(34) Back to Normal?

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Umbridge got suspended as headmistress of Hogwarts and Dumbledore got put back in charge. Things started to got back to normal, well normal for the other students.

For Draco and I, we have no idea whats to come for us. Father was taken to Azkaban along with other death eaters and I don't know when he will be released, probably never.

The school is being restored to it's original glory. There's a feast in celebration but I'm not attending. I don't think any of the six would like to see me at the moment

I packed up my things as it's the end of year 5. I'm almost finished with my packing. I gathered the few things from the shelf by my bed and put them in my trunk.

"Knock, knock." I looked to see Draco standing in the doorway, I waved to him and then continued what I was doing. "Ready to go?"

"Almost" I replied, I put the last of my things in the trunk and locked it shut. "Now I am." He laughed and pulled my trunk off the bed and took it out to the common room. He took his as well and we walked out of the common room.

"Let me take mine, Draco." I offered, since he was pulling both of our bags behind him. Draco shook his head and I laughed a bit.

We boarded the train after our things were loaded. Draco and I found and empty compartment and locked the door. I cast a spell that made the door, and walls soundproof so no one can hear what we are talking about inside.

Monty and Orion changed into the size of a dog and slept on the floor. I watched for a moment as they slept peacefully, not a care in the world. I wish it could be that way for me. My mind has been racing since I had arrived back at Hogwarts.

"Arrow?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Draco. He looks concerned. "Are you okay?"

How am I supposed to tell him my mind is racing a mile a minute. How am I supposed to tell him that maybe I don't want to follow in our fathers footsteps. Or that maybe we're on the wrong side. "I'm fine." I lied.

"You're not fine. I can tell when you're lying and right now you are." I sometimes hate it when he can see right through me. "What's wrong?"

I looked up into his stormy grey eyes and saw my own in them. Not because we're identical in many ways but because I can see worry and questions. "I'm worried we're doing the wrong thing. That we're going about this the wrong way. One of the few things I've always wanted is fathers approval. To finally do something right in his eyes that will make him proud of me." I can feel tears brimming my equally stormy, grey eyes.

"I've always wanted that too. I sometimes think that your his favorite and that he just hands you everything while I have to work for it." He sighed. A single tear slipped down my cheek. I got up and pulled him in for a hug like my life depended on it. This isn't our most vulnerable state but I couldn't bare anyone seeing us like this.

So...troubled with the difference between the right decision and the safe one.

We sat back down in our seats and stayed silent for a while. We talked a few others times but mostly just stayed quiet. The train rolled to a stop and we were in no hurry to get off. I didn't even bother to tell Monty to change back.

I picked up my small bag and walked out of the compartment. Monty trailed close behind me. Students and parents gasped when they saw a 2 small dragons walking amongst the platform. Orion stayed close to Draco as Monty to me.

Draco spotted mother and pulled me towards her. She pulled us both in for a hug. Father isn't here this time for obvious reasons. We gathered our things and went to the manor.

I walked through the doors of the manor to see my aunt bellatrix waiting for us. I smiled and rushed up to hug her. She was a bit surprised for a second but then she hugged me back.

Draco just waved to her, he's never been too fond of her. Me ,however, I do have a close bond with Bellatrix. I spotted our father standing behind her. He led us to the meeting room.

A few people were seated at the long table but I took attention to who was at the head, Voldemort.

I took a seat next to my mother and Draco sat next to me, with mother sitting on the other side of him. I sat quietly waiting for someone to speak.

"I would like to announce I have a plan for killing off Dumbledore and it involves you two." Voldemort pointed to Draco and I. We remained silent but my mind is racing. How could I be any help is killing the headmaster of my school?

Draco grabbed a hold of my hand under the table. I held it tightly as we both stared at Voldemort. Scared of what is to come and what could become of us.

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