(50) An old friend

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You think a war would change your perspective and force you to change your ways. Sure it only works for a little bit but what happens after you fall back into those old ways? What happens when the only person who can keep you away falls too? Who saves you then?

Draco and I are falling back into our old ways. I know it's something we shouldn't do but how do you disregard everything you were taught for the first 19 years of your life? Taught that you were better than most witches and wizards. That blood purity is everything. You were raised to be a death eater? And when your chance finally came it was too late to go back. I think we're worse this time, Especially me.

It's like I'm trapped inside my mind watching all the horrible decisions I've been making. Only the Slytherins come anywhere near us now. It's not a horrible thing because I didn't like any of the other houses to behind with.

The sun is shining brightly today and it's very warm. The Professors excused us from our classes to spend the day outside. Draco and I are sitting in a tree while everyone else enjoys their day. I noticed Draco staring at Potter but when he saw that I noticed he quickly averted his gaze.

It's obvious Draco still likes him but he's afraid. Afraid of hurting Potter. It's so easy to tell. I felt the same way about George.

"Hey, Potter." I called out and jumped down from the tree. Draco stayed in it. The trio stopped chatting and looked to me. I'm bored and want to mess with someone. "You're still the hero, right?"

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Weasley spat at. How dare he use that tone of voice to me.

"Shut up, Weasley." I retorted. "I want to know if Potter is still the hero? The one who vanquished the dark lord. You're not that special in my opinion."

"Is there a point?" Granger asked, annoyed with me.

"How come Potter gets all the glory? I mean what did it cost? You lost everyone who ever cared about you. Your parents, Sirius, Remus, Moody, Snape, Cedric, Fred, and not to mention Dumbledore. You could have saved him you know. You were there, I know you were but you let him die." I picked at Potter where I know it will upset him. That's the whole point.

"Says the girl who killed him. You should be locked up in Azkaban for murdering him." Potter yelled. He's angry now, fantastic.

"I did what I had to stay alive. We both did." I stared right back into his green eyes. I can see the pain behind them. He didn't respond so I pushed further. "You're just as bad as us, you know? You lie, steal, cheat...kill. Yet, you're hailed as the hero. Why is that?" He still didn't respond.

"Potter! My sister asked you a question." Draco joined in. He's standing beside me now instead of still sitting up in the tree.

"Leave him alone!" Weasley shouted.

"Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it?" Draco walked close to Weasley. I can see his nervousness from where I'm standing.

"What's going on out here?" Professor McGonagall interjected.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Draco whispered into Weasley's face before joining me and the others. We walked away from the whole scene. As far as I can tell, I got Potter right where I wanted him.


Stupid exams! I've been in the library all afternoon trying to study. I'm having trouble finding a book on potions. Sure there's hundreds but I need a specific one.

"You'll find the book on row 7." A voice whispered to me. I jumped a bit as the voice startled me.

"Who said that?" I demanded.

"Ouch, I thought you'd know who I am. After all, you are dating my brother." I froze, it can't be. I whipped around when I heard a book thump on the table. My mouth dropped a bit.

"Fred?" Standing before me is Fred Weasley. Only, he's a ghost.

"In the flesh...well not really. More like in the air." He joked.

"You're really here. That's amazing!" I exclaimed a little loudly for being in the library.

"Can I ask you something, Arrow?" I nodded quickly. "How's my family?"

My heart dropped a bit at his question. He must not be able to leave Hogwarts. "They're all doing really good. Ginny and Ron are here you must go see them." He laughed a bit. "As for your parents and older siblings I'm not so sure how they're doing. If they see me they have to report me to the ministry and I'll get taken away."

Fred gave me a sad look. "And George?"

I returned the pitiful look. "He's getting better. He misses you more and more everyday but he's getting better. He runs the joke shop on his own now and he's made so many things in your memory." I smiled a bit. "He always asks me what you would think about him and I dating." I chuckled a bit while speaking.

"I'll give you my opinion now. I'm glad he's got someone with him when I can't be. From what I know, you're a great girl for him but you do need to work on your attitude a bit more. Don't let your anger get the best of you."

I looked down to the floor. He's right, if George saw me now he would be disappointed. I promised him I would get better but I've only been getting worse.

"I'll try to work on that." I said after a moment of silence.

"Can you tell George that I love him? And that I miss him?" Fred spoke quietly. A bit too quiet for a Weasley.

"Of course! But I could always invite him for Christmas and you can tell him yourself." I suggested. Fred's eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. "I owl him tonight but I must go. I've got a class in 10 minutes."

"It's great to see you again, Arrow." He waved. I smiled and then walked out of the library.

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