japan finally

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Jennifer was standing in the airport with her family. Eric and Dylan were there with her. They came to bid goodbye.Eric hugged her "I will miss u " he whispered in her ears .

"I will miss u too ". She whispered back. Next Dylan hugged her saying take care. She smiled then glanced one last time at the entrance. "I didnt expect him to miss ur departure."Eric said knowing well why she was looking at the door. She wanted to cry but she was not one of those sensitive girls. She had always been tough regardless of all situations."tell him I will miss him and I do love him. Also say I am sorry. Its not the end we will meet again." With that she finally started stepping back waving her hand.
"Aww ur little boyfriend still mad at u ?" Kyle teased her.
" I didnt see ur girlfriend and best friend here too."she snapped
"Josh is sick and Krystal is sleeping"kyle shrugged
"Yeah! With Josh." she smirked and went ahead to join her parents.

Time skip again(just landed in Japan)
As Jennifer stepped out of the Japan airport she felt a light breeze brushing through her hair.Jennifer had a tingling feeling in her stomach. Little did she know that her life was going to change completely

Her family settled in their new house or should I say their new mansion.it was huge and beautiful.Jennifer was awestruck when she first entered.she chose a room on the first floor with a terrace attached to it. The room's walls were the lightest shade of purple while the furnitures were all white.

She looked at the clock. 5 pm I can take a quick nap.with this thought she drifted to sleep.when she woke up it was already 7pm. Her stomach was growling. Tieing her hair in a ponytail she walked downstairs. "I am hungry"she exclaimed to her mother who was in the kitchen
"Go sit on the table,dinner will be ready in 5 minutes."her mother smiled at her. She made her way to the dinner table finding her dad and kyle already there. As she sat down her dad who was  engrossed in his newspaper suddenly spoke out "u guys won't believe who I met today" he was so excited that he almost looked like a child with sparkly eyes.

"As long as u don't say u met an alien or a mystical creature, I guess everything else will be believable"

Chris (her father) just rolled his eyes and continued"i met Mr.Ramon today."
"And who is he??"kyle raised his eyebrows
" u don't fucking know Mr Raimon??"
"LANGUAGE!!"came a voice from the kitchen and jacy entered the dinning hall with the food."no wonder both our children cuss so much"jacy said disappointed while serving the food."hehe...sry"their father apologized and continued" He was my best friend when we were both studying in Germany
plus we were also best friends when we lived here 7 years ago. He was the one who recommended me ur orphanage for adoption jenny"

"Oh!" Was the only thing Jennifer said with her mouth stuffed.
"Now to the important part.Mr. Raimon is the chairman of the raimon school so I already enrolled u both in there."
Both kyle and jenny almost choked on their food. "School starts on Monday" he added.

"But dad we just shifted today and Monday is day after tomorrow." Jennifer complained
"U have a full day for rest"her father reasoned.
"What about our uniforms??we don't have uniforms." Kyle asked next
"Don't worry I talked to him about that too.u can wear casual clothes on the first day. U will get ur uniforms and books at school."
Jenifer groaned loudly and hit her head on the table while kyle resisted the urge to do the same.
I know this is a short one.The main story starts in next one.i will Prefer if u guys leave comments. even the critical ones so that I know how the story is and I stay motivated.

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