(51) Being Better

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I have, honestly, been trying to get better. After what Fred told me, about George not liking the path I've been going down. I've been trying to to change. It must be working because Draco has certainly noticed a difference. He's asked me about it at least 4 times. It's a bit annoying now.

I walked alone to Potions. I haven't been in the people mood, which doesn't matter, people don't even come near me anyways. They don't want to be associated with someone who worked for the dark lord. It's okay though, I know what I was being forced into.

I understand everyones trouble of trusting us. It's hard to hard to even trust yourself after everything that's happened. That night Dumbledore died, I could have stepped aside and let Snape handle it but fear took over that night. Well...not just fear, a part of me wanted the thrill of it.

I left my thoughts behind as I entered the Great Hall. Per usual the room went silent when I entered. It's something you get used to so I just ignored it and went straight for my seat. Draco is already there but he's not touching any of his food. I've noticed that he's cut back quite a lot on his food intake. Guilt is eating him from the inside out. If anyone should be guilty it's me. I pressured him into a lot of things after our father.

I got up and walked to the Gryffindor table. It started to go silent again as I approached Potter. I can see most of the students with their hands ready to pull out wands if need be. It won't be needed.

"Can I talk to you privately?" I whispered to Potter. He gave me a shocked look and Weasley began protesting.

"Bloody hell, Malfoy. Absolutely not. Who knows what you could do to Harry." He argued. I was about to respond but Granger spoke instead.

"I was actually about to come find you. We may need to discuss the same matter. Come with me." Granger stood up and took my by the hand. I can still hear Weasley arguing as we walked out of the great hall.

I followed Hermione through the school. I have no idea where she's taking me. I think I should be worried. Granger is an amazing witch, she can easily overpower me and that's something I don't say often.

We kept going up until I realized where we're going. There's no way I can go up there. She's crazy, she must be plotting something.

"I'm not going up there." I firmly stated and stood my ground. Granger stopped walking and gave me a bit of a sympathetic look.

"Right, you must have terrible memories associated with that part of the school. Let's go find the room of requirement." She led me away from the astronomy tower and down an empty hallway. I know exactly where the room is so I started to take the lead.

The wall opened for us and inside is a comfy looking sitting room. It has a few couches and armchairs close together with a lot fireplace against the wall. I've never seen this room so empty. The last time I was here is was literally filled to the brim.

Granger took a seat on one of the dark red couches and I took a seat on the dark green one across from her. It's almost got like a Christmas theme going on.

"What was it you needed to discuss with Harry?" She started with. I don't know if I can tell her. She's probably against the entire idea of them even being friends much less a couple.

"Why don't you go first. How do I know I can trust you?" I replied while crossing my legs up on the couch.

"It's about your brother and Harry."

My eyes widened, "I have the same matter to discuss."

A small hopeful smile spread across her lips. "It's so obvious that Harry likes him, he's always defending Draco."

I nodded, "Mt brother is the same, guilt is eating Draco from the inside out. It's always so tense. They don't even have a reason to hate each other now." I messed around with the ring on the finger. It's a promise ring from George.

"Why haven't you said this before?"

I have Hermione a dumb look. "It's because everyone hates us, especially Potter." She shook her head.

"Not everyone."

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