(2) Letters because I miss you

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The following week was absolutely boring without someone to cause trouble with. Draco and I haven't been apart since...well ever. We were always together. Even our rooms had a connecting door between the two and it was almost always open unless one of us needed to change.

3 days after Draco left I received the first of many letters from him.

Dear Arrow,
    For starters I wish you were here. It's been terrible being apart from you, also weird. I think I have a problem, I always turn to talk to you but then realize you're not there.

Secondly, I made it into Slytherin! I'm honestly not surprised, it called out before it even touched my head! I've already made new friends here and I've told them all about you. I've met a girl named Pansy Parkinson. I think you two would get along very well.

Also, Harry Potter is here! I tried to be civil with him and help him but he turned me down. Stupid Half-blood. He sided with  the Weaslbee blood-traitor and a Mud-blood.  I've already started planning ways to get at them. It would be so much easier with your help though. Even though it's 3 days, I miss you!

I laughed a little at his words but started thinking about the famous Harry Potter going to Hogwarts. If he manages to survive this year, I'll be meeting him next year.

"The boy who lived" His title interests me. I've read about him in the old papers my father reads. I also wonder who this Mud-blood Draco mentioned is. I've already started planning what I was going to do to Harry for embarrassing my brother. No one embarrasses a Malfoy and gets away with it.

I heard heavy footsteps come into the living room where I was. "Arrow?" It was my father. Don't get me wrong I love him but he's also very difficult to understand and communicate with. He's fun on occasion but also very controlling and strict. He hopes for Draco to turn out somewhat like him. I hope he doesn't. I only know the true Draco and I don't want him to turn out like our father. "Arrow, don't ignore me." I heard my father snap with drew me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry father. I was just thinking." I replied hoping he would let me off easy.

"About what?" He replied, taking a seat on the armchair identical to the couch.

"What Draco wrote to me." I half lied. It was true I was thinking about what he said but I also didn't want to tell him the other thing.

"What did he say?" My father pushed. I knew he wouldn't be happy hearing about the Mud-bloods in school, I'm not even okay with it. The school should be pure-bloods and Half-bloods only.

"Draco told me he got sorted into Slytherin." I smiled. My father smiled a bit as well which isn't often. "He also told me about Harry Potter." Father stiffened at the mention of his name.

"What did he say about the boy?" He asked sitting up straighter and starting at me with an intense gaze.

I gulped and continued on. "He said he tried to be civil and show him around but Harry stuck up for Weaslbee and a Mud-blood." My father scoffed and he didn't look happy.

"Draco is better off staying away from that boy. Although Potter could do better than a Mud-blood and a Weasley. I don't understand why Dumbledore allows mud-bloods." My father replied standing up from the armchair. "What do you plan on doing with that Potter boy when you attend next year?"

I gave my father the famous Malfoy smirk before replying. "Don't worry, I've already got it all planned out." My father smirked before walking out of the room. I ran to my room and plopped down on the bed.

I took out my quill and a piece of parchment and started writing.

Dear Draco,
   I'm happy you were sorted into Slytherin even though it's no surprise. I can't wait to go next year and you can introduce me to all of your friends. It's not as much fun causing trouble here without you. I messed with the house elf all day but it wasn't as much fun just by myself.

As for Potter I've already started coming up with ways to get back at him. He must know you should never turn down a Malfoy. He must learn respect for those who are superior to him. After all he's just a Half-blood. Who does he think he is to disgrace a pure-blood and a Malfoy at that! But you mustn't worry I'll be there soon. I hope you are able to visit for the holidays. I miss you very much.

I smiled and place my quill on the stand next to the bed and got up to walked to the desk and get an envelope. I placed the letter inside and wax sealed it. I opened my large bedroom widow and called for Mercury, my barn owl.

She took the letter from my hand and flew off to Hogwarts. All I could now was wait. I was about to sit at the desk and read but I heard my mother call me down for dinner.

I got up and walked down the stairs into the dinning room. I sat down at the large black, marble table. I smiled at my mother before realizing father wasn't here. I was about to say something until I heard my father walk in and sit down across from me. My mother sat down next to him and placed her hand atop his. My father looked at her and sighed. I may not know what's wrong but I knew better than to bring anything up about my fathers behavior.

Dobby, our house elf, walked in carrying a tray with 3 glasses on it. He handed one to me and and I lightly smiled. He stayed quiet while handing my parents each a glass. I took a sip and let the cold water glide down my throat. I took attention to the cold, empty seat next to me.

That was were Draco usually sat. It's been only 3 days and I was already missing him. Its going to be a long 10 months.

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