(58) A dream?

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This may be a little weird or doesn't make much sense but for the characters to progress even better this is what I'm gonna do. It's gonna be like a Christmas carol type thing.


I opened my eyes and found myself in my room at the manor. Panic instantly took over. What happened to everyone else? I specifically remember being in the Gryffindor common room. Are they all okay? What did father do to them?

Panic and worry continued overtaking my mind. I need to find Draco, if he's even here. After he ran out last night I have no idea we're he went. Somewhere with Harry I'm sure since he ran out after my brother.


I let out a sigh of relief at the familiar voice. I'm not here alone.

"Draco! I'm in here!" I called out and the door opened. Draco came in from his own room with a confused look on his face.

We heard laughter coming from somewhere on this floor. It's a child's laughter. I gave Draco and equally confused look before we both left the room.

I took the lead and followed the laughter until I reached the door to the library. I pushed the door open and almost tripped from the shock. Draco caught me and held me up while I regained my balance. What kind of trick is this?

Inside the study was Draco and I but when we were 9 years old. If only life was still that simple. We look so happy, wish it could have stayed that way.

"Draco, what do you think we'll be like in 10 years?" The younger version of me asked. This broke my heart to hear. Here we are 10 years later from this day and I bet we aren't anything like the expectation of our younger selves.

"We're going to be a great witch and wizard. Everyone is going to know our name. We'll be hero's of some sort." The 9 year old Draco answered. I felt a few tears slide down my face. Such big dreams were crushed by harsh reality.

"I think we'll all be right here with mother and father. I'll have a boyfriend." She started to giggle a bit. "And you'll also have a boyfriend And then we'll go on great adventures all over the world."

A small smile formed on my face through the tears. As I said before, I wish it was still this simple.

The image started changing and I felt Draco grab hold of my hand. I tightly closed my eyes as everything started spinning.

When it stopped I couldn't feel Draco's hand anymore. I was in a field and looked all around me for my brother. He's no where to be seen.

I started hyperventilating a bit because I'm trapped in this odd time thing and now I just lost my twin brother somewhere in it.

I have no idea what to do next. I started walking, hopefully I end up somewhere. That's when I spotted something familiar. It's the top of a house and by the way George has described it, it's the burrow. I broke out in a sprint towards it. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I reached the door.

I was about to knock when I decided maybe j shouldn't. After all, my kind is what got their son killed in the first place.

George and Ginny don't blame me but I know Ron does and I think Mr. Weasley does as well, or he at least used to. Ron blames me for everything so he doesn't bother me but the others will.

I went to leave but it was like I was thrown back. I found myself in the family room of the house. I started to panic that I was going to be seen. That grew when Mrs. Weasley walked in accompanied by George. Neither of them have spotted me yet though.

"It's so nice to have you home." Mrs. Weasley hugged her son before sitting down on an old couch.

"I can't stay for long." George replied and sat down next to her. "Something's wrong with Arrow and I want to be back with her when she wakes up." This caught my attention. When I wake up? I'm right here though, awake. This whole thing is odd.

"Of course, dear. Now what was it that you came to talk about. Your father should be home soon."

"I want to know your opinion on Arrow." It was a simple question but enough to leave me speechless for some reason. Why would George be asking her this?

"I think she's a wonderful young lady who's never been given a choice. From what I've heard I don't think she's ever had a shot at a loving family." I started crying a bit at Mrs. Weasley's answer. Every word of it was true. Hearing it from someone else makes it so much harder.

"Good to see you, son." George and Mrs. Weasley smiled at Mr. Weasley's arrival. I'm so glad that they can't see me. "What are you doing home?"

"He needed to speak to us but he doesn't have much time." Mrs. Weasley answered for George.  Mr. Weasley took a seat on one of the arm chairs and waited for one of the others to speak. 

"Dad, what do you think of Arrow?" My breath hitched a bit. I'm finally going to determine if he hates me or not.

Mr. Weasley sighed, "She was raised in the dark side, I don't think that's something to escape very easily. I don't take lightly any of the choices she let herself get pressured into. She could have easily seen the wrong and asked for help...but I do believe there's still good in her."

His answer shocked me a bit, I was not expecting that at all. He's also made some good points about my life. I didn't expect either of their answers at all. I thought for sure they hate me.

"There's something I want to get your opinion on." George said and started digging through his pocket.

I could barely make out him pulling out a small black box before everything started spinning again.

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