(1) Hogwarts

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It was a dark and gloomy day at Malfoy Manor. The family were all inside enjoying each other's company. Today was Draco and Arrow's 11th birthday. The wealthy family had everything they could ever dream of but the children were waiting for the biggest gift of all to fly through the clouds and land on their front steps. 

A tawny owl flew through the clouds and landed on the doorstep of Malfoy Manor. He left behind two letters as he lifted back into the air and away to deliver more to awaiting children. 

Arrow spotted the owl flying away through one of the large windows and rushed to the first floor. She opened the door with great excitement which couldn't be contained once she saw the letters on the doorstep.

Draco joined his sister at the door and was greeted with her shoving a letter in his face. Arrow opened hers quickly and read aloud what it said inside. This had been what the children were waiting for since they knew what Hogwarts was. 

Their family name dated back centuries in the school, back to the day it first let students pass through it's doors. It was an honor in their eyes to keep up the lineage and expectation of their family until it was passed down to their own children some day. 

The pair were trouble makers at heart and envisioned themselves in the stories of their parent's time at the school. The prospect of the famous Harry Potter coming of age and attending Hogwarts was too great to pass up and see who the boy really was. 

"Mother, we should go to Diagon Alley tomorrow." Arrow suggested. 

"We've still got a few months. Over excited much?" Draco insulted. Arrow made a face and stuck her  tongue out at him. "Very mature." He muttered.

"Stop bickering." Father scolded and the twins mumbled an apology. "Now, remember what we discussed." 

The pair nodded silently, their father entrusted them to gain Harry Potter's trust in any way they could so they could use it to their advantage when the Dark Lord returned. Neither were super fond of what they had been asked to do but they had thought up a Plan B if the boy wanted nothing to do with them. 


Draco and Arrow took the lead in running through the streets of Diagon Alley to gather their supplies for Hogwarts which started in only a few days. It was a rigorous count down from the time they got their letters up until now. 

They could barely contain their excitement when they rushed into Olivanders. The man mused like he had been expecting them that morning. "Welcome in children." He greeted with a smile. 

Narcissa stepped in behind her children while they eagerly waited at the counter for a wand to choose them. 

In the end Arrow ended up with Alder wood with a dragon string core and Draco ended up with hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core. They held them out to their mother proudly, she ruffled Draco's hair and ushered them out to finished the rest of the shopping for the evening. 

(THIS CHAPTER IS CURRENTLY UNDER REVISION, I just thought I had time to finish this chapter before my class started.)


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