(5) Slytherin

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The trio came to find me after supper was over. I asked Professor McGonagall if she could refrain from using my last name. No one but the Slytherins know Draco and I are related. I'm going to have fun with this.

Let the game begin.

"Arrow!" I heard a familiar voice call out. It's Granger, she's running towards me with Weasley and Potter behind her.

"Hey Gra-Hermione." I forced a smile as she hugged me. I pushed her away once it reached more than 3 seconds.

"Still not fond of hugs?" She asked letting me go. I shook my head. "We'll work on that." She giggled, I highly doubt it.

"I can't believe you got sorted into Slytherin." Weasley spoke up in disgust. "They're snide and cruel. All of them are evil." I'm not to surprised by Weasley's opinion. Draco told me how none of the other houses like Slytherins.

"Ron, shut up." Granger elbowed him, he whined and made a face. I tried not to chuckle at his reaction. "He's obviously not talking about you. We all wish you were in Gryffindor."

"Me too." I perfectly lied, they all bought it and waved goodnight before heading off to their house.

"That was insufferable." I took notice of Draco when he appeared from the shadows. I laughed and ended it with a smile. "Come on, I'll show you to the house."

I followed my twin brother through the darkening halls of the grand castle. We continued down the moving stairs which caused me to be a bit uneasy. We kept going down until Draco stopped in the dungeon area.

"Is it really all they way down here?" I asked not being too fond of the matter. He nodded and pulled me to a bare stretch of wall.

"Pure-Blood." Draco spoke at the wall and it moved to form and entry way. I stared in awe at the hidden entrance.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed as he led me through. The common room is beautiful. Black lether couches, various desks and tables filled with things, a giant fireplace, green lights, stone walls with the Slytherin crest around the room, and above the fire place is a skull in a glass box.

This common room is ginormous. I'm sure I can easily get lost in here. I took attention to the widows, we're underwater.

"That's the black lake." I heard a new voice say. I spun around on my heals, knowing that voice extremely well.

"Well if it isn't Gregory Goyle." I acknowledged upon seeing the familiar face. The Goyle and Malfoy families are very close. I've known Goyle for years.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Arrow Malfoy." He bowed which caused me to snicker.

"That's right, bow to me peasant." I jokingly instructed. He let out a laugh before standing up straight and hugging me as a greeting. I happily returned it.

"As happy as this reunion is." Draco interjected with hints of sarcasm. "I best be showing my sister to her room." Goyle and I pulled away from the hug and started laughing.

However, before Draco had the chance to show me to my room for the next 10 months I'll be staying here, the common room filled with students. They all took attention to me, standing in the middle of it.

One by one they started introducing themselves at once. It's all a jumble of names at this point. I'm pretty sure it will take me the whole school year to memorize everyone's names.

"Give her some space." Draco demanded. He must have sensed that I didn't want to be surrounded anymore.

"Hi, I'm Daphne Greengrass." A blonde haired girl said to me while shaking my hand. I smiled at her, I can already tell we were going to get along very well. "I'll show you up the our dorm room." She took my hand and dragged me up a small flight of stone steps. She opened the door and it revealed 3 beds with desks, a bathroom, with a couch and and arm chair. The room looks amazing. The decorations are beautiful as well.

"We already decorated last year but your welcome to add some of your own personal touch." Daphne  said, coming up behind me.

"It's amazing, you did a wonderful job." I complimented with a smile. Another girl walked in and I assume its Pansy from the way Draco's described her.

"Hello, I'm Pansy Parkinson." She greeted extending her hand for me to shake. I smiled and took it. "Arrow Malfoy." I said in return.

"So your the famous Arrow." She laughed, I joined in on her laughter as well as Daphne.

A few hours passed and three of us got to know each other pretty well. This year is going to be awesome. We have another hour until we need to be in our dorms so I've decided to explore the castle.

I crept out of the common room, wanting to be alone and not accompanied by my overly confident and dramatic twin brother. I ran my hand along the wall as I strutted through the empty halls. I kept up my confident walk as a habit, even when no one is around. My father has drilled the concept of keeping up appearances into my brain.

"What are you doing out so late?" I jumped at the sudden intrusion.

"I can ask you the same, Potter." I slipped up on the last word, sounding exactly like Draco.

"I think you've been around Malfoy a bit too much." He chuckled, I lightly smiled and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"You have no idea." I decided to laugh along with him.

"Can I join you?" He asked very politely. I nodded with another forced smile. I don't want him to but I can't just say no. "What does the M stand for?" I stopped walking and gave him a confused look. "In your name. At supper Professor McGonagall just said, Arrow M."

I came up with something quick, "It's just the initial to my middle name. I don't really like my last name." The whole statement was a lie. I revived my middle name after mother's first name and I am very proud of my lineage.

"Could you tell me what it is?" He pried, it's a bit annoying.

"Maybe some other time." I replied and continued walking through the now dark halls.

We walked the rest of small journey in silence. I don't really want to talk to him and Potter has made no effort in trying to start another conversation.

"See you tomorrow." Potter waved off and headed to his own house. I returned a small wave and ran down to the dungeons. I'm hoping I'll be able to avoid Draco when I return. "Pure-Blood" I whispered and the entry way formed to let me in.

I snuck through the dark common room. No one seems to be awake. I quietly opened the door to my shared dorm room. To my surprise the candles are still going. Pansy and Daphne are sitting on Pansy's bed, giggling about something.

"Arrow, you're back." Pansy smiled. She patted an empty spot on the bed for me to join them.

I gladly did, which resulted in us staying up through the night. Talking about anything and everything.

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