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Jennifer and the team were sitting near a small shop. Jennifer had her favorite latte in her hand. Coach lina was standing in front of them. "The word is around that the new alien team has sent a note of their attack. They have challenged posture divinity jr high. Unlike Gemini storm , this new team is only challenging expert soccer players. So we might find their agenda if we defeat this team."

"Posture divinity? Haven't heard of that."Nathan said sipping on his juice.
"They play to train their mind and body. They are an extremely good team. I might go as far and say they are as good as us. Incredible footwork, balance, body posture and concentration makes them really great player."

"That sounds good." Jennifer stated. Now lina being her coach didn't mind her much. After all she did help them win against Gemini storm. Though she was still cold towards her but from inside she had forgiven her as her love for that women overpowered her hatred.

The team was back in the caravan. They headed to posture Jr high. The school was looking like a temple. Some kids were meditating ,others doing kung fu.

"C'mon guys let's find the soccer club" mark said.

"I think u might find it over there." Shawn said from behind them
The team turned around to find shawn talking to two girls. "Thank u girls. I will come to u if I need any more information" he flashed his charming smile and the girls giggled blushing.

The team sweat dropped and Jennifer rolled her eyes. "C'mon pretty boy. Flirt with those girls after we have done our work."

They headed inside and finally saw a board of soccer club hung outside a building. "Hey that's it." Mark started running towards it but slipped on the way making all the players that were behind him fall too. "u r crushing my spine." Willy shouted as jack was on top of him. They all got up and willy started scolding jack." I swear I heard a snap. U idiot. U will pay for my spine surgery."
Shawn and Jennifer looked at them. "That's a weird kid." Shawn mumbled.
"No kidding." Jennifer nodded.

Silvia went to touch the floor. "Someone has pranked us. There's lubricant at the ground."

Just then a purple hair guy popped his head from the bushes. "Don't get cocky just because u won football frontier." he snickered with a bottle of lubricant in his hand.

"What was that?" Tori said with anger and jumped to the other end of the railing but fell in a pit. The purple hair guy laughed.

"U okay tori?" Jennifer asked. Tori just showed a thumbs up.
"Scotty." a man came shouting and the purple hair kid ran away.
"That's a weird kid." Jennifer sighed
"No kidding." Shawn nodded.

The man who had come there saw tori and apologized . He bowed and said.
"I am truly sorry for what Scotty did. He is a very mischievous kid. He is in the soccer team. He is so naughty that we had to train him separately. He basically thinks the whole world is his enemy."
"Why so?" Jennifer asked folding her elbows on the railing.

"When he was really little he was betrayed by his parents and ever since then he hasn't been able to trust anybody."

Jennifer tightened her jaw. The team turned towards her with concern except for Shawn who didn't know about Jennifer's back story. She could feel Scotty's emotion.
"Anyway what did u guys want from us?" the guy asked.

"We believe u have got a notice from aliea academy about an upcoming attack?"
"Yeah. U r here regarding that? Follow me." He took them to the soccer club room. Mark explained their player about everything."....so we were wondering if u want a hand or a foot?"

"thanks for your offer but we will decline. When the aliens come here we will not fight them and will ask them to leave. Soccer is something really different for us. We look at it as a way to train our body and mind and not something to  be used to fight." their captain explained.

"Didn't u listen to what we were saying? They won't just leave. They will destroy ur school. They didn't leave us." Kevin shouted.

"That's because u didn't ask them to leave as u meant it. Ur minds and thoughts were clouded."
And with that the team went out. "Ur minds were clouded." Jennifer mimicked the captain. "They talk like fucking priest."

The team was sitting beside the caravan in a circle. "Now what?" Tori asked.
"Let's find a place and practice. We have to get better ourselves." Mark Answered.
"U might find a soccer field near the river." The team turned around to find Shawn with the same two girls from earlier. He smiled as usual making the girls blush again.

"He is gonna be a professional play boy." Jennifer sweat dropped along with the team.

She got up and dragged Shawn by his scarf. "We are having a team meeting here. U can make those girls drool later."
she made him sit down with others. "U r just the opposite of Axel." Jennifer sighed.  Suddenly she spotted Scotty running inside. Jennifer got up and headed inside.

Scotty was inside one of the hut like thingy sitting beside a wall and playing with a cleaning cloth.
"Hey there Scotty."

Scotty whipped his head to the side."u r one of those raimon kid right? What are u doing here?"

She sat beside him. "U are one hell of a mischievous kid."

Scotty scooted away. "So u have come to scold me? Guess what. I don't care."
"why will I scold u? Seeing mark and others falling was hilarious."
"Why are u trying to be friendly? Go away. I don't want to talk to u." He shouted.

Jennifer sighed. "I hate my parents too u know."

Scotty turned towards her with a question mark on his face.
"They left me at an orphanage when I was one week old."
"One week?"
"hmm. What happened to u?"
"Mom left me at a station. She never came back." He whispered.
"So i see. We are the same." Jennifer smiled.

"No we are not. I have seen u on TV. People like u. Everyone hates me." He looked at the ground.

"No one hates u Scotty. They are just mad at u because u keep on pranking them."
"They never let me practice with them."
"Once I was also like u. I hated people and people never really liked me because I used to shout at everyone and snap easily but that eventually changed and u wanna know what changed it?"
"What?" Scotty had curiosity in his eyes which assured Jennifer that she is succeeding.
"Eh? What do u mean."

"So u see. I trusted someone at my orphanage who betrayed me. Though not in the worst way but still it hurt so I stopped trusting people though I got pretty close to the family that adopted me. One day a guy called me to play soccer with him and since I used to love playing soccer at the orphanage I agreed. Slowly we became best friends and just kicking soccer around with him made me feel happy. I decided to overcome my fear and trust that guy and so everything changed. I started making new friends. I made another best friend. A boy who was injured and was struggling to play soccer again. He's with us. Eric .I helped him."

"What happened to ur previous best friend?"

"He became my boyfriend."
Scotty blushed a little. "Why are u telling me this story?"

"U seemed interested."

"No I m not. I don't know how to trust people. I just want revenge on those football player who call me teammate and make me work like a slave."

"One day u will also get someone in ur life who will change that for u." Jennifer smiled and started walking out. "As for the revenge part. Try hanging a bucket on the roof and attach it to the door using a rope. The results will be mind blowing." She snickered and walked out.

The next day epsilon arrived at the school. The team of posture divinity Jr high tried to decline their challenge but they kicked a soccer ball at one of their buildings and it went down. The team had to accept the challenge.
"Say it like u mean it my ass." Jennifer said under her breath.

The team was good but epsilon was great . The match ended with epsilon's victory. They were about to destroy the school when mark shouted. "Wait. Now u will have to play us."

"But u have only 10 players." Epsilon's captain said.

"The eleventh player is right here. "Both Celia and Jennifer shouted together pointing at Scotty.
"Wait no I can't do it." Scotty took a step back.

"I know u can Scotty. I believe in u." Celia reassured him.

Jennifer kneeled beside him."u said u want revenge. This is ur time show them u r better." Jennifer smiled holding both his shoulders.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now