(57) New Years

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I haven't heard from my father since before the holidays. I'm extremely grateful for that but also worried. He's got to be planning something...huge.

Today is New Year's Eve so I've been trying to push those worried thoughts aside. George has been here since Christmas. I've been soaking up every little minute with him because everyday I feel like it's my last with him.

"Only 10 minutes until the New Year." Ginny cheered. "Everyone find your special someone." She joked and pulled Luna closer to her.

I giggled a bit as George grabbed my hand and spun me around before pulling me close. Ron helped Hermione up from the couch and started dancing with her. There's been music playing all night.

I noticed Draco and Harry awkwardly watching all of us. They've been talking a bit but not much. Draco hates how much time we've been spending with the Gryffindors, he doesn't mind George. Maybe tonight will be different?

We all danced to the music a little while longer. It's a slow song now which I think is a great way to end the year. If only Draco will man up and asked Harry to dance. I'm pretty sure they like each other. The only person who would have a problem is Ron but he can be dealt with.

As we continued dancing all my focus moved onto George. He smiled down at me as leaned my head against his chest and continued softly moving to the music. He wrapped his arms around me a little tighter to bring us closer together. I could easily fall asleep like this.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw everyone but Harry and Draco dancing the same way.


I felt uneasy watching my sister and the others. I'm way out of place here. I've been thinking about just leaving. Harry started slowly inching closer to me as time went on.

I've developed feelings for him over the years but I've always been too scared to act on them.

"1 minute." Weasley shouted and interrupted the mood of the night but it wasn't hard for everyone to fall back in it. Arrow was too lost in George's eyes to pay any attention to anything else.

Before I knew it the clock struck 12 and everyone was making out. I don't know what came over me but I wanted to make a change this year. No more petty conversations.

I made the first move and pulled Harry in. I placed my lips on his own and started softly kissing him.

To my surprise he kissed me back. I placed my hands on Harry's waist and her placed his on my chest. I'm not sure how long we stayed like that. All I could focus on was that I'm finally kissing Harry Potter.

"Bloody hell!"

I broke away in a jump and found that everyone is staring at us. Everyone but Weasley has a huge smile on their face. Ron looks like he's going to kill me.

"What the hell was that?" He demanded. Weasley hates Arrow and I, so I should have just keep my hands to myself but damn did it feel good. "Harry?"

Harry doesn't have an answer either. We both quietly stood as Ron got more upset by the minute.

"Ron, calm down." Hermione tried but I don't think it's any use.

I ran out of the common room with Arrow calling after me. I should have never even gone but Arrow was so persistent. She said it would be good for all of us and it would be rude to turn down Hermione's invite. I'm not sure when those two became friends but ever since then it's been weird for everyone.

I need to clear my head. The only place I can think of to go is the place I've been avoiding since the school year started.

I walked to the astronomy tower by myself. I hate going up there. It's where my life turned for the worse. Its where Arrow and I killed Dumbledore.

"I'm a bit surprised to see you up here." Harry said in a usually soft voice, I didn't turn around to face him. He walked up next to me and copied my actions. "I was looking for you." He put his hand on top of mine and laced his fingers with my own. I felt butterflies at this simple move but at the same time I thought about pulling away. We can't happen.

"Rough night?" He simply asked. It was way worse than just a rough night. Harry's being so calm about everything. I should have never kissed him.

"You can say that." I responded looking up at the stars. The night sky reminds me of Monty.

"Want to talk about it?"


We continued to look up at the millions of stars in the pitch black sky.

"I wish there was a way I could look inside you're head. Somethings obviously troubling you. You always fidget when something is bothering you." Harry said after a while of silence. I never thought he payed attention to the little things.

"It's too dark for you." I replied softly, continuing to look up at the sky.

I turned to see the perfect boy staring at me. He pulled me in close. "I like you." He confessed and closed the small gap between us.

His lips felt prefect against my own. I moved my hand up to the back of his neck and gently pulled Harry in closer. We eventually broke for air and leaned our foreheads against each other's. This was so much better than the kiss in the common room.

"I like you too and I'm terrified." I confessed with my voice breaking. "You're the hero and I'm a monster." He pulled me in once again, this one being better than the first.


It all happened so fast. One minute Hermione and Ron were arguing and the next was all fuzzy. I remember an excruciating pain coming from my right forearm and then falling to the ground. I can vaguely remember George shouting at Ron and then pulling me close.

I could hear my fathers voice in my head. With the loud echo I thought for sure everyone else could hear it.

"We're ready."

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