first day at raimon

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Sunday went by quickly. Mark called her at night saying he wants to break up. Jennifer was sad but thought it was for the best. She was already standing in front of the mirror wearing a black jeans, a black full sleeved t shirt and her gloves that just covered her palms. Her hair was in a high ponytail with some of the strands hanging on her face.she wasn't really sure if it was the perfect outfit for her first day but at least she didnt look like a slut!

She grabbed her bag from her chair and skipped downstairs where her brother was waiting for her wearing a flannel with its buttons open revealing a white t shirt paired with a light wash jeans. His hair was perfectly styled up. All the girls are going to fall on their butts today.she thought. "Ready to go ms.all black??" Kyle asked her."shut your hole" Jennifer just rolled her eyes and went towards the door.

(At school)
Their father dropped them at raimon junior high and headed to work."so here it begins."Jennifer mumbled and started walking. As the siblings entered the crowded corridor they were met with stares and whispers erupted all around them. Boys were eyeing Jennifer up and down. It wasn't something she was not used to. unlike other girls Jennifer knew she was gorgeous.

Her dark brown orbs and dark brown hair complimented her fair but not pale skin. Her defined cheekbones and jawline gave her face an intimidating look. She was taller than most of the girls and had the perfect curves. Her brother on the other side ,rather than being adoptive brother resembled her. He had the same dark brown hair but his orbs were blue. He was also a really good looking guy. Thats the reason why every girl in the corridor was looking at him and giggling right now. On his way kyle winked at a bunch of girls who blushed and hid their faced with their hair.

Jennifer nudged him"Let's get the routine from the office ". He just nodded too busy staring at the girls. Somehow they found their way to the office and got their routine.Kyle was 2 years older than her. They headed their separate ways. Jennifer had history class. "May I come in?"she asked softly, sliding the door open. All students present in the class turned towards her." Ms. Argent is it??"The teacher asked and received a nod."come in,come in"he stated merrily."introduce yourself please"
Jennifer stood in front of the class and spoke"my name is Jennifer argent. I hope we get along well".since she had lived in Japan for 7 years , she had no trouble speaking Japanese.

"Now u can sit with Mr. Evans, Evans raise ur hand pls".The teacher instructed."hai" A boy with an orange heaband and brown hair raised his hand.Jennifer carefully made her way to his desk feeling a bit awkward because of all the stares. "Hey I am Evans, mar..." Her bench partner tried to introduce himself.

"I heard that." Jennifer stated coldly. She was not good around new people. She was tsundere,sarcastic,snarky and sometimes bitchy but thats what made her 100% more least thats what mark (her ex boyfriend.) used to say."yeah but u don't know my first name " he eagerly said refusing to let her push him away.

This boy clearly can't take a hint Jennifer internally sighed.
"My name's mark Evans" mark said grinning.
Jennifer's ears perked at his name."Mark eh? Nice name."She turned towards him with a blank face. "Thanks" he smiled and turned back towards the class. The whole time mark kept on trying to make her open up a bit and to make her comfortable but all he received back were cold one word replies. During lunch a girl with dark green hair came to mark .

"excited about today's match aren't u??" The girl asked him. "oh yeah" mark shouted punching the air."its royal after all." Jennifer shifted in her chair which made the dark green haired girl turn towards her "oh hey. I m silvia"she introduced herself .Silvia had a warm smile. It reminded jennifer of Eric. "I m Jennifer,Jennifer argent".
"Its nice to meet u"
"Same here"

"Oi jenny." Mark interrupted them."will u like to stay after school and watch our match??" Jennifer flinched at the use of her nickname. mark seemed to notice it and said "ur name is bit long. I hope u don't mind that I shortened ur name"
"Its okay and I will think about it" saying this Jennifer turned towards the window.

Jennifer was waiting by the school building's gate for her brother so that they could together go to the chairman's office to collect their uniform. After 5 minutes she saw kyle coming her way with a bunch of guys. He said bye to them and signalled her to come along him. They both reached the office where they found Mr.raimon himself sitting on his large chair. "Kyle, Jennifer u guys have grown so much" he greeted them happily.

"Well didnt expect him to say that" Jennifer sarcastically thought to herself.
"come in children. Here are ur uniforms."they picked their uniforms saying arigato. "So do u like the school?" Mr raimon asked. "Yes, absolutely"kyle grinned and replied
Looks like he has been having a great day Jennifer thought again.

" do u guys play any games??" Mr.raimon continued
"track and swimming" kyle said.
"That's great u can join our school team if u want" kyle nodded.
"What about u Jennifer??"

That's good,thats good. we don't have a basketball team but we do have a soccer team here. I m not really sure how many members they have right now. But I do know that they were searching for players. Do u want to join??basketball is not that different from soccer is it."
"Eh!! u can say that but I don't like soccer."she said tilting her head.
Liar.kyle thought. With that they both started walking towards the door." By the way there is a soccer match today. If u want to watch u guys can stay."

"Yeah sure we will stay." Kyle spoke up before Jennifer can say anything. Mr.raimon smiled and turned away. Walking back through the corridor Jennifer hissed at kyle "why did u say that?? I wanted to go home and rest."
Kyle shrugged and replied "my classmates were saying its going to be an interesting match because raimons soccer team is trash while their opponent is one of the best in country.
"That sounds promising" Jennifer replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes.(she rolles her eyes alot).
Finally royal is coming. Let's see what happens next.

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