(29) End of Year 4

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I'm going to be skipping ahead because Draco doesn't really show up much after that since I'm going off the movies and I don't really know how to incorporate him in. I'm only skipping to the end of Year 4.


I boarded the train and quickly found a seat. Draco must have gotten caught up in goodbyes because it's just me or at least it was until Potter and Granger joined me.

"Arrow? We have some questions to ask you." Potter said sitting down across from me.

"I'm sorry but I would rather not be interrogated today." It's true, I don't want to speak to them, like ever.

"It's important." Granger spoke up.

"Fine, if it gets you to leave sooner."

They both straighten up before speaking but Potter spoke first.

"Back during year three when you mentioned who your father is Peter Pettigrew asked why you weren't helping him and just this year when you spoke about the killing curse Moody, or who we thought was Moody, said you knew about that. Why is that?"

I scoffed, this is a stupid question. I know my father was there that night with Voldemort and I know Potter saw him. I think he just wants to see if I know about my father.

"I think you know why Potter and just for the record I know about what my father does. I've known about what was going to happen at the end of the tournament before school even started. Now I suggest you two leave me alone." I said gesturing for them to leave. They both did so quickly.

Just as they left Draco came in. "What was that all about?"

"They just wanted to know about our father. I didn't tell them anything useful." I replied as Draco sat across from me.

"What do you think it's going to be like at home now?" Draco asked after a few moments of silence. I just shrugged and looked out the window.

I must have dozed off for a while because when I opened my eyes the train was coming to a stop. I got off the train expecting to see my mother but my father was with her. Once Draco got off I pointed in their direction and he looked a bit confused.

"I didn't think father would be here." He said.

"I didn't think so either." I replied starting to walk towards them with Draco close by me.

I smiled and hugged my mother and then hugged my father, Draco did the same. We gathered our things and started to head home.

The four of us walked into the manor and Draco immediately dragged me up to his bedroom.

"Things are going to be different now. I mean he's here." Draco sighed and sat down on his bed.

"Different isn't always a bad thing Draco." I replied sitting on the armchair close to his bed.

"I know your right but something is just telling me none of this is going to end up well."

"It's going to be fine. As long as you and I stick up for each other nothing will happen to us. We just just need to be a bit careful what we do now around everyone." I stood up from the chair and walked over to the bed and sat down next to Draco. "We are going to be fine." Draco looked at me and then I pulled him in for a hug. He smiled as I got up and walked into my bedroom, leaving the door between the two open.

Is it really going to be fine? From what father has told me they have big plans and some that involve Draco and I. My father is hiding something though, something big.

Whenever I ask him what the plans for Draco and I are he only tells me I'll find out in time. It makes me a bit nervous.

There's a battle coming, I can feel it. I just wonder, who will win?

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