(45) Battle pt. 2

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I'll never forget that night. The night I should have fought for myself instead of given in to stay safe. I thought it was a great honor.

The way my father talked about how it was an honor to be chosen to be a death eater. I thought I was making the right choice but now looking back,

I was never given a choice.

It's time to change that. I stood with George on the front steps in Hogwarts. Hand in hand. The other surviving students and staff stood around us.

A crowd is approaching. It's Voldemort and the death eaters. I gripped George's hand a bit tighter. He rubbed the back of it with his thumb. Hagrid is carrying a body, I know who it is. I can feel a few tears slipping down my face.

"Harry Potter is dead!"

"No!" Ginny ran towards Potter but was stopped by her father. More students began to appear outside. Draco quickly found me and stood beside me. He looks like a mess.

"Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth. You put your faith, in me." Voldemort stood in the middle of the two large groups. Death eaters on one side, defenders of Hogwarts on the other. "Harry Potter is dead!" He faced the death eaters as they laughed. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die." No one moved.

"Draco." My father said in a raspy voice. "Arrow." Everyone turned to face us. I let go of George's hand and held onto to my twin brothers hand.

"Children, come." Mother said in a soft voice. I made no effort to move but Draco hesitated before moving, he let go of my hand.

This is my time to finally be free of those people. To be free from being a death eater. Draco deserves that freedom too.

The others watched in pity as he walked to the other side. We do have a choice and we can't be trapped here forever.

I looked from the ground to see Voldemort giving Draco and awkward hug. Draco started to move closer to our parents but I shouted.

"Draco! Stop!" He faced me with worry in his eyes. I ran out to him and pulled him back a bit. "You don't have to go. We have a choice." I looked out the corner of my eye to see my parents with  even more worried faces. "Don't go, Draco. Stay."

"As I said, refuse to join me. You die." Voldemort shouted. My eyes widened and I didn't have enough time to react to what's happening but all I knew is that I remember this.

I dove in front of Draco and I got hit instead


Voldemort pointed his wand at me and shouted. "Avada Kedavra!" A green light shot from his wand and hit Arrow straight on as she dove in front of me, protecting me from the shot.

I watched in absolute horror as she fell to the ground. With tears quickly blocking my eyes, I dove down and caught her right before she hit the ground. I pulled her close to me as the light in her eyes slowly died out.

3rd person

"You stay awake, do you hear me!? Don't you dare close your eyes! Please! Come on!" Everyone watched as Draco cried over his sister. Lucius and Narcissa stayed hesitant but in the end rushed to their, now deceased, daughters side. Narcissa knelt down besides her crying son. Tears in her own eyes as she held onto Arrow's limp hand. Lucius stayed standing above his family, watching around them closely.

No one saw how guilty Draco felt, they only saw his guilt. No one saw the pain he was in, they only saw the pain he caused. No one realized he hated himself, far more than any hated him. But here they all saw the broken boy who wasn't ready for how hard the pain hit him.

They are all seeing him in his most vulnerable state for the first time. The boy who was always the most confident was now holding his twin sisters body in his arms as he cried over her.

Meanwhile, George stayed back but still cried over his lost love. He cried over the fact that he never truly got to tell Arrow he loved her. Sure he did back there but he didn't say it to her. He cried over that now he can't take her on a proper date. He lost his twin brother and now one of his best friends. How he wished Arrow would awaken any second.

Lucius helped Narcissa up and they both pulled Draco away from their lost family member. Draco fought with them as they joined the death eaters, leaving Arrow's body in the middle of the battle field. Neville took this as his moment to step up or limp up.

"Well I must say I hoped for better." Voldemort said to that and all his followers laughed. "And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom." They all laughed once more.

"Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank."

"I'd like to say something." Neville was quick to say.

"Well Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort replied.

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone."

"Not now Neville." A voice called out.

"People die everyday. Friends, family, even who we once thought was our enemy. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here." He motioned to his heart. "We lost Fred, Remus, Tonks, even Arrow." Neville looked out to Draco. "All of them but they didn't die in vain." He turned to Voldemort. "But you will. Cause your wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us!"

Neville pulled out the sword just as Harry fell from Hagrid arms.

"Potter!" Draco shouted and ran to Harry, tossing him his wand. Draco took this as his moment to run to the other side and join the defenders of Hogwarts.

Harry shot at Nagini and then ran away from Voldemort. Voldemort kept firing at Harry but missing.

The death eaters began shouting and retreating as everyone ran into the safety of the castle. Draco stayed with the group outside and George pulled him in for a quick hug. Draco was hesitant but returned it.

Meanwhile, Lucius and Narcissa tried to find their son in the chaos. Hoping that they don't loose him too.


I decided to listen to Arrow. I'm done living in fear that I could die. I already lost my twin sister. I don't have anything to live for anymore.

I assisted the others in helping everyone get inside and fight off the death eaters. It seems like most of them are coming for me but to my surprise a lot of the students have been helping me fight them off.

I thought everyone would hate me.

"Look out Malfoy!" George warned. I turned to see a death eater coming right for me but I shot at it in time before he could kill me.

I silently thanked George before helping Hogwarts fight back.

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