(43) Battle pt. 1

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Voldemort has the elder wand. Dementors and death eaters have taken over Hogwarts, with Snape as the headmaster. I don't think any other 18 year old should be living in my position. The world has grown darker, at least my world.

Father, Mother, Draco and I stood in the room with our heads bowed. For my family it's a sign of respect towards the dark lord. For me, it's to avoid the sight of all the bodies on the floor. Voldemort walked through, talking to Nagini in parsceltounge. I have no idea what he is saying but it can't be good.


"We must go now" Draco whispered to me. I silently agreed. I don't want to go but since when do we have a choice? I held Draco's hand and we apperated to Hogwarts.

We landed right in a huge crowd of students. They're all screaming and running away. Draco let go of my hand and grabbed onto the collars of Blaise and Goyle. He dragged them out of the group and somehow no one noticed. By the sounds of it the protection around the school is failing.

Draco led us to the room of requirement, apparently that's where Potter is. After father learned that we protected Potter more than once he beat us and yelled at us.

He took out his anger and fear on Draco and I. Now Draco refuses to protect or help Potter any more.

As his sister I'm going along with his choice. No more breaking the rules if we want to stay alive. We sprinted to the room to avoid any falling debri.

The door started to open. Draco and I hid behind one pillar while Blaise and Goyle hid behind the other.

We all have our wands out, ready for anything as always. I made a move for the door to greet Potter the moment he steps in. The 3 boys followed my actions. He never came in through this way but he's in here, I can hear him.

"Where is he?" Draco demanded in a harsh tone. I was about to reply but Draco's attention went elsewhere. He motioned for us to follow him.

We weaved throughout the many things in the overcrowded room. I spotted Potter with a box of some sort.

How was Draco able to find him so easily. "Well, well" Draco said startling Potter, making him drop whatever he was holding. The four of us pointed our wands at Potter. "What bring you here? Potter."

"I could ask you the same." Potter responded, looking rather uncomfortable.

"You have something of mine." My brother commented as none of use moves from our positions. "I'd like it back."

"Well, what's wrong with the one you have?" Potter gestured.

"It's my mothers. It's powerful but it's...not the same. Doesn't quite...understand me. Know what I mean?" My brother is being awfully odd.

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix." Draco stayed silent at Potter's question, as did I. "You knew it was me. You didn't say anything." Draco looks uncomfortable with Potter's words.

Goyle whispered something to Draco but I didn't catch it because I spoke up. "It's because..."

Draco shot a look towards me and interrupted what I was going to say. "Don't finish that sentence." He growled. I never got a chance to say anything else because Weasley and Granger showed up. Granger fired a spell as us, just barely missing Draco.

The four of us scrambled away but I caught a glimpse of Potter's questioning face before we turned the corner. Spells were fired back and forth between the two groups. I managed to hit Weasley but he bounced right back up.

Stupid Weasley!

Weasley chased after us screaming "That's my girlfriend!"

Goyle cast a spell but it backfired. Bloody idiot set the whole room on fire! He couldn't get his wand to stop.

Draco and Blaise tugged on my shirt and the three of us started climbing, leaving Goyle behind. Draco was ahead of Blaise and I in the climbing.

I looked down to see Goyle scaling the pile of things, he fell back into the fire. I looked in fear before climbing us more. Draco and Blaise fell back causing me to almost fall off but Blaise caught my hand. He helped me regain my grip as we continued away from the fire.

They both reached the top, barely hanging on. I'm just below them. Potter dove down on a broomstick but missed my brothers hand by an inch. They came back around, Draco swung on the back of Potters broom and Granger pulled up Blaise.

The sudden movement caused me to slip. I fell back, screaming, but thankfully Weasley dove and grabbed my hand pulling me on, just in the knick of time.

We all flew on Broomsticks and burst out pf the room. I could see Draco scurry up and scramble to his feet.

"Where's arrow?" He demanded in fear. I limped over to him. Draco pulled me away and we ran quickly away from there. Not even thanking the trio for saving our lives.


Draco and I ditched Blaise, only looking out for ourselves now. We ran through the crumbling school. Students and death eaters everywhere. It hurts to know we are one of them.

Magic shot from every corner, the pitch black night lit up from the wands. Voldemort's voice can be heard, ringing in my ears. Everyone's ears for that matter.

Everyone paused as he spoke. Draco pulled me in close as he spoke and once he finished so did the fighting.

Draco hid away and I walked into the great hall. I felt a tear slip from my eye as I saw all the dead and injured students and staff.

I got many glares sent my way but I continued walking. I stopped when I spotted Potter and the Weasley family. I stayed back not wanting to cause any trouble in here. I heard George's quiet sobs, which can only mean one thing. I stepped a bit closer and felt a pain in my chest as the sight.

Fred is dead.

No, he was one of my best friends. He shouldn't have died. This wasn't his fight, if anyone was to die it should have been Potter.

I chocked on my tears and I must have made too much noise. George's attention snapped to me. To be honest, I'm a bit afraid. Because of the team I'm on, his twin brother is dead. I can't imagine how that actually feels.

If I lost my twin brother I would shatter into a million pieces. If I lost my other half, I wouldn't be able to go on.

As George started walking towards me I back up a few steps but he caught up to me. He pulled me in for a bone crushing hug. We cried to each other as everyone else watched.

"Im so sorry." I muttered in between my cries.

"It wasn't your fault, Arrow." He was quick to respond. I didn't respond and instead cried because of the loss of my close friend.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and it pushed me away from George. "Get away from my son! I don't want you killing him too." It was Mr. Weasley.

"I swear I..." I muttered but never got the chance to finish as he interrupted me.

"Your one of them! I can't trust a death eater around my son!" Mr. Weasley pointed his wand at me but George stepped in the way.

"Don't touch her." He commanded as I stood behind him in fear.

"But son" Mr. Weasley argued.

"I don't care. I don't care who she is because I know that she isn't like them. She was our best friend." Was? It worries me a bit that he said was.

"Best friend? You were running around with a Malfoy?"

"Dad listen, I love her and there's nothing you can do to keep me away from her." I froze a bit at his choice of words and by the looks of it, so did everyone else. Mr. Weasley stepped back and George took my hand in his own.

The two of us knelt down besides Fred's body. George started crying again but this time I comforted him the best I could.

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