Sixteen - Defying the Law of Nature: Forbidden Spell

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The Elites have gathered at their dorm along with the Headmaster. It's a secret assembly wherein the Elites and only the Headmaster are present.

They have gathered for one goal, to save Victoria in it's transition periodㅡ even if it cost them their lives. Defying the law of nature is strictly forbidden, for every defiance comes with substantial consequences. And so as the law of the Ministry and High Council, defying the law of nature is an act of treason to ones kind.

After giving instructions of what to do and what not while performing one of the most grievous and dangerous act, they had moved and prepared. Everyone has a vital role in this act, one mistake and the act is through. Their lives are through.

"Be careful." That's the last words that the Headmaster told them and he went out of the place.

"Guard me." The Headmaster ordered his men. The latter obeyed and they enclosed their Master while casting spell.

He raise both of his arms and chanted the spell in Greek. His hands glowed and it directly went to the Elites' Dorm covering the entire area and making it vanish within a time frame. The Headmaster is casting a barrier spell, one of the strongest spell intended for defense in a war. An invisibility spell that can hide things, beings and even their presence. It's like erasing and concealing their existence within a limited time behind the knowledge of anyone, everyone or even the High Council. This spell can be used by everyone but only few have mastered it and it's only the Headmaster... can prolong it's time frame. How did he do it? No one knows, except him.

Surely, strongest spells require great stamina. And it is said that if you can't handle your own powers, it'll swallow you wholly and you'll cease to exist. On the contrary, the Headmasters had the entire control of his own powers, it's an advantage.

After casting one of the strongest barrier he could only make, the Headmaster fell down on his knees. His men alerted and grab him immediately. They guided the Headmaster well and went back to his office in just a snap. But before they leave, he whispered his words with hope and faith. "I believe in you all."

Inside the dormitory, they can see what the Headmaster is doing. Ivo was too worried on his father that he almost went outside but Seth stopped him. "Don't. We'll be doomed if you will."

Ivo sighed in frustration. "Right."

"Elites." Seth called the rest while he stand with authority. "We only have one goal, and that is to save Victoria on her transition. Following all the rules intended for this act is vital. One wrong move and we'll be buried six feet under."

The rest just nodded but sometimes, someone really has the nerve to put some cracks on the seriousness of its surroundings. "Why six feet under? Isn't it too shallow for hell?"

"Ugh. Gods!"





"What? I'm just asking." And the latter pouted.

They sighed in disbelief. Clydeus is really Clydeus, come he'll or high. He's the only one who can lighten a certain situation even if it's too massive for everyone.

"You know what to do, everyone." Seth reminded them. He looked at them intently. Conveying a message that they had gathered for. "Let's get started." Everyone just nodded and was about to take the leave when Clydeus spoke again.

"Aren't we gonna do the thing?" He asked inoccently. The others were confused as they looked at him. "The thing we do before the mission." He cleared.

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