(41) Not so Bad

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I can hear my heart beating in my chest as Monty flew full speed beside Orion. I held on tightly so I won't fall off as Monty continues to fly as fast as he can go.

"There they are!" Draco yelled from Orion. The large, flapping wings of the two dragons is making it hard to hear each other.

Potter is being moved so Voldemort sent out a team of death eaters to stop them and capture Potter.

Draco and I are apart of the team. Everyone has their own way of transport. Ours are the dragons. I gripped Monty's reins and moved them the way I wanted him to go.

Monty went into a dive towards Hagrid and Potter. Draco and Orion did the same. Hagrid seems to be moving faster now but it's almost impossible to match the speed of a dragon.

Monty and I quickly caught up to them. I pulled out my wand and pointed it right at Potter to detain him and bring him back.

Draco's pleading eyes however sparked me to lower the wand. He's right, it's time we make some good decisions fit once.

We both rode on either side on Hagrid's bike. Draco and I made a silent agreement to protect the two as long as we can. We're both trying to make up for what we did but it's been very difficult.

"What are you doing!" Potter shouted over the loud flap of the wings. Draco and I stayed silent however. The less he knows, the more likely for us to survive. A bright light appeared and it all happened so fast.

One of the other death eaters aimed for Potter but hit me instead. I fell off of Monty and started falling to the ground hundreds of miles below.

I seem to be the target for everything.

"Arrow!" I heard Draco scream. I closed my eyes ready for the impact but I never hit anything. Instead I was caught, I opened my eyes to see Draco.

Orion must have got to me in time, before I hit the ground. He flew me back up to Monty who seems to be in distress but the moment he saw me he bowed his head and held out his wing for me to climb onto his back. I glanced over at Draco, who sent a light smile towards Potter.

"Let's go." I said into the night. Draco nodded in agreement.

I laid down on my back on Monty. He's  in his biggest size which made it plenty safe to lie down on him. I stared up at the stars. Despite all the chaos and madness, they're still shining bright.

I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes Monty landed at the front of the manor. I used his wing to slide off and I landed on my feet on the ground. Monty and Orion changed into the size of a dog and followed my brother and I into the manor. Mother is pacing back in forth inside.

"My dear children!" She cried once she saw us walk in. "Arrow! What happened?" She lifted her finger to my head and wiped off some of the blood from a reopened gash on my forehead. She pulled me into the kitchen with Monty following close behind. Mother then gathered a bandage and a rag. She cleaned the blood and put the bandage on it. I smiled lightly as she hugged me tightly.

"Mother, I can't breathe." I stuttered out in dee breaths. She let me go and I walked away, not saying anything else.

I shouldn't have to sneak around in order not to be seen in my own home. I'm trying to avoid any of the other death eaters. I sighed in relief once I reached my bedroom. I locked the door and went through the door in my room leading to Draco's. He was just locking his bedroom door as I walked in.

"It's terrible that we have to do this in our own home." I said causing his attention to snap from the door to me. He nodded, walking over to the two armchairs he out in here. Draco hasn't been speaking much since the night Dumbledore was killed. "Can I asked you a question?" I asked sitting in the other arm chair. I took Draco's silence as a yes. "Why did we protect Potter tonight?"

Draco stayed silent for a few and then spoke. "His name is Harry." I smiled a bit to myself.

"Okay, why did we protect Harry?" I asked this time using Potter's actual name.

"Because he doesn't deserve to die." He muttered quietly. "We've caused enough trouble already."

"You never would have stuck for him like that 6 months ago. So, why now?" I'm intrigued by my brothers sudden interest in Potter.

"Things change." He simply responded.

"People change" I corrected. "Your 17, Draco. It's okay to question things. I know I have lately."

"Enough talk about me. What about you? I know you still fancy George." He said trying to change the subject. It's okay, we'll revisit it later.

"I do but I'm not so sure he would ever want to be with me now. Who would want to be with a death eater?"

"Mother." Draco laughed, he's got a point there.

"Well besides, he's two years older than me. Wouldn't that be weird?" I asked. Who knew in the middle of all this chaos i'd been talking to my brother about boy problems?

"Not really." Draco shrugged. Monty stirred a bit by my feet. He burst awake as someone knocked on Draco's door. I looked at him with a bit of fear in my eyes.

Draco hesitantly got up, Orion close by him. Monty stood protectively by me. They now that these are dangerous times. They've been on the edge ever since Voldemort pretty much took over the manor. He opened the door a crack and spoke to the person on the other side. I couldn't see or hear them. Draco shut and locked the door after speaking to the person on the other side.

He turned to face me with fear in his eyes. "They're attacking Potter again tonight." He leaning against the wall and slid down against it.

I sat beside him, our hands intertwined for comfort. This is all going to hell.

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