(60) Revealed

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A week passed since the scare of my "death". I spoke with McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey about what went on and both of them were as confused as I am.

Draco and I have also been sneaking off to the manor everyday, nobody knows what's been going yet. I don't want it that way but someone will get hurt if say anything.

"We attack the ministry tonight. Take anything valuable and don't let anyone get in your way." My father said in a blank tone. I leaned up against the wall in the overly crowded meeting room, hoping that this nightmare will end.


Hours passed of just waiting around in the manor until the order came for us to start the attack. We all traveled in a black cloud and hit the ministry building head on.

I landed and started maneuvering through the crowds to get away from my father. As long as he's not watching, I don't have to hurt anyone. That changed once ministry workers were trying to hit me while I was already trying to avoid being hit my the blasts of magic that's filling the room.

The ceiling started to crumble which is causing dust to cloud my vision and someone made it worse by starting fires.

I coughed as the smoke started to fill my lungs. I started to fight back in order to get through the smoke. I have no idea who I'm hitting due to the deep smoke that's almost filled the room.

When I found a small area with barely any smoke I came face to face with Mr. Weasley. Of all people I had to run into it was him.

I started to cough even more violently as more and more smoke filled my lungs. I have no doubt that my face is red and covered in ash and smoke.

A huff of fire started up right next to me and burned my arm. I jumped at the contact and tried to put out the small fire on my shirt.

Burning my arm and my hip in the process, I really do have a talent for hurting myself everywhere I go.

"Kill him, Arrow." My fathers voice rang through my ears and in seconds he was right behind me. Tears were quickly falling down my face as I pointed my wands towards Mr. Weasley, I could barely focus on him with the amount of tears filling my eyes. I don't want to do this but what choice to I have?

I looked up at the ceiling that was about to fall right above my father and I. I shot my wand towards that and it came crashing down. I dove out of the way to avoid being hit.

This should give Mr. Weasley plenty of time to get out of here. When the dust cleared I saw my father angrily standing over me. Scratch that, not just angry, he looks like he's about ready to murder me.

I felt a hand come in contact with my cheek and a stinging sensation after. It took me a minute to realize that he slapped me. That wasn't so bad, I've gotten way worse when I was younger. For some reason tears still rolled down my face.

"Emotions are a sign of weakness. Love is the worst of them all. It's time you get that through your head." He sad through gritted teeth and hit me again, this time with his cane, any harder and it would have broken in half. The fangs of the snake head dug into my cheek and split the skin. I was hit repeatedly until I thought for sure my arms were covered in bruises. To my luck he only hit me in the face once.

We heard the shouts of Azkaban authorities and soon dispersed from the place, all going in different directions.

I apparated back to the castle and found myself in my private dorm room. I have no idea where Draco is or what he's doing which makes me worried but at the same time I know he can care for himself.

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