(55) mirror of erised

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When I landed in the main entry way of the manor, Draco was already there.

We walked together to the meeting room. I took immediate notice to more death eaters standing in the room in addition to the ones sitting down. These must be the ones who were in deep hiding in order to not get caught.

"How nice of you two to finally join us." Father had an evil smirk on his face. The chairs are all full so I leaned up against the wall, not giving a fuck. Draco stood as confidently as he could in order to keep up his unafraid look. I know he's terrified though and I'm sure father knows too.

"Sir, as I was saying. We're ready for the next phase. It's time to take it to the muggles themselves." Rockwood said after we got settled in the crowded room. I started to shift a bit uncomfortably but no enough to draw any attention to myself.

"We need to break our fellow dark witches and wizards out of Azkaban. We can't succeed with such a small number. The majority of us have been locked up." Yaxley interjected. This was a hard thing to hear. Most of the death eaters that were locked up weren't afraid to go back. They're all crazy, almost as crazy as my father for trying to gain power like this. He's always craved power and now he has the chance to do it.

"In 1 week  we will place an attack on Azkaban. Our brothers and sisters will be free." My father spoke smoothly. He's confident in his plan even if I don't know how he's going to do it but it can't be good. "I expect to see you all back here by then." He dismissed everyone to leave and a huge cloud of black smoke filled the room until is dispersed in different directions.

I stayed and so did Draco. I have no doubt that father will want to speak to us, he always does to make sure we're still devoted to him.

"Have you two been keeping up appearances?" He kept his usual intimidating look. I tried to keep myself from acting out. I'll sure end up with some sort of injury. As we've gotten older, father has gotten so much more abusive. He claims we're old enough to know better, even if we make some small stupid mistake.

"Yes, no one knows what's going on." I tried to keep a steady voice and didn't look him in the eye.

"Keep it that way." He said rather harshly as if I lied and everyone knows what's going on.

Once we were sure father was done with us, Draco pulled me aside. "What are we going to tell everyone when we get back. I'm sure the Gryffindors will start wondering were we've been going." He whispered in a rushed voice. He's trying to keep father from hearing anything. He doesn't know we're on goodish terms with some of the Gryffindors and Luna. At least I am.

"And why would they wonder that?" I jumped a bit at our fathers intrusive voice. He's standing right behind us, I didn't even know he was there.

"We're...sort of...friends with some of them." I spoke carefully. I can hear Draco cursing under his breath. Father looked livid. I shouldn't have said that. I bet he would have known if I lied.

He raised his wand and pointed it right at me. I didn't have enough time to register what was happening until I got hit by a blast of green light. I flew back and it the wall behind me. That's going to leave a mark. I groaned while trying to stand up but I was pushed back down by my father. I can hear Draco shouting but it's fuzzy.

"Sectusempra." I heard my father angrily say. Draco's shouts got louder but I don't think he'll dare try and mess with father. I must have been right about mother. If she was here, none of this would happened. Maybe she finally got out free.

The last thing I remember is being hit by another blast and the agonizing pain of slash marks being made all over my body.


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