(66) A Wedding

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"We gather here today to witness the marriage of George Weasley and Arrow Malfoy. Hold each other's right hand as you say your vows." I smiled wildly as I took George's hand. A white stream of magic formed around the two of them. I glance over at Draco who's holding Harry's hand. Then to the Hermione and Ron, we've come a really long way.

As I took one look at everyone in the crowd I realized that my life is finally coming to a close. My mother looks the proudest of them all but sad at the same time. An empty seat is beside her, how she still loves my father after everything he's done is a mystery to me. I finally faced George, he's staring at an empty seat right up front. A simple picture frame sits on it, a picture of Fred.

"George, you'll go first." The minister said and George locked eyes with my own.

"Ever since we met what feels like forever ago, I knew you were someone special. Even if you were a bit stuck up." I giggled a bit, I really was. "As time went on I was thankfully to call you my friend, even if I wanted more. It took me 6 days to build up enough courage to ask you to the Yule Ball and standing here today I'm glad I mustered up enough courage to do so. I've never seen you the way others told me too. I always knew that deep down you weren't the person painted out to be. That you had no choice. Thank you for giving me a chance." A few tears slipped down my cheeks, it's my turn now.

"George, how you still trust me after all these years is still a mystery to me. I told you to stop loving me but that only made your love grow. I didn't want you to be swept into the mess I've gotten myself into but I'm happy to say that it's all in the past now. When I didn't love myself, you did it for me. When I didn't trust myself, you did it for me. Coming from the family I did, I had a lot to learn and you were by my side helping me. You shaped me into a nether person. I thank you for giving me a chance to become a better person to not only those around me but to myself as well." Trying not to cry is far out the window now.

The white stream of magic disappeared and we took our hands apart. I was handed a dark red wedding band and George was given a dark green one. We choose ones that would match our houses, George liked the idea.

"Repeat after me. I George Weasley take Arrow Malfoy to be my wife until death do us part. Through hardships and through joy, I will always love you. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love." George repeated the minister and then slipped the ring onto my finger.

"Now for you. I Arrow Malfoy take George Weasley to be my husband until death do us part. Through hardships and through joy, I will always love you. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love." I repeated it to George and then slipped the ring onto his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." George wasted no time in pulling me in as cheers surrounded us.

Arrow Weasley, I like the sound of it.

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