(54) Ammends?

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Once we landed on the front steps of Hogwarts, Draco went straight to arguing with me.

"Why won't you talk to me? You won't even look at me." He's angry, only I get the right to be angry.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you wished I stayed dead." I'm trying not to cry again. I can't let him see that he's getting to me.

"I didn't mean that."

"They why did you say it!?" yelled loudly. He looks shocked that I yelled like that. I'm never one to be super loud. He didn't say anything in return, until,

"Because as much I don't want to admit it. I don't like being like this but I don't want to hurt anyone any worse than I've done. Besides, I don't deserve to be happy." Draco looked down and if I had to guess, I'd think he's crying but it's hard to tell with him. He hardly lets his emotions show because we were taught that it's a sign of weakness from a very young age.

I didn't say anything as I slowly approached my brother. I place a gentle hand on his shoulder. In an instant me pulled me in for a tight hug as rain started to pour from the sky, absolutely soaking us but we didn't care.

I know I shouldn't forgive him so easily but he's my twin brother, I can't help it. Besides, he was just scared and needed someone to take it out on. If anything, now I'm glad he took it out on me. It hurt like hell but hopefully he feels a lot better now.


3 days passed since we resolved our issues. I told Hermione we need to take a pause on this whole thing. In time things will work out if their supposed to.

We have potions today as our final class for the day. Professor Slughorn wants us to make amortentia. Quite dangerous if you ask me. That's a lot of fumes floating around in one room and once most of the girls know how to make it, that can't end well.

Draco is late which is something that rarely happens. If he's misses a class it's because he's lazy and doesn't want to put in the effort for his classes. Once I finished the potion I was hit by the smell of brooms, sweets, and fireworks. I took a deep breath and relaxed at the scent. It's making me miss George even more than I already do.

Hermione and Ron started smiling and blushing in each other's direction. No need to ask who there's smell like.

Once my potion was graded, the door flew open in an annoyed manor. Draco came in mumbling to himself but stopped and took a deep breath. He must have pushed it aside and took his usual place next to me. A few minutes later in came Potter.

"Expect for our two late students, you all receive a top mark for your amortentia potions." I saw Draco blush in Harry's direction.

Once the class ended an hour or so later everyone was quick to leave.

I also asked Slughorn if I could keep a small vile of the potion to have something to have something that reminds me of George until I can see him again.


"Hello, Arrow. Are you enjoying the want sun today as well?" I looked up from the black lake to see Luna walking up to me. I've been sitting outside by myself, leaning against a tree and watching the lake.

"Hey, Luna." I moved over a bit to make room for her. "I just came out here to think." She smiled in understanding and sat down beside me. We both sat in silence until Luna started talking once more. "I need some help, maybe you could be of assistance?"

"Of course"

"There's a girl that I have my eye on but I'm not sure what to do about it. Any ideas?" She asked innocently.

We spent the next hour talking about her problem and then it shifted to me.

Luna smiled widely when our conversation
finished. She stood to her feet and I copied this action. She hugged me tightly after making sure I was okay with it. I watched as she walked away and back to the school.

I smiled brightly to myself. I just helped someone. Me? I all ever do is bring trouble or pain. Maybe I really am turning over a new leaf? I just have to find a way to escape my fathers hands.

I strolled by myself back to the school. Supper should be served anytime now.

As I entered the Great Hall not as many students stared this time. I spotted Luna and Ginny giggling together, a smile formed on my face.

Hermione and Weasley are sitting together but there's no sign of Harry. My eyes darted to the Slytherin table. Blaise and Pansy are waiting for me but there's no sign of Draco either.

With a confused look I joined Blaise and Pansy. "Where's Draco?" I took a seat across from the two at the table. It's difficult to hear what they're saying with everyone else talking over each other.

"We thought he was with you." Blaise looks annoyed for some odd reason. I haven't seen him all day so he's not annoyed with me.

"I haven't see him since potions let out." I replied with an unemotional facial expression.

I noticed Hermione looking at me with a confused facial expression. Harry still isn't anywhere to be seen. That was soon forgotten though when a painful reminder started moving on my arm.


I realized things weren't going to get any better until Harry and I were at least on a aquatint level. I paced the common room until I built up enough courage to go and talk to Harry.

To my luck, the search wasn't difficult. I found Harry wandering the corridors.

"Potter, we need to talk." I commanded, he doesn't have a choice out of this.

"I was trying to find your for just that." He responded and joined me in going to a more private place. We went to one of the higher floor corridors. It's empty up here. "Why have you been acting so weird?"

"If you want the truth. I think..." I was cut off by a sharp pain coming from my right arm. I rubbed ferociously on my forearm and Harry took immediate notice to this. Did father really choose now to be a good time? "I've got to go." I ran from Harry and to the front of the school. I quickly learned that if father wants is the pain will only grow until we listen and arrive at the manor, or wherever he is.

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