(35) Dark Mark

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Mother led us to Knockturn Alley, which is the dark part of Diagon Alley. She stopped in front of Borgin and Burkes. Draco and I were hesitant to follow in but did so anyways. He held out his hand for me to take while walking up the few steps.

I straightened up my black dress upon entering the shop. Draco inspected a cabinet that we are supposed to find at Hogwarts.

Then the time came for the ceremony.

We all stood around a large cauldron emitting a green glow. Draco and I held our right arms over the cauldron, standing completely still. A bright light shined from the cauldron and as fast as it started, it ended.

I didn't get a chance to look at my arm because our mother quickly took us back to the manor. I didn't give any room to talk before running up the stairs. I can hear Draco's footsteps behind me.

I closed my eyes and held out my right arm. When I opened them I gasped at the sight, the dark mark is now permanently etched onto my skin. I started to kneel to the ground in tears but Draco caught me before I hit the ground. He slowly lifted me back up as I cried into his chest.

I made a horrible mistake and now this mark with forever be a reminder that I should have stuck up for myself instead of thinking I was doing the right thing.


I continued to hold on to my sister as she cried into my chest. I hate seeing her in such a vulnerable state. If we had a choice I would've told my sister that we can't go through with it but it's too late now and there was never a choice.

Arrow backed up a bit but I still had my arms around her. She took my right arm and pulled up the sleeve of my black suit. She ran her finger over the dark mark that's now permanent on my arm.

I pulled my arm away from her and rolled the sleeve back down. She hugged me once more until her cries quieted down and the tears stopped falling. I walked her to the edge of her bed and sat her down.

I then walked into her closet and pulled out a fresh change of clothes, handing them to her, before walking into my room. Shutting the door between the two.

A few moments later I heard a knock on our shared door. By then I changed as well. Arrow smiled a bit but I can tell it's not a real smile. It's a broken one, one that should never be on her face.

I hugged her once more and walked with her downstairs into the main living room. Mother and Father seem to be the only other ones here which is odd since the manor has been filled with people recently. Father and the other captured death eaters were broken out of Azkaban just recently.

Arrow stopped at the edge of the living room, she stood silently staring at our parents. She almost looks, scared. Like she did something wrong but we've been doing everything they've asked of us.

Father stood up and motioned for the two of us to come closer. He first rolled up the sleeve of the black shirt I'm wearing. He inspected the dark mark on my arm before rolling the sleeve back down and moving on to Arrow. He rolled up the sleeve to her grey sweater as she stood completely still and silent. He nodded in approval before letting us go.

Arrow turned around and walked to her room, shutting the door behind her. I sighed and walked into my room and through the door that connected our rooms together. She sat on her bed tracing her mark with her finger. She hasn't said anything since we arrived at the manor and it worries me.


"We made a stupid decision Draco." She muttered in response. That's the first thing she's said since we got back.

"I know we did." I sat down next to her. She looked up, her eyes are cloudy and bloodshot from the crying. Tears are brimming at her eyes threatening to fall once more. "Arrow, listen to me. Whatever happens, what ever we do, you're still my sister and nothing will ever change that." A few tears started forming in my own eyes but I refuse to let them fall. I have to stay strong for my sister. I have to show her that there's still come form of hope for her left. Even if it could mean my own death.


I straightened out the right sleeve on my black suit and combed my hair to the side. I walked down to the front doors of the manor. Arrow, in her black dress, is already down there waiting for me with our things for Hogwarts.

Mother escorted us to the platform and we climbed onto the train. I can see Arrow shaking a bit so I held her hand as we found a place to sit. She looked out the window, dead silent, almost the whole way.


Draco and I got up and walked to a different part of the train. He pulled out a black case but a puff of black smoke filled the cabin.

"What was that? Blaise?" He demanded. He pushed me behind him a bit standing protectively in front of me.

"Don't know." Blaise responded quickly.

"Relax, boys. It's probably just a first year messing around. Come on, Draco. Sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon."

Draco hesitantly turned around and walked back to our seats. He sat next to me while Pansy sat next to Blaise.

"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I'd pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I had to continue for another two years." He said in disgust.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked.

"Let's just say you won't see me wasting my time in charms class next year." Blaise laughed to himself. "Amused. Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end." Draco looked up to his bag which is on the rack above us.

I stayed quiet, I've been too preoccupied by my thoughts.

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