(16) Year 3

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I was a bit nervous seeing my father waiting for us when we arrived back at the manor. He smiled at us and it was a genuine smile. That's a rare sight to see.

"Have you gathered all your supplies?" He asked the smile disappearing from his face. Draco and I quickly nodded. "Good, I suggest you start gathering your things now. I also must inform you that Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban but do not worry you two will remain safe." and with that he walked off.

"That was weird." I told Draco as we walked back to our rooms. Draco nodded in agreement.

I walked into my bedroom and threw the bag containing the new supplies bought on the bed. I pulled out my trunk from the large walk in closet filled with clothes and shoes. I packed my robes and a few sweaters and skirts. Along with some regular clothes to wear outside of Hogwarts and some night wear.

Finally I threw my books and a few other important items in the trunk and closed it locking it shut. I lugged the heavy trunk by the door and set it there where it's going to sit till it's time to leave. I then packed a few things such as my wand, a book, and a few other things for the train ride into a small bag and set that on top of the trunk.

"Are you all packed?" I turned to see Draco standing in the connecting doorway between our rooms. I nodded. "Wanna go outside." He smirked and twirled the broom he's holding. I eagerly nodded and dug my broom out of the closet.

He started running through the house and out the door that led to the back of the house. He mounted his broom and it lifted him into the air. I smirked and dropped my broom onto the ground. He looked down at me with a confused look as I moved my hand to the dragon earring I'm wearing.

I pressed my finger down into the tail and the earring slowly turned into a real dragon

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I pressed my finger down into the tail and the earring slowly turned into a real dragon. I placed him onto the ground and gave him a command. The dragon slowly started to get bigger till he was the sized of a full grown dragon.

This is the first time I've summoned him as my mother gave me this earring this morning. She knows how much I love animals, especially dragons and snakes. He bowed to me as I admired his beauty. I've never seen a dragon like this.

(This is what I imagine him to look like)

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(This is what I imagine him to look like)

He lowered his wing as an invitation for me to climb onto his back. I gladly did so and once I was fully on he started flapping his wings lifting the two of us into the air.


I rode my broom up into the clouds which meant I couldn't see the ground below. Where is my sister? Did she just ditch me? That's not like her. Sure she'll ditch everyone else but not her twin brother.

I was about to ride back down when a large mass zoomed up right in front of me. I spun on the broom and once I regained my balance I was able to focus my eyes on a huge dragon. It looks like the night sky. I started to freak out and rode away as fast as my broom could take me but the dragon was chasing me.

I fell off the broom and started falling back towards the ground and just as I was about to hit the ground the dragon caught me. I saw my sister on the back of the dragon laughing.

"This isn't funny!" I whined. "Put me down!" I demanded. The dragon carefully set me down before landing next to me.

"This is Monty, do you like him?" Arrow asked while stroking the dragon. She slid down his wing and landed on the ground. She said something that I couldn't quite catch but the dragon started to shrink in size till it was able to fit in her palm. Arrow picked the, now small, dragon up and he rested in the palm of her hand.

"Where did you him?" I asked, now fascinated with the creature.

"Mom gave him to me." I rolled my eyes. Of course she did .

She let the dragon crawl up to her ear and I watched as it slowly turned into silver and attach like an earring to her ear. The dragon curled around her ear and was entirely silver. No one could tell that it was ever real.

**Time Skip**


I boarded the train to Hogwarts with Draco. Monty was in his small form resting on my shoulder. I saw Potter and waved, which he returned. We're still keeping this charade up and plan to end it tonight at supper. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces.

I took a short nap to pass the time but I woke up to the temperature of the train dropped rapidly. I looked up to see the widows covered in ice. I moved to Draco's seat and I then saw a hideous creature slowly passing the compartment. I buried my face in Draco's chest waiting for it to be over. Not much scares me but this...this is scary.

When Draco saw the monster pass he reassured me that it was gone and we were going to be okay. I nodded and slowly moved back to my original seat. I heard a small whimper by my ear. Monty! I didn't even think of him. With how cold it got and him being in his small forms they must be freezing. I pulled out my wand and cast a spell that produced heat from the top of the wand. Monty snuggled into my lap as I held the wand over him.

Once my arm started getting tired he was warmed up enough to not need the heat anymore and it was just in time too because the train started rolling to a stop. Monty didn't want to turn back.

I told him that once we got to the dorms he could run free. I felt him wrap around my ear and turn into his silver form. I picked up my small back from the seat and followed Draco out of the train. I started hearing everyone whisper about the same thing.

"Did you hear that Potter fainted on the train?" My brother said once we exited the train. I couldn't help but laugh. How pathetic can he get?

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