(20) "Turn to page 394"

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I heard that I wasn't the only one who was terrorized by the boggart. Potters was a dementor. He was frozen in place and that idiot of a Professor had to step in for him but at least Potter didn't see his twin brother dying in front of him knowing he couldn't do anything about it.

Draco wrote to our father yesterday and I suppose he's showing up sometime soon to deal with the incidents. For now though I have to sit through another class of Defense against the Dark Arts. I've decided I hate this class.

Snape walked in quickly, using his wand to close all the windows with a loud bang. He walked to the front of the classroom and turned around swiftly to face all of us.

"Turn to page 394." He started with no emotion. We all immediately pulled out books out in front of us and turned to the page.

"Excuse me sir, where's Professor Lupin?" Potter asked. He's just upset that the one Professor who doesn't favor him is teaching the class.

"That's not really your concern is it Potter. Suffice it to say he finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394." Snape answered Potter while walking to the back of the room. He tapped a projector with his wand and it started up.

Werewolves?" Ron muttered upon seeing the page.

"But sir, we've just begun learning about red caps and inky punks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione stated. I scoffed at Hermione's comment.

"When did she come in? Did you see her come in?" Ron asked Harry, both quite surprised to see Hermione just appeared. Even I'm a bit surprised to see her.

"Now which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf? No one, disappointing."

"Sir, an animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon when he transforms he no longer remembers who he is. He can kill his best friends if you cross his path. Furthermore the well thrown responds to the call of its own kind." There goes little miss know it all once more. She must have no life is she spends this much time reading. 

Draco howled which caused me and Crabbe to laugh.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy. That is the second time you've spoken out of turn Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know it all." Snape said, clearly annoyed with Granger. Draco and I chuckled a bit at Granger. She was focused on the table to avoid eye contact with anyone.

I looked over to my brother to see him sending a paper made bird of some sort to Potter. Odd, I didn't even see him writing down on anything. I guess I was just too focused on granger.

"Five points from Gryffindor. As an antidote to your ignorance and on my desk by Monday morning two rows of parchment on the werewolf with particular emphasis on recognizing." Everyone groaned at Snape's given assignment. We owe it all to Granger.

"Sir it's quidditch tomorrow." Potter added in. I don't know what he's hoping to accomplish but Professor Snape won't lay up the assignment just because of a game tomorrow.

"Then I suggest you take extra care Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse you. Page 394" Snape said while leaning against Potters table and getting close to his face.

Draco and I watched as he undid the folded parchment. I don't know what's on the parchment but Potter looked over at Draco. My brother smirked as Potter turned his attention back to the parchment.

**Time Skip**

It's nightfall now and they announced for all the students to meet in the Great Hall. It's absolutely ridiculous. I'm already in my sleepwear, which consisted of my green flannel pajama bottoms and one of Draco's plain black shirts.

I decided it's not worth it to change and just pulled on my Slytherin robe over my pajamas. I was about to walk out of the dorm room but I remembered Monty is running about on my bed. It's not fair to make him change back when I could only be gone a few minutes. I slipped Monty into the inside pocket of my robe. I bet in no time he'll fall asleep.

I walked out into the common room where I was met with a bunch of the other Slytherin students. They all seemed to have the same idea as I did. Everyone is in their sleepwear with they're robes over the top.

I strolled up to Draco and the two of us walked to the Great Hall with the hundreds of other students. I started to get too sleepy to walk as it's late this hour. Draco noticed and offered to carry me on his back. I nodded in agreement and let him carry me. My eyelids started to get heavy and then everything went black.


It didn't take long for Arrow to fall asleep. She's resting her head on my shoulder while her arms are still wrapped around me to keep herself from falling. I got a few stares but Arrow isn't the only one asleep.

There's a few students leaning against each other for support as they're drifting in and out of sleep. One student even fell over and continued his sleep on the ground. I wasn't really listening to what Dumbledore was saying but I did catch him say that Sirius Black is in the school and we all have to stay the night in the Great Hall.

Fantastic, I have to sleep in the same room as all the Gryffindorks. The tables were moved and a bunch of sleeping cots with blankets and pillows appeared in long rows where the tables once were. I set my sister down on one and found another for me not too far away from her. Soon the Hall was silent and only the snores of sleeping students can be heard.

**Another Time Skip**


Today is the day of the game. It's Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. There's a terrible storm but that doesn't stop anybody. Draco and I watched from the Slytherin stands as the players flew all over the arena. Both teams are already down a player because they got hit by lighting. I can barely see what's going on because of the hard rain beating down. There are things flying everywhere. I almost got hit by an umbrella a few moments ago.

All the sudden we could see a person falling from the sky. It's Potter, Dumbledore cast a spell that brought him down safely. There were players falling from the sky earlier after being struck by lighting and Dumbledore didn't do shit. Yet he's saving Potter.

The game was quickly dismissed as everyone quickly escaped the rain and back into their dorms to dry off.

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