(21) Hogsmead

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We were all gathered into a group handing in our signed slips to go to Hogsmead. I made sure that my father signed it the minute we got it so we could go. Potter however was having trouble. He never got his signed, my guess is it's because he has no parents to sign it.

That's gotta suck.

I also finally got the bandage wrap removed but due to permanent damage my arm it will never feel the same.

Once we arrived Crabbe and Goyle sprinted to the shop with all the sweets. As for me I wanted to explore a bit. I walked away from the town and into the woods. I heard heavy footsteps running up behind me. I whipped around ready for anything but it's just my brother and his idiot goons.

We all joked a bit as Draco led us in the direction of the shrieking shack. He said he saw Granger and Weasley going out there. We spotted the two of them and started walking down a small slope to get to them.

"Well well, look who's here. You two shopping for your new dream home. Bit grand for you isn't it weaslebee. Don't your family sleep in a one room." Draco said with a smirk. I giggle a bit from behind him.

"Shut your mouth Malfoy." He muttered.

"Oh, not very friendly. Boys, Arrow, I think it's time we teach weaslebee how to respect his superiors." Draco said proudly and with much confidence. I now stood beside him and smirked.

Granger laughed "I hope you don't mean yourself." She spit out.

"Dare, you talk to us. Filthy little mud blood." Draco spat out at her.

"She's just jealous." I added in laughing a bit.

Draco was about to say something else but he got hit with snow. We all looked to the direction it was thrown from. There's no one there.

"Who's there." Draco demanded. He sounds a bit scared. He acts so tough but the minute he's faced with something he gets scared. Another snowball was thrown and hit me this time. More and more were thrown at the four of us while none hit Weasley or Granger.

"Don't just stand there. Do something." Draco said while pushing Crabbe a bit. Crabbes trousers  were pulled down in the middle of the chaos. I'm never going to get that image out of my head. In an attempt to pull his trousers up, Crabbe got shoved over into the snow.

The untouched two were laughing at us. I'm going to get them good when the time comes. Draco tripped over Crabbe pulling me down with him. I quickly whispered something to him and he nodded. I signaled for Monty and in and instant the tiny dragon turned from just and earring to a tiny dragon but before Draco could signal Orion he was being dragged off...by nothing. I don't get it.

I gave Monty a command and in just a few moments he grew from a tiny dragon to his medium size. He wasn't as big as he can get but still big enough to scare off the person attacking us.

Monty roared which caused Granger and Weasley to fall back. I suddenly got and idea and whispered to Monty to blow in the direction of Draco. He nodded and did as I told him too. Something flew off and Potter was now able to be seen. He must have been using an invisibility cloak.

"Get off me Potter!" Draco demanded kicking Potters hands off his boots. By the look on Harry's face I don't think he realizes the cloak is no longer hiding him.

Granger gave him a look which said "you are no longer hidden." Draco ran up to Monty and I, even laughing a bit. Draco signaled for Orion, and when he was no longer in his bracelet form gave a command for Orion to become the same size as Monty. Draco and I stood proudly with our dragons standing just as proudly behind us.

"Next time you mess with us. You mess with them." I said with maybe way too much confidence. The trio stayed silent in fear until Granger spoke up.

"Where did you get those."

"They were a gift from our parents." Draco said proudly but I elbowed him in the side. He winced a bit. I smirked at the trio before commanded Monty to return to his regular tiny size. Orion did the same.

Both dragons returned to their jewelry form as the four of us walked away from the trio with our heads held high.

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