(52) A Fight

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Out of everyone at Hogwarts I'd never  expected that I would team up with Hermione Granger. We're on two far opposite sides.

"I hate this class." I complained to Hermione as we walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. The new teacher is some odd guy named, Amycus Carrow.

He's been good so far, nothing to be suspicious about. Although, he does hate me guts because of something my father did. That's how it usually goes, nothing new.

"Relax, Arrow. I'm sure it will be great. Why don't we sit together?" She said in an annoyingly cheery voice.

"Your optimism is appreciated but, unlike me , the teacher doesn't hate you. As for sitting together, not the best idea. Everyone is already is confused as to why we spend so much time together. Draco and I got into a fight because I wouldn't tell him the truth. That never happens." I grumbled. Just the other night he was upset that I wouldn't tell him the truth. In times like this I hate it when he knows I'm lying. We hardly ever fight over anything serious. Just a few family squabbles every now and then.

I took my usual seat at the front of the classroom next to my brother. It's the same seat I've sat in since Year 3. It hasn't changed while everyone else changes their seats all the time. Draco is already waiting for me and he does not look pleased. I'm seriously in for it.

The door leading to the classroom office swung open and out came Carrow in a dramatic fashion. He almost reminds me of Lockhart. Wow, having him as a professor feels like ages ago. I wonder if he still can't remember anything? All of the professors feel like ages ago.

"Welcome, students. Today we will be taking a small field trip to the Forbidden Forest. For some of those who partook in the battle, this should be a piece of cake. Now, off we go." He ushered us all up and out the doors.

Draco started mumbling something beside me when Hermione waved me over. I ignored him and went to her.

"We've got to take any chance we have in the forest. No doubt he's going to split everyone up." I nodded in agreement. We need to take this opportunity, Draco and Harry will thank us in the long haul when they no longer hate each other.

We stopped at the edge of the forest and with a stern look Professor Carrow started looking us all over. "Longbottom with Lovegood. Weasley with Finnigan. Granger with Potter and let's have the Malfoys together. It's much better to keep all the trouble contained in one spot. As for the rest of you, I don't care, choose your own partner."

"Professor, I would much rather switch with Draco and be with Arrow." Hermione spoke up, Professor Carrow just waved her off so we took that as a yes. Draco started to grumble even more as he joined Potter.

We all split up and embarked into the forest. I can already hear Draco arguing with Potter. This may just be hopeless.


I can't believe my sister wanted to partner with Granger and I was forced to be with Potter. I've already been having a hard enough time to keeping a lot of rude comments to myself.

I looked up from the ground to see that Harry is far behind me. "Honestly Potter, how slow can you walk?" I insulted, I now I shouldn't but it's how I stay confident.  He didn't say anything and instead rolled his eyes. I waited for him before we kept on walking.

I'm not sure how deep into the forest we are now but I can't here any other voices besides our own. Is it possible we went to far in?

"Who's that?" Harry asked out of nowhere in our silence. I looked to where he pointed to and with one quick movement I pushed both of us behind a tree. Harry started to talk on further but I put my hand over his mouth. I waited for the men to pass on before letting out a huge sigh of relief.

Then I was made very aware of our position. Our bodies were pressed close together, faces inches apart. I slowly lowered my hand and gazed into his emerald green eyes.

What am I going?

I quickly scooted away and distanced myself from him.  "To answer your question, those men are Azkaban officials. If they see me, I'm a goner." I may have seen it wrong but it looks like Harry was hurt after I said that.

Surely he doesn't care about what happens to me. I'm surprised neither him or his friends have reported Arrow and I.

We didn't talk much on our way back to join the group. I'm trying to figure out all the ways to get back at my sister.


When Draco and Harry finally joined the group I noticed that they both won't even look at each other. This either went really bad or really good. Draco glared at me as he started walking towards me.

"You are going to pay for that." He snapped and didn't even look me in the eye. Judging by his attitude, he embarrassed himself. Oh how I wish I could have seen it.

I waved to Hermione before Draco dragged me back to the common room. Once we arrived I threw myself onto the couch. It's been a long day.

When I looked up I was met with Draco standing over me. His arms are folded over his chest and he glaring at me.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed.

"An explanation."

I rolled my eyes and sat up. This is childish behavior, especially coming from him. "We only wanted you and Harry to get together. I know bad you feel for everything and I know you like him. I'm trying to make it easier."

Draco scoffed, he's not that impressed. "You trusted her? Stupid decision."

I angrily stood up. "Sorry for trying to make you happy."

"We all know you only care about yourself." He insulted. I only care about myself? I've been putting Draco first for years and I only care about myself. That's absolute rubbish.

"Says you." I retorted. "You always have to be the center of attention. I'm trying to help you."

"I didn't ask for it. Just stay out of it." He sneered. "Just stop meddling in my life. Sometimes I wish you stayed dead." Draco yelled.

I didn't say anything back and just kept quiet. Tears started falling quickly from my eyes. Draco's face fell and he started mumbling a lot of apologies.

I pushed right past him and ran out of the common room. I'm going anywhere but here.

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