Author's Note (please don't skip)

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Hello my dear Otakus!! How ya'll doing? Hope your good!! Before you jump out of this chapter (I understand is boring), there are somethings I need ya'll to read!

This is my first fanfiction ever, but I really hope you like it! 


- Spelling mistakes (not native, sorry);

- Mature scenes (don't worry, I will warn ya);

- Strong language and scenes;

- I do not own any of these characters!!


I understand there are a lot of people who may not have read this kind of Fanfiction! Therefore, I am here to help with some of the abbreviations:

(y/n) - Your Name

(l/n) - Last Name

(n/n) - Nickname

(h/c) - Hair Color

(h/l) - Hair Length

(e/c) - Eye Color

(s/c) - Skin Color

(i) - Insult

(f/c) -  Favorite Color

(f/f) - Favorite Food


Finally, and I hope no one jumped out of this part, let me give ya'll some backstory!

You are (y/n) (l/n), and you were not born in Konoha! You are actually from the Rain Village, but both your parents were killed. Your mom, Akane Uzumaki, was a skilled shinobi and a feared one; she was the daughter of the Uzumaki clan and the Hyuga clan. Your dad, Eichi Senju, was a very busy and feared shinobi as well; he was the son of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan. They created a new clan, only for you and your family.

After the night of your parents brutal murderer, leaving you as the only person of the (l/n) clan, you found yourself in a new and powerful village, Konoha. You were 7 when it happened, and so you don't remember much of who you are. You received the backup from the Third Hokage, living under the same roof as Naruto Uzumaki. You fell as he was a little brother to you, and you don't care about the Nine Tails.

But as a consequence from not remembering your past, you don't remember how powerful you are, being completely obnoxious to your own existence. But everything changes when you throw yourself at the shinobi world, and starts slowly discovering about who you are!


At the beginning of this fanfic, the relationship between Kakashi and Y/n is gonna be a bit... weird. For full disclaimer, I do not condone nor support underage x adult relationships. The start of this fanfic is like that purely for plot reasons.

Y/N is 15 years old and Kakashi is 22. The age gap is of 6 years since our main character is gonna be 16 in a short while.


I really hope ya'll like this story lol. Don't be shy to correct me if I mess up!! I hope we can all get along together and be a wonderful Naruto fam! Love ya'll and enjoy!

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