glad to have u back

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Mark threw a ball at Axel. "Its good to see u again Axel."
Axel smiled and kicked it back. "It feels good to be around u guys again."
"So coach?" Jennifer asked folding her hands.

"Its good to have u back on the team Axel" coach lina said making a huge grin appear on the faces of every player of raimon .

Axel bowed down." Thank u coach. For everything. If u wouldn't have kicked me out in the first place I don't know what those aliens would have done with my sister."

"I don't know what u r talking about." Lina lied. Jennifer could tell she was lying.

"What is happening?" Jennifer asked confused.

"I'll tell u." It was the detective along with Thor." Those aliens wanted Axel in their team and in order to do so they held his sister hostage. Thats why Axel had to hide here. While he was hiding we looked for his sister. We had to move slowly and carefully so that those aliens don't get any clue. This is why this whole process took so much time."

"They dared to touch Julia?" Jennifer growled. Just how low can u stoop xavier.

"Thanku for ur help detective" mark bowed down too

"dont thank me. thank thor."

"hey dont embarrass me." thor  got flustered up

"So u were helping him Thor?" Mark asked.

"ofcourse i was. all the time he lived here he became sort of our family." thor laughed

"so how does it feel to be back on the team axel?" celia asked him.

"it fells really really great."

The team decided to practice for a little while. Dribbling and passing. Laughing together. It felt good. even after everything the team had been through kicking around the soccer ball felt like home. Axel and jennifer went one on one. "lets see how much u have improved." jennnifer smirked. After some lefts and rights she successfully stole the ball. "hah i can still beat u." and on the next second the ball went missing from her foot. "focus jennifer." axel grinned.

"u bastard" They started again. after sometime jennifer went to the bench to drink some water. "u look happy." nelly smirked. 

"what a great reason to smirk nelly." Jennifer gave her a sarcastic reply.
"oh let me rephrase. u look happy that axel is back." nelly snickered. "poor shawn."

jennifer smacked Nelly's hand playfully. "U r an ass."

"If I m an ass then I am a beautiful one."
Both the girls started laughing.
"Hey hey look axel's talking to Shawn." Nelly pointed towards them. "Maybe they are fighting over u."
"Will u shut up?"

Jennifer started walking towards them but before she could reach there mark called Axel to try fire tornado on Darren. Axel tried it and scored a goal breaking through Darren's god hand. Jude then passed the ball to Shawn but Shawn didnt move. He seemed scared from the ball.

  The team gathered around him.
"I m sorry guys. I m just being a burden on u guys." Shawn looked at the ground.
"Oh c'mon pretty boy. Don't say that. We are all here for u and we will help u overcome all that fucking trouble u r going through." Jennifer gave him a warming smile which made Shawn instantly feel better. Oh just how much deeper can he fall for that girl. All of them got back to their practice.

"Sweet and soft Jennifer, thats new." Axel snickered.
"Snickering Axel, thats new" Jennifer imitated him.

Soon it evening . The managers brought special Okinawa drinks for all the players. Jennifer got her Drink and looked around. Axel was standing near the ocean looking at the sunset. She walked towards him and stood beside him gazing at the beautiful sunset.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now