cami's stratergy.

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Four days have went by. The tiering match against coach Lina's neo national had ended an hour ago. The team was back to practice.
Rachel brought some lunch boxes for them. Mark looked oddly distracted. Jennifer thought that he must be thinking about some new move and decided not to bother him. After lunch Jennifer went to the terrace for some air. She rested her elbows on the railing and looked down. All the players were practicing hard. She smiled as a light breeze caressed her face.She looked at her brother who was dribling against Xavier. He looked so happy. She smiled. She would have never thought that these soccer lovers would drag his brother in this game too. Then she looked at Xavier . Her childhood friend. He was basically her lifeline once. The guy who introduced her to the world of soccer. Then A platinum blode guy caught her eyes. He was playing with Austin.he is almost like a big brother to him. SHe saw him smile and felt an odd but comforting warmth fill her heart.
Who could have thought that I will go on crushing on this guy one day.
Conscience- litteraly everyone.
Ugh! Don't ruin my moment.
she suddenly felt someone stand beside her. "Jude?"
"What are u doing up here alone?"
"Just getting some air. Looking at those guys."
Jennifer never expected that this dreadlock goggle freak will one day become so close to her. She was glad to have him in her life. Jude felt the same for her. She made him feel good. Whenever he looked at her he felt like no matter what everything will be good in the end. There was something about her smile that cheered everyone up. Maybe another speciality of being an anodite.
He leaned on the railing beside her as a comfortable silence engulfed them.
"It feels good to be here." Jennifer whispered.
"never in my life have I felt so happy. U guys make me feel so welcomed . Mom always says that every person eventually finds a place where they belong maybe I have found mine."
" so where is it?"
" here. I belong here with u guys. I can't explain. Its a weird feeling . U guys make me feel like... like....."
Jennifer smiled gentely "yes. U guys make me feel home. I never felt so warm and secure before. Not in the orphanage not with the Argents. They gave me all their love no doubt but I always felt something missing. I always had a little voice in my head that said they are not ur real parents. They have done so much for u. U have to pay back. I felt the need to be perfect for them . To score the best marks and to always stay at the top but with u guys I can be imperfect without guilt. I can make mistakes and correct them. "
"U r an important part of all our lives Jennifer. U make us laugh. U make us smile. U scold us. U pamper us. We are a team. We are a family."
"Yeah we are." Jennifer nodded but then a thought hit her. "Listen Jude."
"i don't think our family is complete yet."
"What makes u say that?"
"Look at the field. Is everyone there?"
"No. Caleb's not there. He practices alone . He stays alone. He never talks to us except for the mockery."
"Who cares for him."
"Hey although he is an outcast of our family. U know the spoiled brat. The disappointment but still we can't leave him can we?"Jennifer chuckled.
"I guess we can't." Jude joined in chuckling.
"HEY JENNIFER!!" Nathan shouted from the field cuping his hands on his mouth.
"Guess u gotta go."
"Yeah . It always feels good talking go u ."
Jennifer gave him one last smile and ran downstairs to her room. Changing into her light wash jeans and a one shoulder top she headed down. Nathan and Jordan were waiting for her. They headed out roaming around the market and eating ice cream. After an hour they spotted sue and tori and jack and Tod hiding behind sidewalk bushes.
"What are u doing guys?" Jennifer asked.
"Look there." Sue pointed to a shop's window. Cami was standing in front of mark in a fancy outfits while mark was sitting on the chair looking at her with confusion (?).
"Wait is mark buying her a dress?" Jennifer cocked her head to the side.
"They are on a date stupid." Sue whispered.
"Eh!!!!" Both Nathan and Jordan became flustered.
"Mark and Cami?? That's weird." Jennifer looked at the duo. Then mark and Cami headed out of the shop. The team players followed them on sues demand.
The duo entered an ice cream shop. Jennifer noticed a big bowl full of ice cream in front of them. Her eyed started shining. "I want to go on a date like that one" she whined.
"I can take u." Nathan whispered from beside her. All the players looked at him.
"I got a new couple already." Sue wiggled her eyebrows
"I meant as hangout. Not a date." Nathan said totally embarrassed.
Just then Silvia and Celia arrived there
"What's happening guys?'"
Sue became scared. "Silvia? Shit....uh I guess I m gonna go to the hair dressers. " sue started walking away.
"Why is she acting that way?" Jennifer asked tori.
"Because she is busted. She did all that stuff."
"she set Cami up for this? Poor cami."Jennifer shook her head as they headed back to the training center .
It was dinner time and mark and cami didnt return.
"What's taking them so long. I m hungry." Jennifer groaned.
"They will be here soon. Wait for sometime." Axel told from opposite her.
she lifted her head a little. "How are u always so calm?"
Axel shrugged. "Its just who I am."
Its just what I like about u. Calm and composed and mature. Sometimes childish but caring.
"Earth to argent." Axel waved his hand in front of her snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Yeah sorry." She blushed a little.
"U r spacing out a lot these days."
"Its ur fault."Jennifer blurted out. Shit!
"how exactly."
"U keep my thoughts occupied." She said non chalantly. fuck I confessed to soon. Shit he is gonna laugh at me.
"I hope mark returns soon because I think ur sarcasm gets even worse when u r hungry."
Fuck my life.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now