(42) Stand Up

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Draco and I were asked to join the others. They think they found Potter. I stood next to father as Draco was asked to observe the horribly deformed boy.

Bellatrix pulled the boys head up for Draco to see. "Well?"

"I can't be sure." Draco said quickly. It's a lie, I even know it's Potter. Granger and Weasley are with him.

"Draco. Look closely, son." Father whispered. He grabbed a right hold on Draco's neck from behind. "If we are the ones to hand Potter over to the dark lord everything would be forgiven. All would be as it was, you understand?" I can easily hear the fear in fathers voice.

"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy." One of the men who caught Potter said.

"You dare to talk to me like that in my own house?" He said as his voice grew into a yell.

My mother decided it was her time to step in. "Lucius." She pulled him back over to where I'm standing.

"Don't be shy, sweetie. Come over." Bellatrix urged. Draco knelt in front of Potter. "Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure." No pressure, then. "Our lives all rest on if you can tell who this actually is."

I know Draco knows who this is. I could see it in his eyes when they dragged him in.

"What's wrong with his face?" Draco whispered upon getting closer to Potters face.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" My aunt asked the men.

"He came to us like that." They answered as Draco continued to study Potter. "Something he picked up in the forest, I reckon."

"Or ran into a stinging jinx. Was it you, dearie?" Bellatrix pitted towards Granger. "Give me her wand. We'll see what her last spell was." Father, mother and I stepped by Draco. I placed a hand on his shoulder as comfort while father placed a hand on his other shoulder.

I turned to see Bellatrix attacking all the men. I tried to divert my attention from that and her shouts. "Put the boys in the cellar! I want to have a little conversation with this one, girl to girl."

Potter and Weasley were ripped away while Granger was left behind. Bellatrix quickly pinned Hermione to the ground.

"That sword is meant to be in my vault as Gringotts. How did you get it?" Granger started to cry in, most likely, pain and fear. After all Bellatrix is sitting on top of her, there faces are inches apart. "What else did you and your friends take from my vault!?"

"I didn't take anything. Please. I didn't take anything." Granger sobbed. I desperately want to do something but I don't want to end up in the same place as Granger. Instead I stood absolutely still trying not to flinch or react to any of Hermione's cries.

"I don't believe it." Bellatrix lowered her head to Hermione's arm. I think she's biting Granger. Hermione's screams filled the room. I tried not to intervene in any way but it's getting harder by the minute.

"Please! Please!" Granger begged.

"Shut up!" Bellatrix yelled, annoyed. Grangers screams filled the room once more. By now I think they can be heard throughout the entire manor.

It got to much to handle and I left the room. I wanted to go see Potter and Weasley in the dungeon but when I apparated there, it was empty. I ran quickly up the stairs and back into the room.

I saw Weasley disarm Bellatrix and Potter shoot a spell at my father. I managed to avoid the blasts and joined my mother and brother in fighting Potter and Weasley.

"Stop!" Bellatrix commanded and everyone did. She's now holding Granger with a knife to her neck. "Drop your wands. I said, drop them!" The two boys dropped the wands to the ground. "Pick them up, Draco, now." Draco quickly did as told. "Well, well, well, look what we have here. It's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the dark lord. Call him. Call him."

Father walked next to Draco and I. Potter stared at Draco but my brother wouldn't meet his eyes.

My father was the one to call the dark lord but squeaking could be heard. I looked up and saw dobby on the chandelier. It fell to the ground, almost hitting Bellatrix. I pulled Draco out of harms way. Potter fought with him to get the wands back. My father went flying back once more because of Potter.

"Stupid elf. You could've killed me!"

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure."

Mother tried to cast a spell on the group but dobby took her wand. She looked shocked.

"How dare you take a witch's wand. How dare you defy you masters." Bellatrix yelled in anger.

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." Bellatrix threw her dagger but they apparated away.

The dagger going with them.

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