(10) Mud-Blood

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Christmas break ended quickly. Draco and I decided to stay at Hogwarts but our parents sent us a sack full of gifts for each of us.

I've been spending most my day at the library. Not reading or studying like losers. No, I was picking on all the nerds. Okay...maybe I was doing a little bit of reading.

I found a book on the chamber of secrets hidden deep in the library. I read all about the monster that lives down there. It's the basalik. How nobody's figured that out yet...I don't know. I thought about bringing this to the all the Professors's attention but I figure they already know.

As of now I'm walking back to the Slytherin common room. I arrived just in time to see Crabbe and Goyle sprint out of the room. There must be free sweets somewhere.

I smiled at my brother who was busying himself on the couch. I walked to my dorm room and saw Pansy nervously looking around the room. Suspicious, she's never one to be nervous like that.

"Hey Pansy" I greeted upon entering the room. She jumped a bit at my greeting and gave a me a smile. Odd. She's not one to be simple like that.

"Hey Arrow, I was wondering if you knew anything about the chamber of secrets?" She nervously asked. This isn't my friend. Daphne, Pansy, and I talked all night about the chamber of secrets so she shouldn't be asking me this. I have a suspicion of who it might me but first I have to see if I'm correct.

"I told you all this last night. Remember?" I questioned. She slowly shook her head. This definitely isn't Pansy There's no way she would have forgotten. "Well I don't know much but I do know that a mud blood will die." I partially lied.

My father told me when he was a student here the chamber was opened and a mud blood died. I don't know if one will die for certain this time. I suddenly got an idea of how to determine who this is. "I personally hope if any of those filthy mud bloods die that it's Granger. Little miss know it all doesn't deserve to walk these halls." I saw all the color drain from Pansy's face. My suspicion is correct. I know exactly who this is.

"You can't say that!" She shouted, sounding exactly like little miss know it all herself.

"And why not? You hate her just as much as I do. Don't you?" I smirked. I love where this is going.

"She doesn't deserve that. I feel bad about hating her now." I laughed and she gave me a puzzled look. I'm done with this now.

"Give it up Granger, I know it's you." I scoffed while rolling my eyes. She didn't respond so I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the common room. By now most of the Slytherins should be here. I faced Hermione to see that she changed back into herself. Time to have some fun with the Mud blood. "Hey boys, look who snuck in here." I laughed dragging Granger into the common room, catching the attention of all the guys in there. The girls must be off doing something else.

Draco was the first to stand up. "How did that filthy mud-blood get in here." He spat at Granger. I can feel her shaking in my grip but I'm not letting go. Not until she pays for her little trick.

"Pollyjuice potion." I simple answered. Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Theo appeared behind Draco. I heard more voices come in and it was all the older boys. They saw Hermione and snickered. They all plopped down on the leather couches leaving us to deal with her but still staying to watch.

"What should be do with you, Mud-blood?" Draco asked with a smirk. "This place is for pure bloods only and not some goody two shoes, know it all, filthy mud blood." His face then lit up as if he got an idea. He whispered something to Theo and Blaise who snickered. Theo replaced my hold on Hermione and Blaise held her other wrist. She struggled to be realesed from their grip fearing what we were going to do to her. Draco appeared once more with his wand in hand. He smirked before pointing it at Grander. The wand lit up and now etched across her forehead in red (not blood) was the word mud blood.

The older boys burst out laughing as tears started streaming down Hermione's face. Blaise and Theo let her go and she made a sprint out of the common room. I high-fived Draco and started laughing along with the rest of the boys.


I ran away as fast as I possibly could. I was terrified of what else they were going to do to me. I knew they did something but i couldn't see what. I sprinted to the girls bathroom chambers and looked in the mirror. I broke down crying at what was written on my forehead.

I must have been there for a long time because I heard voices calling out for me. I hid as best I could fearing it was the Slytherins here to torture me again. I started lightly shaking as the voices got closer. It's Ron and Harry.

I started to relax because it's my best friends  and not any of the Slytherins.

"Hermione?" Harry called out upon entering the bathroom. I couldn't hold back the quiet sobs that I've been holding in since I ran away from that horrible place.

"Hermione!" Ron yelled in relief and worry once he saw me. I used my hands to cover my face. I didn't want them to see but Ron moved my hands away. He and Harry gasped. I was a bit worried at what they were going to say. I glanced over at Ron who looked very angry. I've never seen him act this way before.

"Who did this to you?" Harry demanded. I shook my head not wanting to say anything. "Was it Malfoy?" He asked in a calmer voice this time.

"Not just him." I stuttered out. Harry stormed out and Ron was about to follow but Harry told him to stay with me.


Arrow, Blaise and I were still laughing over the events of today on our way to the Great Hall for supper.

"Did you see the look on her fa-." Arrow started but I heard her quickly stop. I turned around just in time to see Potter slamming my sister against the stone wall. He was fuming mad.

"Why did you do that to her? Hermione is your friend." Potter demanded. Arrow snickered a bit before smirking. Not much can intimidate or scare my sister so it's no surprise she's laughing. The only thing that really scares her is our father but I don't blame her, he scares me too.

"Get your hands off her, Potter." I spat having enough of this. Arrow never answered him because she was too busy thinking by the looks of it. Potter didn't move though. I put my hand on his shoulder and shoved him away.

"Get off me Malfoy." he spat after stumbling a bit to regain his balance.

Now it's my turn to get angry. "Listen Potter, mud-blood was in our common room trying to interrogate Arrow to see if she opened the chamber. We just taught her a lesson. A lesson that all three of you "heroes" need to learn. Never mess with us Or any pure blood for that matter. You will never be as good as us. So why don't you run along and go cry to your mummy. Oh wait. You don't have one."

I could hear the other 3 snicker behind me. Potter looked like he was going to cry and then ran off. Serves him well for messing with my sisters.


I realized we crossed the line on this one if we wanted to keep the charade up. I bolted out of the Great Hall as best I could with an arm in a cast and found the trio sitting against the wall in the hallway.

"Hey guys." I quietly greeted but none of them even looked at me. "Look, I'm really sorry. I just followed along with what they would want to do so, maybe I would stop being considered an outcast. I'm especially sorry to you Hermione. I should have never crossed the line like that." I lie so well. I don't mean any of what I said but these three idiots bought it all. They smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

Looks like we can keep this act up longer.

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