eyes of both teenager. The heavy rain falling from above gave a scene a dramatic touch.
"Then stop loving me." Jennifer shouted back her tears flying off her cheeks.
"I CAN'T. I don't know how to stop. I can't control it." Eric's body was trembling.  Jennifer bit her lower lip as Eric turned back and started gowing away.
"U know it Eric. I love u too.." Jennifer whispered.
Eric looked over his shoulder."u don't love me enough."

Oh! The irony of this situation.  The boy thinking he wasnt loved enough while the girl knowing she cant love anyone more than she loves him.Eric thought she was saying that I love u like any other day. Like when she used to say it whenever he would give her a surprise gift. An I love u for a best friend. Little did he know the truth behind every I love u she said. She was yearning to say it one day like she actually means it not a best friend I love u but an I love which means u mean the world to me. As Eric was walking away from her she felt she was slowly loosing him. Like a piece of butter slipping from her hand. She saw his wet figure disappearing in the rain and cried.

When she returned to the lodge Jude saw her wet and messed up. "Jennifer?" He whispered. She didn't look at him and went upstairs to her room. Jude went to the cafeteria where all the team members were sitting. He sat on his chair with Axel , Mark, Caleb and Nathan around him. He didn't say anything.

In her room Jennifer sat at the corner of her bed near the wall and folded her arms around her knees rocking back and forth. Her eyes fell on her phone. She picked it up and called the only person she could think of. The auburn girl answered to the call.
"N...Nellyy" she cried out.
"Jennifer? Jenny are u okay? Why are u crying? Hey talk to me." Nelly said in a panicking voice.
"I am not okay. Today Eric called me..........after that nightmare..........I think I lost him today." Jennifer narrated the whole story to her word by word.
" So u love him?"
"After that day I thought I stopped loving him. I thought my feelings were gone but after what happened today I think I was wrong. I don't know what to do. I don't wanna loose him."
"Tell him what u feel."
"I ...I can't do that."
"Yes u can and u will. I don't care about what supernatural dream u had because I can't think of any other way u can hurt him more. I have always seen him taking care of u through ur ups and downs jenny. He deserves this happiness."_
"But I'll destroy him."
"He'd be into that."
"Huh. Are u sure?"
"The heck I am."
"So u r going to do it?"
"I need time to think."

Aaaahhh!! This is happeninggggg!! Eric and Jennifer. Yay! 😁Though I felt bad for Axel. No one wants Axel . My baby Axel. 🙁🙁
Just a short important note. I won't be describing the matches in detail from now on. It will be mostly the story now because matches need lot of explaining and as u already know. I am loosing motivation.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now