(61) Memories

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I tried to keep up with Hermione as she stormed off to McGonagall's office. I knew telling her was a bad idea but there was no getting around it.

"Can I help you ladies?" Professor McGonagall said once we entered the room.

Hermione pushed me forward. "Arrow has something to say. Tell her what you told me."

I stayed quiet for a minute. Should I run out or tell her? Either way I could end up dead. If father finds out they know then they could be killed right along with me and everyone I love.

I guess I was talking too long for Hermione because she started talking for me. "She said her father is leading the death eaters now. They attacked the ministry last night and their goal is to take over the muggle and the wizard world." With wide eyes Professor McGonagall looked at me.

"Is this true, Miss Malfoy?" I nodded while a few tears slipped pass. I wiped them away quickly after hearing my fathers voice in my head. "And how long has this been going on?"

"Since October." I fumbled around with the hem of my shirt, once again not being able to look anyone in the eye.

"Whereas I appreciate this information, Miss Malfoy, I would you would have told me sooner. This is a serious matter and hundreds of people could have been seriously hurt. There are consequences to not..." She was cut off my Hermione. She shouldn't stick up for me, I deserve it.

Professor McGonagall is right, if Hermione hadn't made me come in here, I could have kept it to myself and well, that wouldn't be good.

"She didn't have a choice. Her father threatened her if she told anyone. He already tried to kill her, twice. She's been beaten and ridiculed for months. Arrow was only trying to protect us." Hermione sounds upset, I'm sure it's with me.

Professor McGonagall didn't say anything for what felt like forever. Until she finally did. "Miss Malfoy, I would like you to stay with Miss Granger until we get this sorted out. For your own safety I'd advise not leaving the castle until we get this sorted out." She then turned to Hermione. "As for you, I'd like you to keep a lookout for Miss Malfoy and yourself. You both are some of the brightest witches we've had at Hogwarts but that doesn't mean your indestructible. Don't let her leave the castle until it's safe."

She dismissed us with the order of someone to move my things into Hermione's dorm room. She has her own as well which is good because it will only be the two of us.


After all my things were moved in, I collapsed onto the silk, green duvet of my bed. I let the silver throw pillows engulf me in their comfort. Hermione walked in with a few of my stray things in her arms. Nothing important, just my scarf and once of my robes.

She sunk into her own bed, which had a dark red duvet and gold throw pillows. I never pictures myself sharing a dorm room with Hermione. 7 years ago I would have been absolutely disgusted to share one with her, no matter how good my faking it was.

"Remember when we first met 7 years ago?" Hermione asked as if hearing what I was thinking. I didn't say anything but she kept on anyways. "I was so excited that we were friends. I thought you were one of the nicest people I've ever met."

"Were?" I joked.

"At the start of third year I was crushed that you were faking it all along. I hated you...until you tried to make a change for yourself. I saw it in the manor when both you and Draco protected Harry like that. I could see the fear in your eyes. You wanted to be good but you couldn't." I took a deep breath as she was talking. She's so right. "I'm not going to lie, when we started to become friends again this year, I thought it was all another act."

"Hermione, you've given me way too many second chances. More than I deserve. You were one of the few students who first gave me a chance after the war. I don't think I can ever fake the friendship that's grown between us. You mean too much to me now."

We both climbed off our beds and met each other in a tight hug. If only my younger self could see me now.


Ever since I arrived back from the ministry I haven't seen Arrow but I did run into Harry. Unfortunately for me, at that time I was littered in bruises and coated in dust, ash, and smoke. I think I even had a few cuts here and there.

Harry was quick to take me back to my dorm room and clean me off. I appreciated it greatly but I also didn't want him to get involved.

After I was all cleaned up, I laid back in my bed. It's been a long day. I'm sure Arrow is off somewhere she can take care of herself.

A few moments later, Harry climbed into the bed with me. He laid his head on my chest as I wrapped my arm around him. We both stared up at the ceiling in silence.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked into the quiet room. I shifted a little, I know I won't be able to lie to him, I don't have the heart.

"No but you don't need to concern yourself with me." He frowned but left it alone. I love him too much to get him involved. It's truly a matter of life and death for the both of us.

I tried to relax which lead to both Harry and I falling asleep in the bed.

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