(17) "Is it true you fainted?"

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We're all currently climbing off the express and onto the platform. Draco decided to keep a distance until the time really counts.

"Hey Arrow." It's Granger, I smirked.

"Hey." I returned the greeting just as Potter and Weasley joined us.

"How was your summer?" Potter asked but I wasn't planning on answering the question as Draco strolled up to us with Crabbe and Goyle behind him.

"What do you think you're doing with my sister, Potter?" Draco smirked proudly. The trio looked shocked and confused.

"This is a joke." Weasley spoke up.

"Arrow Malfoy, at your service." I bowed introducing myself once more, this time with my last name.

"You played us this whole time?" Potter asked, he sounds quite disappointed.

"And you fell for it. We had the entire staff and Slytherin house in on it." I laughed

"We thought you were our friend." Granger spoke up, she sounds like she's going to cry. I don't want to have to deal with that.

"Why would I want to be friends with you three pathetic heroes." I spat

"We trusted you." Grangers voice cracked.

"Well then you can't exactly blame me, can you? It was your mistake." I said, emotionless. Is she really trying to save a friendship that was never there?

I walked off with Draco and boys. Leaving the trio behind with shocked faces.


"Arrow!" I heard a voice call out.

"Blaise!" I yelled once seeing who was calling for me. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms as he hugged me tightly. Blaise is one of my best friends. He came over a lot during summer break and we've gotten closer. He's like my second brother.

"Still got your arm in a bloody wrap, have you?" He laughed. I punched him with my good arm.

"It's absolute torture." I responded.

I walked into the great hall with Blaise and Draco trailing behind me. I shoved through the new group of first years and found a seat at the Slytherin table.

The choir group started singing and I just rolled my eyes. Why is this important. I'd rather just skip all this and go straight to the dorms. Another reason Dumbledore is a terrible headmaster. When the group finished singing Professor Dumbledore stepped up to the podium.

I drowned out the first part of our speech but then he announced he new DADA Professor. A man named RJ Lupin. Where have I heard that before? He stood up as everyone clapped, well almost everyone. I giggled a bit as Snape clapped for a mere second. He doesn't seem too impressed with the new Professor.

Draco elbowed me and them smirked. "Potter...Potter!" He whisper yelled to get Potters attention. "Is it true you fainted?" The kid sitting on the other side mocked Harry by pretending to faint. I giggled a bit and Granger glared at me. "I mean you actually fainted."

"Shove off Malfoy." Weasley shot at while turning Harry around.

Some of the Slytherins including us snickered at Ron's comment. Draco didn't seem fazed at all.

I heard Dumbledore say something about the creatures teacher retired. I actually kind of liked that teacher. He'd let around the more dangerous creatures. 

"Fortunately I'm delighted to announce that his place with be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid."

Everyone started clapping for Hagrid but Blaise, Draco, and I. When that big oaf stood up he nearly knocked the table over. He's going to make a great teacher (Note the sarcasm).

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