(63) Locked Away

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3 months.

I've been here for 3 months. I haven't left my cell at all. I've all been feeling even more sick as each day passes. I've been throwing up a lot, it's awful.

I miss Draco more than anything. We're in the same place but so far apart. The screams have been keeping me awake. I haven't gotten a decent night sleep since the first night here. I'm pretty sure I have horrible bags under my eyes but who's going to see them?

I haven't eaten much either, which is not helping the horrible stomach pains I've been getting. It's just enough to stay alive.

I constantly wonder how everyone is doing so I don't think about myself. I think about Draco, mother, and even father as awful as he is. I wonder what mother is doing right now, does she even know that we're here? I think about Hermione and Harry. Even Ron, despite that we aren't very fond of each other.

I think about Neville, Fred, Luna, and Ginny. I don't know what's happening outside these four walls I've been restricted to.

Lastly, I think about George. I always told him that he should stop loving me because one day they'll take me away from everything I've done. He never listened. Instead, he'd sit me down and hold me close. He would softly hum his favorite song and we could stay like that for hours.

Before he visited for the holidays we wrote everyday. George would tell me all about the shop and all the new things he's made. I would spend a whole day just reading through all his letters. I wish I had a few with me.

I've hit rock bottom at this point. All I have are my thoughts, which isn't a good thing. I've been trapped in my my mind for 3 months reminiscing all the memories and nightmares.

I know 3 months isn't all that bad compared to Sirius who was here for 12 years but It's a living hell especially when the dementors start screaming.


I think 2 more months have gone by now but I'm not sure. If they have then that means the Hogwarts school year is over.

That makes 5 months here total...I think.

They moved me to another cell, deeper into the facility. I didn't even try to fight it, I'm so tired. The pain in my stomach has only grown but I refuse to eat anything extra. At least I've stopped throwing everything up.

I've been fighting to stay wake. If I fell asleep then I might not wake up. Right now that doesn't sound like a horrible idea. I wonder how everyone is holding up?

I wrapped my arms around my stomach as it longed for food. I've only been eating enough to stay alive but maybe I should stop eating entirely. This nightmare will end once and for all. It feels like I've spent an eternity in here. I can see how everyone who's ever gotten out has gone mad.

Maybe if I sleep I'll see...what's his name? Frankie? No, what was it? Fred, right, Fred. Maybe I'll see Fred.

"Wake up!" I heard banging on the metal door. It's not like I was asleep anyways, at least not yet. The door flew open and hit the wall with a loud bang, I flinched at the noise.

An unknown man pulled me up to my feet and dragged me out. I was entirely dependent on him to keep me upright. We apperated away somewhere. On my empty stomach that wasn't the best idea.

I was hit by the bright sun shinning in my face. I tried to take in my surroundings but everything is fuzzy.

It's taking my eyes a minute to get used to the bright light. I focused on a large mass and barely made out the ministry building. Is this a good sign?

My poor health caught up to me and I stumbled to the ground. The man got angry and pulled me back up but that caused me to loose my balance even worse.

He should know that when a person hardly eats anything for 5 months, this is going to happen. I bet he's too dumb to understand.

"Let her go." A familiar voice demanded harshly. My vision is getting even worse, I can't figure out who it is. The man let go of the harsh grip he had on my arm. I tumbled all the way to the ground once more. "Arrow! Are you okay?" Another set of much kinder arms helped me back up.

"Ginny? It's so nice to see you. How's Harry?" I smiled.

"She's worse off than I thought." Ginny said to someone else but her voice is much deeper than I remember. "Arrow, it's George. You're boyfriend, remember?" I mentally hit myself.

"I'm sorry. My sight is way off at the moment." I mumbled. I don't think it's physically possible for me to talk any louder.

"She's severely dehydrated and malnourished. I think she's sleep deprived as well." A new kinder sounding voice pointed out. She's not wrong.

George lifted me up and I was carried away. I'm not sure where as the lights start to go out.

I finally felt safe enough to sleep.

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