(4) Year 2

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Summer is almost over.

I received my invitation to Hogwarts and my parents approved of me going this year. I still wonder why they wouldn't let me last year but know better that to question it.

Draco and I are currently in Diagon Ally purchasing the supplies we need for school. We've been here all day, I still need to gather supplies for the start of my year. We already went to Olivander's. My wand ended up being sycamore wood with a dragon heartstring core.

I love it.

Father told us he needed to attend to some business in Knockturn Alley, the dark part of Diagon Alley. We followed him through the sketchy paths as all sorts of witches and wizards eyed my brother and I up and down. I always feel uncomfortable here. While Draco was away for his first year father needed to come here quite often and would bring me with him.

Draco and I ran ahead and looked through the shop window. There's all sorts of things in there. We slowly walked through the door and Draco placed a hand on one of the artifacts, examining it. Suddenly father appeared behind us slamming his cane on the artifact nearly hitting Draco. My twin brother quickly pulled his hand away.

"Don't touch anything." My father snapped with an icy tone of voice.

"Yes father." Draco and I said simultaneously.

We continued to look around the shop, not touching anything. Draco took particular interest in a coffin. I shoved him aside and ran my hands around the face of it. I can tell someone is inside but I didn't say anything about it. My father hit the coffin with his cane almost hitting me this time.

I pulled my hand away and he told us we had to go. The three of us walked out of the shop and back onto the busy streets of the ally. The next store Draco and I need to go to for supplies is Flourish and Blotts. I hate that store. What makes it even worse is they have some stupid book singing by some guy who's full of himself.

We leaned against the balcony and I spotted Gilderoy Lockhart drag Potter in front of all the cameras to show him off. I snickered at Potters unwanted attention. Draco stayed silent which is unusual for him.

This is the first time I've really got a good look of Potter. He doesn't look like the hero everyone painted him as. He's quite scrawny actually. How did he vanquish the dark lord?

I walked down the stairs to find more books for my classes. I stopped at a particular shelf, that has books on magical creatures. I felt the presence of three people come up behind me. I don't even need to look to know who they are.

The best part?

They don't know who I am. This is going to be fun. I looked up to Draco and smirked. He seems to get the idea.

"Can I help you three?" I asked, not turning around to face them. I heard some mumbles and turned around to face, as Draco told me, the 'golden trio'.

"Are you attending Hogwarts this year?" The girl, who I learned as Hermione from Draco, asked. I nodded and they all started introducing themselves. I scoffed, I already knew who they are. Potter seemed to be taken aback by my reaction.

"My brother attends Hogwarts and told me all about how you three saved the school. I'm quite impressed." I lied. If there is something I am good at, it is definitely lying. They all smiled and I turned to see Draco smirk at me before walking down the wooden steps. He ripped a page out of a random book and shoved it in the pocket of his robe. He moved to stand  in Potter's face and Hermione pulled me back. I giggled as silently as I can, like I need protection from that over gelled softie. 

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