(67) Epilouge

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"What if I get put in Slytherin?"

Harry knelt to be eye level with his son. "Listen James Malfoy. The most amazing man I've ever met, who also happens to be your dad, was in Slytherin and he's not so bad is he?"

"No, except when he doesn't let me stay up late." James replied to his father. Harry just chuckled at his response.

"Why don't we go find your cousins?" Harry stood up and led James through the crowd.

"Uncle Harry!" A young girl with brown eyes and light blonde hair ran up to Harry and hugged him.

"Rosalyn Malfoy, what have I told you about running off?" Harry looked up to see his sister in law, Arrow.

"Sorry, mom" Rosalyn apologized as she trudged back to her mom.

"It's nice to see you, Arrow." Harry smiled as be pulled Arrow in for a hug. When they pulled away he asked, "Is Draco around anywhere?"

"I haven't seen him since we arrived at the platform. He better be here, the train leaves soon." Right on cue Draco came running through the crowd with a young, blonde haired girl laughing on his back and a blonde haired boy running along side him.

"I'm here!" He announced out of breath once he reached us. Arrow and Harry laughed at Draco. "Lily wanted to stop at the shop and get sweets."

"You spoil your kids to much, Draco." Arrow laughed, joining the group.

"Well so do you." George replied. He put an arm around Arrow's waist while Draco and Harry chuckled at her.

"Where's Adrian and Sam?" Arrow asked, quite worried, after realizing her two other kids weren't with them. She looked around until she spotted the dark red hair of Adrian. He was walking towards them with Sam, the middle child of their three.

"Look at this. He's taller than me now." Arrow said motioning to Adrian who's almost the height of 6'3. "He gets it from George." Arrow joked around. The rest of them joined in on the laughter but the train whistle blew signaling that it's time to leave soon.

"Ready to go children?" Harry asked the 4 children who are attending Hogwarts this year.

"You can't leave without, Charlie." The group looked to see Hermione, Ron, and their two children join the group.

Harry and Draco followed in suit with their kids running for the train.


Scorpius and James hugged their parents and little sister goodbye and raced to the train. Charlie hugged his parents goodbye as well as his younger sister, Grace. He ran off to join Scorpius and James on the train. Sam and Adrian did the same with their  parents and siblings. Adrian was about to take off but Arrow stopped him.

"Adrian, since this is your 7th year. I ask that you watch over the others for their first year. Can you do that?." Arrow asked the oldest of the children. Adrian nodded and hugged his parents once more and then ran to the train as well.

The 6 parents waved goodbye to their children while watching the train start for Hogwarts.

The three younger girls were upset to see their older siblings leave but they wouldn't be far behind them.


"Welcome Students!" Headmistress McGonagall announced the the busy students. "Let the sorting commence!" She pulled out a list of names and started reading them off.

"Scorpius Malfoy"

Scorpius walked up to the stool and sat down as the hat was placed on his head.

"Slytherin!" The hat called out quickly. Scorpius happily hopped off the chair and ran to join the Slytherin students. They all congratulated him on making it. Many of them said it was no surprise he made it in since his father is Draco Malfoy. Sam, who's also in Slytherin, moved to sit down next to his cousin. They excitedly talked to each other about how awesome it is that they're in the same house.

"James Malfoy." McGonagall called out next.

James nervously made his way to the chair. The hat was placed on his head.

"I see you are conflicted. Your parents were in Gryffindor and Slytherin, but you're more, and I see you don't know which one you want. You are very brave but also ambitious. I'll place you in...Gryffindor!"

James excitedly jumped from his seat and joined the other students at the Gryffindor table. Adrian, who's also in that house, made room for his cousin at the table.

"Charlie Weasley." McGonagall called for next.

Charlie confidently walked to the hat. It was placed on his head and quickly shouted,


James cheered when his cousin joined him. They high-fived and watched as the next student was called.

After everyone was sorted the food appeared and they quickly dug in.

That's a wrap people. It only took me like 3 years to write and no social life but it's done. I thank everyone who read it. Y'all are amazing for actually reading my work all the way through.

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